started trying to promote accessibility • Members were not aware of how important accessibility is. • Some people had even never heard of the word “accessibility”.
really made me want to find what I can do for letting everyone on a planet earth access to their team”. 「世界中の⼈がチームにアクセスできるように ⾃分ができること」をこれから⾒ つけていきたいと⼼から思いました︕ Voice from workshop
think the idea that users are not accessing our software, they are accessing their teams is something we should never forget.” 「グループウェアにアクセスするのが⽬的ではなく、「すべてのユーザ」がチーム にアクセスすることが⽬的であるという考え⽅は、絶対に忘れないようにした いと感じました。」 Voice from workshop
the problems at every step in dev process Design Testing Requirement Definition Implementing Because many team members understand the value of accessibility
corporative Accessibility can be considered by everyone as an important process in the development flow. Accessibility regards one of the most important values for everyone.