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Jenkins as a Code - leveraging Groovy for infra...

Jenkins as a Code - leveraging Groovy for infrastructure management

Jobs in Jenkins (or any other CI/CD tool) can be created and updated manually using GUI. It is ok if you have a few/several of them. However, most of the companies grow and you can quickly wake up with dozens or hundreds of jobs to maintain.

A new email address/alias to get notification about failed builds? Global migration to the better™ SCM? No way to do it manually with GUI in a convenient way. Manual scripts using Jenkins API? Better, but hard to test and maintain. The same applies to plugin installation, credentials etc. Luckily, there is a better way.

During the talk we will present how Jenkins Job DSL together with Ansible can be used to automatically provision Jenkins instance and maintain any number of jobs. We will show how to define jobs and views in Groovy based DSL and test automatically that the generated structures are exactly the same as expected in Jenkins. Expect live demo - we will setup fully functional Jenkins instance with just one click!

Co-presented with Łukasz Szczęsny.

Marcin Zajączkowski

March 19, 2016

More Decks by Marcin Zajączkowski

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Jenkins as a code Leveraging Groovy for infrastructure management Łukasz

    Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog GR8Day Warsaw, 19th March 2016
  2. About Łukasz Software engineer @ Uber FOSS and Open Hardware

    lover Co-organizer of the Warsaw Linux User Group Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  3. About Marcin Areas of expertise Automatic Testing / TDD Software

    Craftsmanship / Code Quality Java8 / Groovy Concurrency / Parallel Computing / Reactive Systems Deployment Automation / Continuous Delivery FOSS projects author and contributor, blogger Leads a small software house - Codearte targeted at clients who care about the quality Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  4. Agenda Manual Jenkins maintenance Job configuration as code Jenkins Job

    DSL Infrastructure as code Case study - Continuous Delivery in Jenkins Live demo Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  5. Manual Jenkins maintenance configuration via GUI does not scale slow,

    error prone, and boring Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  6. Manual Jenkins maintenance configuration via GUI does not scale slow,

    error prone, and boring problematic with dozens of jobs and plugins Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  7. Manual Jenkins maintenance configuration via GUI does not scale slow,

    error prone, and boring problematic with dozens of jobs and plugins mission impossible with several microservices deployed in several countries for multiple products using deployment pipeline with several steps each Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  8. Jenkins Job DSL Job configuration in code Łukasz Szczęsny &

    Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  9. (Jenkins) Job DSL - 2 parts Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin

    Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  10. (Jenkins) Job DSL - 2 parts Domain Specific Language to

    specify job configuration Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  11. (Jenkins) Job DSL - 2 parts Domain Specific Language to

    specify job configuration Jenkins plugin to transform configuration DSL into real jobs in Jenkins Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  12. Job DSL - part 1 - configuration Łukasz Szczęsny &

    Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  13. Job DSL - part 1 - configuration Groovy based DSL

    (Domain Specific Language) job/view/dashboard configuration developed as "normal" code in IDE with auto-completion type check Groovy magic if needed outside Jenkins instance Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  14. Job DSL - simple example j o b ( '

    g r 8 d a y - w e b s i t e - p u b l i s h ' ) { s c m { g i t h u b ( ' g r 8 d a y / w e b s i t e ' ) } t r i g g e r s { s c m ( ' * / 1 5 * * * * ' ) } s t e p s { g r a d l e ( ' p u b l i s h ' ) } } Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  15. Job DSL - dynamic example S t r i n

    g r e p o = ' g r 8 d a y / m o b i l e - a p p ' U R L b r a n c h U r l = " h t t p s : / / a p i . g i t h u b . c o m / r e p o s / $ r e p o / b r a n c h e s " . t o U R L ( ) L i s t b r a n c h e s = n e w J s o n S l u r p e r ( ) . p a r s e T e x t ( b r a n c h U r l . t e x t ) b r a n c h e s . e a c h { b r a n c h - > S t r i n g s a f e B r a n c h N a m e = b r a n c h . n a m e . r e p l a c e A l l ( ' / ' , ' - ' ) j o b ( " $ r e p o - $ s a f e B r a n c h N a m e - b u i l d " ) { s c m { g i t h u b r e p o , b r a n c h . n a m e } t r i g g e r s { s c m ' H / 1 0 * * * * ' } s t e p s { g r a d l e ' c h e c k ' } } } Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  16. Job DSL - features comprehensive support for Jenkins Core stuff

    Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  17. Job DSL - features comprehensive support for Jenkins Core stuff

    extensive support for additional plugins over 180 plugins as of version 1.44 active community - continuous flow of new pull requests Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  18. Job DSL - features comprehensive support for Jenkins Core stuff

    extensive support for additional plugins over 180 plugins as of version 1.44 active community - continuous flow of new pull requests powerful c o n f i g u r a t i o n block for not yet supported features custom stuff virtually everything possible in XML should be achievable Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  19. Job DSL - part 2 - Jenkins plugin Łukasz Szczęsny

    & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  20. Job DSL - part 2 - Jenkins plugin installed on

    Jenkins instance used in seed jobs on Jenkins leverages DSL configuration updates jobs & views in Jenkins to bring them to desired state by XML configuration files modification Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  21. Job DSL - benefits source code instead of XML or

    GUI single source of truth manageable jobs and views backed by SCM reviewable - possibly with pull requests Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  22. Job DSL - benefits source code instead of XML or

    GUI single source of truth manageable jobs and views backed by SCM reviewable - possibly with pull requests testable automatic "unit" testing pre-production environment Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  23. Job DSL - benefits source code instead of XML or

    GUI single source of truth manageable jobs and views backed by SCM reviewable - possibly with pull requests testable automatic "unit" testing pre-production environment scalable hundreds of jobs created/modified in seconds* Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  24. Job DSL - drawbacks/limitations quite steep learning curve can become

    hard to understand for complex configurations Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  25. Job DSL - drawbacks/limitations quite steep learning curve can become

    hard to understand for complex configurations small error in DSL can remove some/all jobs can be easily recreated, but without execution history Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  26. Job DSL - drawbacks/limitations quite steep learning curve can become

    hard to understand for complex configurations small error in DSL can remove some/all jobs can be easily recreated, but without execution history not suitable for global Jenkins configuration management credentials, machine provisioning, Jenkins and plugin update, ... Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  27. Infrastructure challenges install and configure Jenkins master install and configure

    all required dependencies install and configure plugins create and connect slaves add JDK installation configure authentication create credentials ... Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  28. Infrastructure toolbelt configuration management tools Ansible Puppet Chef Salt etc.

    Groovy console Jenkins CLI Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  29. Infrastructure toolbelt Slave management Swarm plugin Docker plugin SSH slaves

    Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  30. Continuous Delivery Clearly defined way how to transform source code

    into project deployed to production a set of steps arranged into pipeline unified way for various projects/variants/realms Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  31. Continuous Delivery in Jenkins not a first class citizen in

    Jenkins 1.x bunch of jobs triggering each other can be emulated with various plugins Delivery Pipeline Plugin, Build Flow Plugin, Pipeline Plugin, ... Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  32. Continuous Delivery in Jenkins not a first class citizen in

    Jenkins 1.x bunch of jobs triggering each other can be emulated with various plugins Delivery Pipeline Plugin, Build Flow Plugin, Pipeline Plugin, ... no easy (and unified) way to setup usually even harder to maintain Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  33. Continuous Delivery - case study custom Continuous Delivery framework on

    top of Jenkins Job DSL one standardized way for Continuous Delivery reused in all projects in the company Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  34. Continuous Delivery - case study custom Continuous Delivery framework on

    top of Jenkins Job DSL one standardized way for Continuous Delivery reused in all projects in the company Ansible for infrastructure management Rundeck for deployment Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  35. Continuous Delivery - case study custom Continuous Delivery framework on

    top of Jenkins Job DSL one standardized way for Continuous Delivery reused in all projects in the company Ansible for infrastructure management Rundeck for deployment open sourced to make live easier to others jenkins-pipeline-dsl - core library sample-jenkins-microservice-pipeline - sample pipeline Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  36. Live demo The whole delivery pipeline with one click! Łukasz

    Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  37. Summary automation is good for you Jenkins Job DSL is

    great together with infrastructure tools it is a match made in heaven looking forward to Jenkins 2.0 release to simplify Continuous Delivery pipelines creation Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog
  38. Marcin Zajączkowski @SolidSoftBlog http://blog.solidsoft.info [email protected] IRC: szpak@freenode Łukasz Szczęsny @wybczu

    https://wybcz.pl luk@{uber.com,wybcz.pl} IRC: wybczu@freenode Thank you Łukasz Szczęsny & Marcin Zajączkowski @wybczu & @SolidSoftBlog