The subject matter of psychology: Volunteers. British Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 97–102. • 4ม • neuroticismʢॹෆ҆ఆੑʣ • extraversionʢ֎ੑʣ • sexʢੑผʣ • volunteerʢࠓޙͷௐࠪʹࣗओతʹࢀՃ͢Δ͔ʣ • Yes or Noͷ2 6 ΞΠθϯΫੑ֨ ݕࠪͷείΞ
of psychology: Volunteers. British Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 97–102. Fox, J. (2003) Effect displays in R for generalised linear models. Journal of Statistical Software, 8, 1–27, doi: 10.18637/jss.v008.i15 Fox, J., Weisverg, S., Friendly, M., & Hong, J (2016) effects [R package version 3.0-7] Retrieved from package=effects 43