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About Frameworks

About Frameworks

A few things to consider when choosing all kinds of technologies for your stack

Thanos Polychronakis

November 26, 2014

More Decks by Thanos Polychronakis

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  1. What shines ain't gold! • How mature is it? •

    Has it been battle tested? • How generic is it? • What’s the stack it uses? • What do you really need?
  2. No, really! What do you need? • Speed of development?

    • Structure? • Easy developer onboarding? • Documentation? • Security?
  3. What’s your scope? • Weekend hackathon? • Product prototype? •

    Get product / market fit while bootstraped? • Get funded? • Build a long lived business?
  4. What’s your expertise on the FW? • Heard people talking

    about it? • Read a blog or two about it? • Went through the docs diagonally? • Did a ‘Hello World’? • Worked on it for a year? • Built multiple projects?
  5. Best Practices • Follow Best Practices • Develop Patterns •

    Code Review • Pair Coding • Static Analysis • Linters and….
  6. Testing! • TDD • BDD / E2E • Test Coverage

    • Headless Browsers • Selenium • Browserling • Continuous Integration