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Mega Mergers: Cloud-Native-Architekturen mit Co...

Thorsten Hans
September 28, 2023

Mega Mergers: Cloud-Native-Architekturen mit Containern und WebAssembly

Architekturen für den optimalen Betrieb in der Cloud bestehen nur aus Containern und laufen immer in Kubernetes! Blödsinn! Die Realität sieht ganz anders aus und wird sich dank WebAssembly (Wasm) in den kommenden Jahren noch mehr verändern. Durch die geschickte Kombination von Containern, Cloud-Diensten und WebAssembly können wir schon heute verteilte Architekturen entwerfen, die für die Zukunft gewappnet sind. In diesem Vortrag zeigt Cloud-Native-Experte Thorsten Hans wie Sie sich bereits jetzt WebAssembly auf dem Server und in der Cloud zunutze machen können, um sich optimal für die Zukunft aufzustellen. Let’s go!

Thorsten Hans

September 28, 2023

More Decks by Thorsten Hans

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  1. Cloud-Native Business Applications Day Uhrzeit Titel Sprecher 09:00 – 10:00

    Cloud-Native-all-the-Things: Definition, Praktiken und Patterns Christian Weyer Thorsten Hans 10:30 – 11:30 Containerbasierte Entwicklung für .NET-Entwickler Tobias Fenster 12:00 – 13:00 Cloud-Native Generative AI mit Fermyon Serverless AI Thorsten Hans 15:15 – 16:15 Cloud-Native Microservices, on-premises oder in der Cloud – mit Dapr Christian Weyer 16:45 – 17:45 Mega Mergers: Cloud-Native-Architekturen mit Containern und WebAssembly Thorsten Hans
  2. • Cloud-vendor interest: • They can put more apps on

    a compute resource as today • Wasm and WASI give them a strict security and isolation model • Wasm workloads are way smaller than everything else • They can scale to zero due to super-fast bootstrapping <1msec Intro Why will Wasm have such a big impact?
  3. • Developer interest: • They can use any language that

    compiles to wasm32_wasi • They can ship just the app • They can reduce cloud spendings • Same workloads will be cheaper because they consume less resources and execute faster Intro Why will Wasm have such a big impact?
  4. Wasm on the server relates to containers in the same

    way containers related to virtual machines 10+ years ago
  5. Fermyon Spin is: • A serverless runtime build using Wasm,

    WASI, and the WebAssembly Component Model (leveraging wasmtime internally) • A collection of SDKs for many popular languages • A super focussed developer tooling Intro Let’s get everybody on track! 🦀
  6. With Spin we can build • Reactive applications that respect

    to the key pillars of Wasm • Fast: Near-native speed • Lightweight: Super small distributable units (Wasm Modules) • Secure: Sandboxed execution environment Intro Let’s get everybody on track!
  7. • Spin provides triggers that the runtime uses to invoke

    our code • The runtime instantiates our Wasm Module and invokes our code • Currently, Spin provides the following triggers • HTTP • Publish / Subscribe Let’s meet Fermyon Spin Triggers & Outputs
  8. Outputs allow our code to interact with the surrounding world

    • Databases (SQLite, MySQL & PostgreSQL) • Key-Value Storage (SQLite, Redis) • Publish / Subscribe (Redis Channels) • Outbound HTTP Let’s meet Fermyon Spin Triggers & Outputs
  9. • Considering Fermyon Spin? 💡 Try to spot reactive parts

    of your application • Check, if the necessary libraries are available for the wasm32_wasi platform • Deploy Fermyon Platform to your infrastructure of trust Intro How to adopt Wasm on the server / in the cloud
  10. When building HTTP-based applications with Spin we must • specify

    a route on which Spin should invoke our code • Implement code for handling different HTTP request types Although Spin SDK is tiny, it simplifies building full-fledged HTTP APIs Patterns & Practices
  11. Regardless of whether we must invoke backend APIs or 3rd

    party endpoints, Outbound HTTP is an easy to grasp, yet important capability provided by the Spin SDK. Patterns & Practices Outbound HTTP
  12. Configurability is mission-critical when building software that is executed in

    different environments. Spin apps are no exception here. We must use proper mechanisms to deal with sensitive and non-sensitive configuration data. Patterns & Practices Configuration Management
  13. • The Spin Manifest spin.toml is the center of gravity.

    All configuration aspects are defined here. • We use variables to specify non-sensitive configuration data • For sensitive configuration data, we can use HashiCorp Vault • We link HashiCorp Vault to our app using a runtime-config file Patterns & Practices Configuration Management
  14. • Publish is achieved using the Spin SDK • Constructing

    messages is up to us, which means we can modernize (read: replace containers) with ease, using cloudevents or by mimicking existing messages • When subscribing to messages, we must implement filters on our own Patterns & Practices Publish / Subscribe
  15. • With Spin, Fermyon demonstrates how WebAssembly will change the

    way we build software for the next wave of cloud-computing • We’re able to combine best from both worlds, Containers and WebAssembly to build distributed architectures for the upcoming years • Available Spin SDKs and plain WAGI support makes it super easy to get started (using any language that compiles to wasm32_wasi) Conclusion
  16. • Hyperscalers want Wasm to drive hardware utilization, lift smaller

    application packages, get proper isolation and security in place and scale horizontally to and from 0 without facing the dilemma of cold-start times (Looking at you, Azure Functions *scnr*). • Application developers on the otherside had to tacklequite some pitfalls to adopt Wasm (SDKs., dev tooling, etc) • From my point of view, Fermyon is able to close the gap and drive Wasm adoption on the server and in the cloud to whole new level Conclusion