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Character-Level Machine Translation with Bi-sca...

Character-Level Machine Translation with Bi-scale RNNs by Joe Bullard - TMLS #4

Machine translation systems typically rely on pre-segmented words as inputs. However, word segmentation is not always a trivial task (e.g. Japanese), and some arguments made in its favor may be less relevant for modern Neural Machine Translation (NMT). A recent paper presented interesting results for *character-level* translation using a novel "Bi-scale RNN" decoder, which processes inputs at two time-scales. This presentation will cover basics of NMT, explain the structure of the Bi-scale RNN, and discuss some language specific considerations for Japanese translation.

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  1. Overview 1. Words vs. Characters for Machine Translation 2. Review

    of Statistical and Neural Machine Translation 3. Bi-scale RNN: Decoding at Two Time Scales 4. Mini-Experiment: English-Japanese Translation
  2. Words > Characters? • Words (and morphemes) have meaning -

    intuitively useful • Subwords* (character n-grams in vocab) have also been used successfully • Character sequences are longer, creating: ◦ Sparsity - bad for count-based probabilities in Statistical MT ◦ Potential long-term dependencies - bad for RNNs in Neural MT (vanishing gradient) • Thus machine translation typically uses words, subwords, or phrases * Sennrich et al. (2015). Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units. arxiv:1508.07909
  3. Weakness of Words Word segmentation • Requires a separately developed

    less-than-perfect system • Not always trivial - スペースを使わない言語がある Morphological variations • e.g. ran, running, runs are each “words” but share most of their meaning • Rare variations are not learned well, or may not appear in training at all Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words • Mapped to special token - ignoring the word’s meaning during translation
  4. Strength of Characters • Morphological variants often share character sequences

    ◦ e.g. manger mange manges mangeons mangent (French verb) ◦ e.g. sköldpadda sköldpaddan sköldpaddor sköldpaddorna (Swedish noun) ◦ e.g. 食べる 食べます 食べた 食べました (Japanese verb) • In such cases, a sort of fractional meaning might be learnable, as was shown with subwords* (sort of character n-grams) • Rare and out-of-vocab variants may be treated like their related words * Sennrich et al. (2015). Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units. arxiv:1508.07909
  5. Character-level Translation Challenges 1. Learn highly nonlinear mapping from spelling

    ⇒ meaning, of a sentence 2. Generate long and coherent character sequences Scope • Describe a model which addresses these challenges on target side only • Examine and compare sample character-level machine translations
  6. Statistical MT (SMT) • Estimate conditional probability of pairs of

    source and target phrases • Often consists of separate components optimized independently • Not tailored to specific languages, but... • May not generalize well to significantly different languages (e.g. En-Ja) Image: from https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/web3/en/MachineTranslation
  7. Neural MT (NMT) • One network, tuned end-to- end to

    maximize translation performance Encode: • source language ⇒ vector Decode: • vector ⇒ Target language Image: https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/introduction-neural-machine-translation-gpus-part-2/
  8. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  9. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  10. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  11. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  12. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  13. Components of NMT Encoder Inputs • 1-of-k vector for word,

    char, ... Embedding Layer • Map inputs to continuous space Encoder RNN • Bidirectional RNN to generate variable- length summary vectors Decoder Attention Mechanism • Allow decoder to focus on certain parts of source sentence when translating Decoder RNN • Generate probability distribution over output vocabulary Word Sampling • Choose current output, feed to next
  14. Training • Trained end-to-end • Maximize log-likelihood with Stochastic gradient

    descent (SGD) • Most likely source sequence selected through Beam-search Image (edited): https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/introduction-neural-machine-translation-gpus-part-2/
  15. Bi-scale RNN Decoder Intuition • Written words are composed of

    characters • Can one network process characters “faster” and words “slower”? Model • Not literally time, but frequency of updates • The faster layer (FL) will update state like a typical RNN • The slower layer (SL) will only update when the faster layer resets • SL will retain its state until FL finishes processing the current chunk (presumably characters of a word), making it “slower”
  16. Bi-scale RNN Decoder • h1 the “faster” layer (FL) •

    h2 the “slower” layer (SL) • Same size • Each has an associated gating unit g1 and g2 and gated activations • Slower layer uses the Faster layer’s gate to determine its own activation
  17. Faster Layer (FL) FL normal output: FL gated output: Summary:

    • FL output is adaptive combination of previous FL and SL activations FL activation: • When FL “resets” (g1 ≈ 1), the SL will have greater influence in next step SL activation:
  18. Slower Layer (SL) is Controlled by Faster Layer (FL) SL

    normal output: Summary: • Slower layer only updates its activation when Faster layer resets SL candidate activation: SL gated output: SL reset activation: • The reset activation is similar to that of FL on previous slide • When FL gets rid of something, SL takes it
  19. Paper Experiments (summary) Training • Trained with Stochastic Gradient Descent

    (SGD) with Adam • English to (Czech, German, Finnish, Russian), data from Euro-Parl. • Source inputs are subwords* (character n-grams in a vocabulary) Results • Character-level decoding generally outperformed subword • Bi-scale decoder was not always better than GRU decoder * Sennrich et al. (2015). Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units. arxiv:1508.07909
  20. Considerations for Japanese • Most research uses European languages, alphabet

    ⇒ alphabet • Sometimes different morphology (e.g. Fi-En) or scripts (e.g. Ru-En) • The Bi-scale paper performed well in such cases • Japanese uses Kanji, two syllabaries, and sometimes an alphabet • Large number of characters compared to alphabetic scripts • Words often consist of only a few characters Does the Bi-scale decoder make sense for Japanese?
  21. Mini-Experiment Dataset • ~200,000 human-translated sentences collected from Tatoeba.org •

    Slightly modified preprocessing (higher character limit, no punct. removal) Model • Smaller network size compared to paper (b/c small dataset, limited time) • Still training a more realistic model right now Results • Under these conditions, bad overfitting problems, but still interesting
  22. Observations - Alternative wordings Source: The baby is sleeping on

    the bed . Truth : 赤ちゃんはベッドで寝ています 。 Output: 赤ん坊 はベッドに寝ていた 。 Source: You seem to have gained some weight . Truth :   少し体重が増えたようですね 。 Output: 君は少し体重が増えたようだ 。 Source: You only imagine you’ve heard it . Truth : それは君の想像だ 。 Output: それは___想像であることだけだ 。
  23. References Papers: • Junyoung Chung, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Bengio.

    (2016). A Character-Level Decoder without Explicit Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation. arXiv:1603.06147 • Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio. (2015). Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate. arXiv:1409.0473v7 • Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, Alexandra Birch. (2015). Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units. Arxiv:1508.07909 NMT Links (some images were used here, with permission) • http://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/introduction-neural-machine-translation-with-gpus/ • https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/introduction-neural-machine-translation-gpus-part-2 • https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/introduction-neural-machine-translation-gpus-part-3