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SCI: Shave a Little Off the Wheel (3/3)

Tom Herpich
September 09, 2024

SCI: Shave a Little Off the Wheel (3/3)

Tom Herpich

September 09, 2024

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  1. Scene 63 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *running sounds* Action Notes CS begins running towards the cheese
  2. Scene 64 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *panting/ running sounds* Action Notes CS runs along the panning cheese grater
  3. Scene 64 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    GIMME GIMME Action Notes CS reaches out greedily
  4. Scene 64 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    GIMM-WWWAH! SF: whaaaaa---(cont) Action Notes CS's foot gets stuck in a hole, sending him falling and SF flying offscreen
  5. Scene 65 Duration 13:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    Ooof! Action Notes SF slams into the cheese and falls to the ground
  6. Scene 67 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    mmmn Action Notes CS tries to free his stuck foot by wiggling it vigorously
  7. Scene 66_A Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    Hold on- I'll go see if I can find something-
  8. Scene 69 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    Ah! Action Notes SF sees something useful
  9. Scene 70 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    (slyly, to self) heh heh heh Action Notes SF runs up the cheese wheel and hops up onto the shelf while CS struggles to free his foot
  10. Scene 71 Duration 20:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog SF:

    *huff puff* Action Notes SF runs in place on the bottle cap, unscrewing it and sending it flying
  11. Scene 71 Duration 20:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    olive oil spurts from the bottle and dribbles down offscreen onto CS
  12. Scene 72 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *pbbssttt* olive oil?? Action Notes oil pours onto CS's head
  13. Scene 73 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS(OS):

    Y'know I appreciate the thought Snowflake,
  14. Scene 73 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS(OS):

    but drinking gallons and gallons of olive oil so that my feet get fatter and fatter until finally these shoes get blasted off my feet like champagne corks, is gonna-
  15. Scene 73 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    SF sits down contentedly by the hot mug
  16. Scene 74 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -take days, if not months, and even that is assuming- Action Notes oil pours down onto CS's head
  17. Scene 75 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    *oily squeaakk* Action Notes CS's oily foot slides forward, then pops out of the hole it was stuck in
  18. Scene 76 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    Hey snowflake! Lookit the size of this shaving, I-- Action Notes CS holds up the cheese shaving to show SF
  19. Scene 78 Duration 11:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS leans down to inspect the floor, steadying himself with his hand on the mug
  20. Scene 78 Duration 11:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    *sizzle sound* Action Notes CS's hand heats up on the hot mug
  21. Scene 78 Duration 11:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    YAH! Action Notes CS pulls his hand back in pain
  22. Scene 78 Duration 11:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *blow blow blow* Action Notes CS blows on his burnt hand to cool it
  23. Scene 79 Duration 11:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    The water droplet evaporates, finally disappearing in a little curl of steam
  24. Scene 81 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    *inhale* *sigh* Action Notes CS sighs heavily
  25. Scene 82 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    CLACK CLACK CLACK (shoes are really loud now that snowflake is gone)
  26. Scene 82 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    CLACK CLACK CLACK Action Notes CS walks up to the edge of the shelf
  27. Scene 82 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS tips forward, spinning end over end off the shelf
  28. Scene 83 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS falls end over end onto the garbage bag
  29. Scene 84 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    CLACK CLACK CLACK Action Notes CS walks sadly across the room, while the distant ceiling pans by slowly
  30. Scene 85 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS looks up to see what he's bumped into
  31. Scene 85 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -dyYAH ("buddy" continued) Action Notes CS is shocked
  32. Scene 87 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -nnnggg- Action Notes CS cowers in fear
  33. Scene 87 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog OSCAR(OS):

    Oh, hey Cookiesmell- Action Notes CS begins to shiver in fear
  34. Scene 87 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    CS looks up in confusion at hearing Oscar's familiar voice
  35. Scene 88 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog O:

    Hey buddy, what's up? Action Notes Oscar bends forward out of the shadows
  36. Scene 89 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog O:

    Hedgehog, look- Cookiesmell is here- Action Notes Oscar lifts up CS
  37. Scene 90 Duration 17:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog O:

    You remember- the mouse who lives in my wall-
  38. Scene 90 Duration 17:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog HH:

    What brings you to the mess hall, Cookiesmell?
  39. Scene 90 Duration 17:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    Ha! I was just about to ask you the same question-
  40. Scene 90 Duration 17:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog HH:

    We were just borrowing the kitchen for the day to cook our Holly Harvest feast-
  41. Scene 90 Duration 17:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog HH:

    Mince pies! Action Notes HH looks around excitedly when she hears that there are mince pies nearby
  42. Scene 91 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    I was in here just shavin' a little shaving off the wheel, and then-
  43. Scene 91 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -I thought one of those chefs was about to hit me with a textbook slice and dice.
  44. Scene 92 Duration 10:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes

    Oscar, CS and Hedgehog all look around awkwardly during an uncomforable silence
  45. Scene 92 Duration 10:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    Hey is there any chance you guys could give me a lift back home?
  46. Scene 92 Duration 10:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    -my feet are killin' me, and- Action Notes CS points down at this shoe
  47. Scene 93 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog CS:

    ...I'm feelin' a little heavy hearted...
  48. Scene 94 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog O:

    It's no trouble at all- HH(cont): yeah, absolutely- Action Notes HH walks toward the broom as Oscar leans forward, allowing CS to walk from Oscar's hand onto the table
  49. Scene 95 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog SFX:

    *glass shatters* Action Notes CS sits on the edge of a pie
  50. Scene 95 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog O(OS):

    ..uh.. six more minutes... Action Notes CS lies down to rest