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動画だけじゃない!iOS 15のピクチャ・イン・ピクチャを使って好きなUIを表示させよう!

動画だけじゃない!iOS 15のピクチャ・イン・ピクチャを使って好きなUIを表示させよう!

iOS 14まではピクチャ・イン・ピクチャ(以下PiP)を表示させるには動画コンテンツが必要でした。
しかし、新しくiOS 15でPiPのAPIが追加されたことにより動画コンテンツが無いただのUIViewもPiPとして表示させることが可能になりました!




この資料はiOSDC2022 の補足としてお使いください

Ryo Tsuzukihashi

September 12, 2022

More Decks by Ryo Tsuzukihashi

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  1. i O S 1 5 ͷ 
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    ɾ Π ϯ ɾ ϐΫ ν ϟ 
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 ޷ ͖ ͳ U I Λ ද ࣔ ͞ ͤ Α ͏ ʂ ᠃ ڮ ɹ ྋ ಈը͚ͩ͡Όͳ͍ʂ iOSDC Japan 2022 1
  2. @ t s u z u k i 8 1

    7 🐸ࣗݾ঺հ🐸 Yahoo JAPAN! PayPayϑϦϚ iOS։ൃ • Q.UIKitͱSwiftUIͲ͕ͬͪ޷͖ʁ 
 RYO TSUZUKIHASHI ϛχΤϐιʔυ 2019೥৽ଔͷ࣌ʹॳΊͯiOSDCʹࢀՃ ͍͔ͭࣗ෼΋ొஃ͍ͨ͠ͱಌΕΛ๊͘Α ͏ʹͳΓɺҎ߱ຖ೥ࢀՃ ͦͯ͠4೥໨ͷ2022೥ʹ೦ئͷొஃ✌
  3. @ t s u z u k i 8 1

    7 🐸ࣗݾ঺հ🐸 Yahoo JAPAN! PayPayϑϦϚ iOS։ൃ • Q.UIKitͱSwiftUIͲ͕ͬͪ޷͖ʁ 
 A. ͲͪΒ΋޷͖ • Q. झຯ͸? 
 RYO TSUZUKIHASHI ϛχΤϐιʔυ 2019೥৽ଔͷ࣌ʹॳΊͯiOSDCʹࢀՃ ͍͔ͭࣗ෼΋ొஃ͍ͨ͠ͱಌΕΛ๊͘Α ͏ʹͳΓɺҎ߱ຖ೥ࢀՃ ͦͯ͠4೥໨ͷ2022೥ʹ೦ئͷొஃ✌
  4. @ t s u z u k i 8 1

    7 🐸ࣗݾ঺հ🐸 Yahoo JAPAN! PayPayϑϦϚ iOS։ൃ • Q.UIKitͱSwiftUIͲ͕ͬͪ޷͖ʁ 
 A. ͲͪΒ΋޷͖ • Q. झຯ͸? 
 A. ݸਓΞϓϦ։ൃ • Q. ޷͖ͳۦಈ։ൃ͸ʁ 
 RYO TSUZUKIHASHI ϛχΤϐιʔυ 2019೥৽ଔͷ࣌ʹॳΊͯiOSDCʹࢀՃ ͍͔ͭࣗ෼΋ొஃ͍ͨ͠ͱಌΕΛ๊͘Α ͏ʹͳΓɺҎ߱ຖ೥ࢀՃ ͦͯ͠4೥໨ͷ2022೥ʹ೦ئͷొஃ✌
  5. @ t s u z u k i 8 1

    7 🐸ࣗݾ঺հ🐸 Yahoo JAPAN! PayPayϑϦϚ iOS։ൃ • Q.UIKitͱSwiftUIͲ͕ͬͪ޷͖ʁ 
 A. ͲͪΒ΋޷͖ • Q. झຯ͸? 
 A. ݸਓΞϓϦ։ൃ • Q. ޷͖ͳۦಈ։ൃ͸ʁ 
 A. ςετۦಈ։ൃ RYO TSUZUKIHASHI ϛχΤϐιʔυ 2019೥৽ଔͷ࣌ʹॳΊͯiOSDCʹࢀՃ ͍͔ͭࣗ෼΋ొஃ͍ͨ͠ͱಌΕΛ๊͘Α ͏ʹͳΓɺҎ߱ຖ೥ࢀՃ ͦͯ͠4೥໨ͷ2022೥ʹ೦ئͷొஃ✌
  6. PiPͱ͸ • ଞͷΞϓϦΛ࢖༻͠ͳ͕ΒFaceTimeΛ࢖ͬͨΓ ϏσΦΛࢹௌͨ͠ΓͰ͖Δػೳͷ͜ͱ • ΢Οϯυ΢ΛϐϯνΦʔϓϯɾϐϯνΫϩʔζ͢ Δ͜ͱͰαΠζΛมߋ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ • ଞʹ΋Ҡಈɾඇදࣔɾ࡟আ •

  7. iOS 15͔ΒͷPicture In Picture • ~ iOS 14·Ͱ 

    • iOS 15͔Β • AVPictureInPictureController.ContentSourceͷ௥Ճ 
 →ɹAVSampleBufferDisplayLayerͷίϯςϯπΛPicture In Pictureαϙʔτ • ͦͷଞPiP༻ͷϝιουͷ௥Ճ
  8. AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer • ѹॖɾඇѹॖͷVideoFrameΛදࣔ͢ΔΦϒδΣΫτ (iOS 8 ~) • CMSampleBufferΛ༩͑Δ͜ͱʹΑͬͯ ಈըΛ࠶ੜ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ CMSampleBuffer

    • ө૾ɺԻ੠ɺ͋Δ͍͸ͦͷ྆ํ౳ɺϝσΟΞσʔλΛ࣋ͪӡͿͨΊͷΦϒδΣΫτ • UIView͔Β࡞ΕΔ ↓ ޷͖ͳUIΛPicture In Pictureͤ͞Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δʂ
  9. ࣮ફPiP Ͳ ͷ Α ͏ ʹ P i P Λ

    ࣮ ݱ ͞ ͤ Δ ͷ ͔
  10. αϯϓϧϓϩδΣΫτ • ࣮ػϏϧυ͕Ͱ͖Ε͹ࢼͤΔ https://github.com/tsuzukihashi/sample-pip • PiPManager 
 PiPΛ؅ཧ͢ΔΫϥεɺγϯάϧτϯ • UIViewExtension

 UIViewΛCMSampleBufferʹม׵͢ΔExtension • ContentView 
 ϝΠϯͷView ϘλϯͳͲΛ഑ஔ • ContentViewModel 
 PiPManagerΛอ࣋͠Πϕϯτͷड͚౉͠Λ͢Δ • PiPContainerView 
  11. ࣮૷ͷલʹඞཁͳઃఆ • AudioSessionΛ։࢝͢Δ 
 <category: .playAndRecord, mode: .moviePlayback> 

    override init() { let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() do { try session.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .moviePlayback) try session.setActive(true) } catch { print("Failed to set AVAudioSession: \(error)") } } PiPManagerͷॳظԽͰߦ͍ͬͯΔ
  12. PiP͍ͤͨ͞View private let dateLabel: UILabel = { let label =

    UILabel() label.frame = .init( origin: .zero, size: .init( width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: 120 ) ) label.font = .monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 24, weight: .medium) label.textAlignment = .center label.textColor = .black label.backgroundColor = .white return label }() PiPManager಺Ͱఆٛ
  13. CMSampleBufferΛ࡞੒ • UIViewΛCMSampleBufferʹม׵͢ΔExtension https://gist.github.com/tsuzukihashi/97e379a42e32cc0647aa7a4770d2d9a6 do { return try CMSampleBuffer( imageBuffer:

    pixelBuffer, formatDescription: formatDescription, sampleTiming: getCMSampleTimingInfo() ) } catch { assertionFailure("Failed to create CMSampleBuffer: \(error)") return nil }
  14. UIView →CVPixelBuffer var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? let createPixelBufferResult: OSStatus = CVPixelBufferCreate(

    kCFAllocatorDefault, Int(size.width), Int(size.height), kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB, [ kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey: kCFBooleanTrue!, kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey: kCFBooleanTrue!, kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey: [:] as CFDictionary, ] as CFDictionary, &pixelBuffer )
  15. CVPixelBuffer →CGContext • CGContextͱ͸ 
 Quartz 2DͷඳըઌΛද͢ 
 ඳըύϥϝʔλͱϖʔδ্ͷϖΠϯτΛѼઌʹϨϯμϦϯά͢ΔͨΊʹඞཁͳ͢΂ͯͷ σόΠεݻ༗৘ใؚ͕·Ε͍ͯΔ

    • Quartz 2Dͱ͸ 
 iOS, tvOS, macOSͷΞϓϦ։ൃͰར༻Ͱ͖Δ2࣍ݩඳըΤϯδϯ 
 ௿ϨϕϧͰܰྔͳ2DϨϯμϦϯάػೳΛఏڙ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coregraphics/cgcontext
  16. CVPixelBuffer →CGContext guard let context: CGContext = .init( data: CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer),

    width: Int(size.width), height: Int(size.height), bitsPerComponent: 8, bytesPerRow: CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pixelBuffer), space: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipFirst.rawValue ) else { return nil }
  17. CVPixelBuffer →CMFormatDescription • CMFormatDescriptionͱ͸ 
 ΦʔσΟΦɺϏσΦɺ͓Αͼ Muxed ϝσΟΞσʔλͳͲɺϝσΟΞλΠϓʹͱΒΘΕ

    ͳ͍΋ͷͱϝσΟΞʹಛԽͨ͠΋ͷ͕͋Δ • CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer 
 ΠϝʔδόοϑΝΛ࢖༻ͯ͠ϏσΦϝσΟΞετϦʔϜ༻ͷFormatDesciptionΛ࡞੒͢ Δ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coremedia/cmformatdescription-u8g
  18. CMSampleTimingInfo • CMSampleTimingInfoͱ͸ 
 CMSampleBuffer಺ͷ͢΂ͯͷαϯϓϧͷλΠϛϯά৘ใΛूΊͨ΋ͷ • init(duration:presentationTimeStamp:decodeTimeStamp:) • duration 

    αϯϓϧͷظؒ • presentationTimeStamp 
 αϯϓϧ͕දࣔ͞ΕΔ࣌ؒ • decodeTimeStamp 
 αϯϓϧ͕σίʔυ͞ΕΔ࣌ؒ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coremedia/cmsampletiminginfo
  19. CMSampleTimingInfo let currentTime: CMTime = .init( seconds: CACurrentMediaTime(), preferredTimescale: 60

    ) let timingInfo: CMSampleTimingInfo = .init( duration: .init(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: 60),ɹ presentationTimeStamp: currentTime, decodeTimeStamp: currentTime )
  20. CMSampleBufferΛ࡞੒ • UIViewΛCMSampleBufferʹม׵͢ΔExtension https://gist.github.com/tsuzukihashi/97e379a42e32cc0647aa7a4770d2d9a6 do { return try CMSampleBuffer( imageBuffer:

    pixelBuffer, formatDescription: formatDescription, sampleTiming: getCMSampleTimingInfo() ) } catch { assertionFailure("Failed to create CMSampleBuffer: \(error)") return nil }
  21. AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerΛSwiftUI͔Β࢖͑ΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δ struct PiPContainerView: UIViewRepresentable { let bufferDisplayLayer: AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer let frame:

    CGRect func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIView { let view = UIView() view.frame = frame bufferDisplayLayer.frame = view.bounds bufferDisplayLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect view.layer.addSublayer(bufferDisplayLayer) return view } func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: Context) {}ɹ }
  22. AVPictureInPictureController • PiPΛ؅ཧ͢Δίϯτϩʔϥ • AVPictureInPictureController.ContentSourceʹAVSampleBufferDisplayLayerͱdelegate Λ౉͢ pipController = AVPictureInPictureController( contentSource:

    AVPictureInPictureController.ContentSource(ɹɹ sampleBufferDisplayLayer: bufferDisplayLayer, playbackDelegate: self ) ) pipController ? . delegate = self
  23. AVPictureInPictureController • PiPΛ؅ཧ͢Δίϯτϩʔϥ • AVPictureInPictureController.ContentSourceʹAVSampleBufferDisplayLayerͱdelegate Λ౉͢ pipController = AVPictureInPictureController( contentSource:

    AVPictureInPictureController.ContentSource(ɹɹ sampleBufferDisplayLayer: bufferDisplayLayer, playbackDelegate: self ) ) pipController ? . delegate = self PiPManagerΛAVPictureInPictureControllerDelegateͱ AVPictureInPictureSampleBufferPlaybackDelegateʹ४ڌͤ͞Δ
  24. func prepare() { let timerBlock: ((Timer) -> Void) = {

    [weak self] timer in guard let buffer: CMSampleBuffer = self ? . nextBuffer() else { return } self ? . bufferDisplayLayer.enqueue(buffer) } let timer = Timer(timeInterval: 1, repeats: true, block: timerBlock) self.timer = timer RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .default) pipController = … pipController ? . delegate = self } PiPManager
  25. private func nextBuffer() - > CMSampleBuffer? { if bufferDisplayLayer.status =

    = .failed { bufferDisplayLayer.flush() } dateLabel.text = Date().formatted(date: .numeric, time: .complete) return dateLabel.toCMSampleBuffer() } PiPManager • flush() 
 ͜ͷϝιουΛݺͼอཹதͷαϯϓϧόοϑΝΛഁغ͢Δ Ignoring enqueueSampleBuffer: because status is “failed"
  26. PiPͷΠϕϯτΛݕ஌͢ΔͨΊͷϓϩτίϧ • pictureInPictureControllerWillStartPictureInPicture(_:) 
 Picture in Pictureͷ։࢝͞ΕΔ͜ͱΛ௨஌ • pictureInPictureControllerDidStartPictureInPicture(_:) 

    Picture in Picture͕։࢝͞Εͨ͜ͱ௨஌ • pictureInPictureController(_:failedToStartPictureInPictureWithEr ror:) 
 Picture in Pictureͷىಈʹࣦഊͨ͜͠ͱΛ௨஌ • pictureInPictureControllerWillStopPictureInPicture(_:) 
 Picture in Picture͕ఀࢭ͢Δ͜ͱΛ௨஌ʢ໌ࣔత, Ϣʔβʔ, γεςϜ໰Θͣʣ • pictureInPictureControllerDidStopPictureInPicture(_:) 
 Picture in Picture͕ఀࢭͨ͜͠ͱΛ௨஌
  27. AVPictureInPicture SampleBuffer PlaybackDelegate AV S a m p l e

    B u f f e r D i s p l a y L a y e r ͔ Β ੍ ޚ ͢ Δ
  28. pictureInPictureController(_:skipByInterval:completion:) • Ϣʔβ͕ࢦఆ͞Εִ͚ͨ࣌ؒؒͩલํ·ͨ͸ޙํʹҠಈ͢Δ͜ͱ఻͑Δ • skipInterval͸15 or -15Ͱฦ٫͞ΕΔ func pictureInPictureController( _

    pictureInPictureController: AVPictureInPictureController, skipByInterval skipInterval: CMTime, completion completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void ) { completionHandler() }
  29. pictureInPictureController(_:didTransitionToRenderSize:) • PiPͷαΠζ͕มߋ͞Εͨ͜ͱͱͦͷαΠζΛ௨஌ func pictureInPictureController( _ pictureInPictureController: AVPictureInPictureController, didTransitionToRenderSize newRenderSize:

    CMVideoDimensions ) { dateLabel.text = "w: \(newRenderSize.width) h: \(newRenderSize.height)" if let sampleBuffer = dateLabel.toCMSampleBuffer() { bufferDisplayLayer.enqueue(sampleBuffer) } }
  30. AVPictureInPictureController • startPictureInPicture() 
 ՄೳͰ͋Ε͹PiPΛ։࢝͢Δ • stopPictureInPicture() 
 PiP͕ΞΫςΟϒঢ়ଶͳΒఀࢭ͢Δ •

 ݱࡏɺPicture in Picture͕༗ޮͰ͋Δ͔Ͳ͏͔ func swapPictureInPicture() { if pipController ?. isPictureInPictureActive == true { pipController ?. stopPictureInPicture() } else { pipController ?. startPictureInPicture() } }
  31. ContentViewModel final class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var isReady: Bool

    = false let pipManager: PiPManager = .shared func didTapMainButton() { if isReady { pipManager.reset() } else { pipManager.prepare() } isReady.toggle() } func didTapPiPSwap() { pipManager.swapPictureInPicture() } }
  32. ·ͱΊ • iOS 15͔Β޷͖ͳUIΛPicture In PictureͰදࣔͤ͞Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ ΔΑ͏ʹͳͬͨ • CMSampleDisplayBuffer͕ॏཁ •

    Picture In Picture͸Ϣʔβʔ΋·ͩෆ׳ΕͳͨΊɺखް͘αϙʔτ ͢Δͱྑ͍ • جຊతͳ࢖͍ํ • ࣗಈΦϑઃఆͷ௥ՃͳͲ
  33. ·ͱΊ • iOS 15͔Β޷͖ͳUIΛPicture In PictureͰදࣔͤ͞Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ ΔΑ͏ʹͳͬͨ • CMSampleDisplayBuffer͕ॏཁ •

    Picture In Picture͸Ϣʔβʔ΋·ͩෆ׳ΕͳͨΊɺखް͘αϙʔτ ͢Δͱྑ͍ • جຊతͳ࢖͍ํ • ࣗಈΦϑઃఆͷ௥ՃͳͲ ·ͩݟ͵PiPͷΞϓϦΛ࡞ͬͯΈ͍ͯͩ͘͞🙏
  34. ࢀߟURL AppleͷυΩϡϝϯτ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avkit/accessing_the_camera_while_multitasking ഑৴ίϝϯτόʔ ʙ iOS15 Ͱ࣮ݱ͢Δ৽͍͠ PiP ମݧ https://tech.mirrativ.stream/entry/2021/11/26/114002

    iOS Ͱ೚ҙͷ UIView ΛϐΫνϟʔΠϯϐΫνϟʔ͢Δ https://zenn.dev/uakihir0/articles/211128-uipip UIViewͷදࣔ಺༰ΛCMSampleBu ff erʹ͢Δ https://soranoba.net/programming/uiview-to-cmsamplebu ff er