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Federated SQL on Hadoop and Beyond: Leveraging ...

Federated SQL on Hadoop and Beyond: Leveraging Apache Geode to Build a Poor Man's SAP HANA

Apache Conference (2015): http://sched.co/3zut

In the space of Big Data, two powerful data processing tools compliment each other. Namely HAWQ and Geode. HAWQ is a scalable OLAP SQL-on-Hadoop system, while Geode is OLTP like, in-memory data grid and event processing system. This presentation will show different integration approaches that allow integration and data exchange between HAWQ and Geode. Presentation will walking you through the implementation of the different Integration strategies demonstrating the power of combining various OSS technologies for processing bit and fast data. Presentation will touch upon OSS technologies like HAWQ, Geode, SpringXD, Hadoop and Spring Boot.

Christian Tzolov

September 30, 2015

More Decks by Christian Tzolov

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  1. Federated SQL on Hadoop and Beyond: Leveraging Apache Geode to

    Build a Poor Man's SAP HANA by Christian Tzolov @christzolov
  2. Whoami Christian Tzolov Technical Architect at Pivotal, BigData, Hadoop, SpringXD,

    Apache Committer, Crunch PMC member [email protected] blog.tzolov.net @christzolov
  3. Contents • Data Systems - Principles • Use Case: OLTP

    and OLAP Data Systems Integration • Passive Data Synchronization (Demo) • Federated Queries With HAWQ • HAWQ Web Tables • HAWQ PXF Architecture • Geode PXF (Demo)
  4. Data System Principles • Fact Data • Immutable Data •

    Deterministic Functions • Data-Lineage • Data Locality - space or temporal • All Data vs. Working Set
  5. Use Case • Integrate an In-Memory Data Grid (Geode/ GemFire)

    with SQL-On-Hadoop analytical system (HAWQ) • Provide an unified data view across both systems • Use Geode as Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) store for HAWQ • Keep the Operational and Historical data in Sync
  6. OLTP: Apache Geode • Cache - Performance / Consistency /

    Resiliency • Region - Highly available, redundant, distributed Map China Railway Corporation 5,700 train stations 4.5 million tickets per day 20 million daily users 1.4 billion page views per day 40,000 visits per second Indian Railways 7,000 stations 72,000 miles of track 23 million passengers daily 120,000 concurrent users 10,000 transactions per minute
  7. OLAP: HAWQ SQL on Hadoop • Built around a Greenplum

    MPP DB (C and C++) • Native on HDFS and YARN • Storage formats: Parquet, HDFS and Avro • 100% ANSI SQL compliant: SQL-92/99/2003… • Extensible - Web Tables, PXF • ODBC and JDBC connectivity • MADLib - Comprehensive Machine Learning library
  8. HAWQ - TPC-DS • TPC-DS benchmark in half the wall

    clock time compared to Impala • Outperforms Impala by overall 454% • Additional of 344% of performance improvement for Hive on complex queries • 100% of the TPC-DS queries. Unlike Impala or Hive • References: http://bit.ly/1NUDcLl, https://github.com/ dbbaskette/pivbench
  9. Spring XD Orchestrates and automates all steps across multiple data

    stream pipelines • HTTP • Tail • File • Mail • Twitter • Gemfire • Syslog • TCP • UDP • JMS • RabbitMQ • MQTT • Kafka • Reactor TCP/UDP • Filter • Transformer • Object-to-JSON • JSON-to-Tuple • Splitter • Aggregator • HTTP Client • Groovy Scripts • Java Code • JPMML Evaluator • Spark Streaming • File • HDFS • JDBC • TCP • Log • Mail • RabbitMQ • Gemfire • Splunk • MQTT • Kafka • Dynamic Router • Counters
  10. Integration Stack Hadoop/HDFS Geode HAWQ SpringXD Ambari Zeppelin Apache HDFS

    Data Lake - PHD or HDP Hadoop Apache HAWQ SQL on Hadoop (OLAP) Apache Geode In-memory data grid (OLTP) Spring XD Integration and Streaming Runtime Apache Ambari Manages All Clusters Apache Zeppelin Web UI for interaction with Data Systems
  11. HAWQ Web Tables • HAWQ Web Table - access dynamic

    data sources on a web server or by executing OS scripts • Leverage Geode REST API and OQL • SpringBoot Controller to convert JSON into TSV CREATE EXTERNAL WEB TABLE EMPLOYEE_WEB_TABLE (...) EXECUTE E'curl http://<adapter proxy>/gemfire-api/v1/ queries/adhoc?q=<URLencoded OQL statement>' ON MASTER FORMAT 'text' (delimiter '|' null 'null' escape E'\\');
  12. HAWQ Web Tables Architecture Access dynamic data sources on a

    web server or by executing OS scripts.
  13. HAWQ Web Tables Limitations • Not Scalable • No Push

    Down Filters • Static • No Compression • Requires Additional Components
  14. Pivotal Extension Framework (PXF) • Java-Based • Parallel, High Throughput

    Data Access • Heterogeneous Data Sources. • ANSI-compliant SQL On Any Dataset • Wide variety of PXF plugins
  15. PXF Data Model • Data Source is modeled as a

    collection of one or more Fragments. • Each Fragment consists of many Rows that in turn are split into typed Fields. • Analyzer (optional) provides PXF statistical data for the HAWQ query optimizer • Metadata about the data source locations, access attributes, table schemas formats, SQL queries filters, etc
  16. PXF Processors Plugin InputData Fragmeter getFragments() CustomAccessor CustomResolver Analyzer getEstimatedStat()

    CustomAnalyzer ReadResolver getFields(OneRow) WriteResolver getFields(OneRow) ReadAccessor openForRead() readNextObject() closeForRead() WriteAccessor openForWrite() writeNextObject() closeForWrite() CustomFragmeter Extend Class Implement Interface
  17. PXF Deployment Model HAWQ Master Query Dispatcher NameNode PXF Service

    Date Node X PXF Service Query Executor data request for Fragment X pxfwritable records Metadata request Fragment list External (Distributed) Data System Date Node Z PXF Service Query Executor data request for Fragment Z pxfwritable records Scan plan Result SQL query Result
  18. PXF External Tables CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ext_table_name <Attribute list, …>

    LOCATION('pxf://<host>:<port>/path/to/data? FRAGMENTER=package.name.FragmenterForX& ACCESSOR=package.name.AccessorForX& RESOLVER=package.name.ResolverForX& <Other custom user options>=<Value>’ ) FORMAT ‘custom'(formatter='pxfwritable_import');
  19. PXF Gallery •HdfsTextSimple •HdfsTextMulti •Hive •HiveRC •HiveText •Hbase •Avro •

    Accumulo • Casandra • JSON • Redis • Geode/Gemfire • Pipes
  20. Stay Connected • PXF Maven Repository: https://bintray.com/big-data/maven/pxf/view • PXF Community

    Plugins: https://bintray.com/big-data/maven/pxf- plugins/view • Apache HAWQ: https://github.com/apache/incubator-hawq • Apache Geode: https://github.com/apache/incubator-geode • Apache Zeppelin: https://zeppelin.incubator.apache.org • Spring XD: http://projects.spring.io/spring-xd/