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Using Apache Calcite for Enabling SQL and JDBC ...

Using Apache Calcite for Enabling SQL and JDBC Access to Apache Geode and Other NoSQL

Apache BigData 2016 Conference: http://sched.co/8U0a

When working with BigData & IoT systems we often feel the need for a Common Query Language. The system specific languages usually require longer adoption time and are harder to integrate within the existing stacks.

To fill this gap some NoSql vendors are building SQL access to their systems. Building SQL engine from scratch is a daunting job and frameworks like Apache Calcite can help you with the heavy lifting. Calcite allow you to integrate SQL parser, cost-based optimizer, and JDBC with your NoSql system.

We will walk through the process of building a SQL access layer for Apache Geode (In-Memory Data Grid). I will share my experience, pitfalls and technical consideration like balancing between the SQL/RDBMS semantics and the design choices and limitations of the data system.

Hopefully this will enable you to add SQL capabilities to your preferred NoSQL data system.

Christian Tzolov

November 15, 2016

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  1. Apache Calcite for Enabling SQL Access to NoSQL Data Systems

    such as Apache Geode Christian Tzolov
  2. 2 Christian Tzolov Engineer at Pivotal, Big-Data, Hadoop, Spring Cloud

    Dataflow, Apache Geode, Apache HAWQ, Apache Committer, Apache Crunch PMC member [email protected] blog.tzolov.net Twitter: @christzolov https://nl.linkedin.com/in/tzolov Whoami Disclaimer This talk expresses my personal opinions. It is not read or approved by Pivotal and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Pivotal nor does it constitute any official communication of Pivotal. Pivotal does not support any of the code shared here.
  3. 3 Big Data Landscape 2016 •  Volume •  Velocity • 

    Varity •  Scalability •  Latency •  CAP - Consistency vs. Availability
  4. 4 •  SQL •  Custom APIs –  Key / Value

    –  Fluid API –  REST API •  {My} Query Language Unified Access? At What Cost? Data Access
  5. 5 •  Apache Apex •  Apache Drill •  Apache Flink

    •  Apache Hive •  Apache Kylin •  Apache Phoenix •  Apache Samza •  Apache Storm •  Cascading •  Qubole Quark •  SQL-Gremlin … SQL? •  Apache Geode
  6. Calcite Geode Adapter - Overview Geode API and OQL SQL/JDBC/ODBC

    Convert SQL relational expressions into OQL queries Geode Adapter (Geode Client) Geode Server Geode Server Geode Server Data Data Data Push down the relational expressions supported by Geode OQL and falls back to the Calcite Enumerable Adapter for the rest Enumerable Adapter Apache Calcite Spring Data Geode Spring Data API for interacting with Geode Parse SQL, converts into relational expression and optimizes
  7. Relational Expressions and Optimization 7 Scan Scan Join Filter Project

    Customer (c) BookOrder (b) on customerNumber b.totalPrice > 0 c.firstName, b.totalPrice SELECT b."totalPrice", c."firstName” FROM "BookOrder" as b INNER JOIN "Customer" as c ON b."customerNumber" = c."customerNumber” WHERE b."totalPrice" > 0; Scan Scan Join Project Customer (c) BookOrder (b) on customerNumber totalPrice > 0 c.firstName, b.totalPrice Project firstName, customerNumber Filter totalPrice, customerNumber Project Optimiz
  8. Push Down Candidates 8 Relational Operator Geode Support LIMIT Supported

    without FETCH PROJECTION Supported FILTER Supported JOIN Only for collocated data AGGREGATE Only for MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG SORT Requires DISTINCT statement Implemented
  9. Apache Geode? “… in-memory, distributed database with strong consistency built

    to support low latency transactional applications at extreme scale”
  10. Why Apache Geode? 10 5,700 train stations 4.5 million tickets

    per day 20 million daily users 1.4 billion page views per day 40,000 visits per second 7,000 stations 72,000 miles of track 23 million passengers daily 120,000 concurrent users 10,000 transactions per minute https://pivotal.io/big-data/case-study/distributed-in-memory-data-management-solution https://pivotal.io/big-data/case-study/scaling-online-sales-for-the-largest-railway-in-the-world-china-railway-corporation China Railway
  11. 11 •  In-Memory Data Storage –  > 100TB memory – 

    JVM Heap + Off Heap •  Any Data Format –  Key-Value/Object Store •  ACID Compliant Transactions •  HA and Linear Scalability •  Strong Consistency •  Streaming and Event Processing –  Listeners –  Distributed Functions –  Continuous OQL Queries •  Multi-site / Inter-cluster •  Embedded and Standalone •  Top Level Apache Project Apache Geode Features
  12. Apache Geode Concepts Cache Server (member) Cache Region 1 Region

    N Val Ke y v1 k1 v2 k2 … Cache - In-memory collection of Regions Region - consistent, distributed Map (key-value), Partitioned or Replicated CacheServer – process connected to the distributed system with created Cache Client (member) Locator (member) Client –read and modify the content of the distributed system Locator – tracks system members and provides membership information … Listeners Functions Functions – distributed, concurrent data processing Listener – event handler. Registers for one or more events and notified when they occur
  13. Geode Topologies Cache Server Cache Server Cache Server Cache Data

    Cache Data Cache Data Peer-to-Peer Cache Server Cache Server Cache Server Cache Data Cache Data Cache Data Client Local Cache pool Client-Server Cache Server Cache Server Gateway Sender … Cache Server Gateway Receiver Cache Server Cache Server Cache Data Cache Data Cache Data Cache Data Gateway Receiver Cache Server … Gateway Sender Cache Server Cache Server Cache Data Cache Data Cache Data Cache Data WAN Multi-site Boundary Multi-Site
  14. Geode Client API •  Client Cache •  Key / Value

    - Region GET, PUT, REMOVE •  OQL – QueryService
  15. Geode Data Types & Serialization •  Key-Value with complex value

    formats •  Portable Data eXchange (PDX) Serialization – Delta propagation, schema evolution, polyglot support … •  Object Query Language (OQL) SELECT p.name FROM /Person p WHERE p.pet.type = “dino” { id: 1, name: “Fred”, age: 42, pet: { name: “Barney”, type: “dino” } } single field deserialization nested fields
  16. Geode Demo (GFSH and OQL) •  Connect to Geode cluster,

    •  List available Regions •  Run OQL query
  17. Apache Calcite? Java framework that allows SQL interface and advanced

    query optimization, for virtually any data system •  Query Parser, Validator and Optimizer(s) •  Local/Remote JDBC drivers •  Streaming •  Agnostic to how data is stored and process •  Balance SQL completes vs. integrity of Data system native capabilities
  18. Apache Calcite Data Types •  Catalog – namespaces accessed in

    queries •  Schema - collection of schemas and tables •  Table - single data set, collection of rows •  RelDataType – SQL fields types in a Table Your Data System Data System Data Types Calcite Schema SQL Engine Table Table JDBC Table … Data Type Mapping SELECT title, author FROM test.BookMaster Data Type Fields Schema Table
  19. Calcite Data Types: RelDataType 19 Type of a scalar expression

    or row •  RelDataTypeFactory – RelDataType factory •  JavaTypeFactory - registers Java classes as record types •  JavaTypeFactoryImpl - Java Reflection to build RelDataTypes •  SqlTypeFactoryImpl - Default implementation with all SQL types
  20. Geode to Calcite Data Types Mapping 20 Geode Cache Region

    1 Region K Val Key v1 k1 v2 k2 … Calcite Schema Table 1 Table K Col1 Col2 ColN V(M,1) RowM V(M,2) V(M,N) V(2,1) Row2 V(2,2) V(2,N) V(1,1) Row1 V(1,2) V(1,N) … Regions are mapped into Tables Geode Cache is mapped into Calcite Schema Geode Key/Value is mapped into Table Row Create Column Types (RelDataType) from Geode Value class (JavaTypeFactoryImpl)
  21. Calcite Bootstrap Flow 21 Typical calcite initialization flow Model (JSON)

    SchemaFactory Schema Tables Creates Creates Configures Calcite Creates
  22. Calcite Model { version: '1.0', defaultSchema: 'TEST', schemas: [ {

    name: 'TEST', type: 'custom', factory: 'org.apache.calcite.adapter.geode.simple.GeodeSchemaFactory', operand: { locatorHost: 'localhost', locatorPort: '10334', regions: 'BookMaster', pdxSerializablePackagePath: 'net.tzolov.geode.bookstore.domain.*' } }] } Reference to your adapter schema factory implementation class Parameters to be passed to your adapter schema factory implementation The path to <my-model>.json is passed as JDBC connection argument: !connect jdbc:calcite:model=target/test-classes/<my-model-path>.json︎ Schema Name
  23. Geode Calcite Schema and Schema Factory public class GeodeSchemaFactory implements

    SchemaFactory { public Schema create(SchemaPlus parentSchema, String schemaName, Map<String, Object> operand) { String locatorHost = (String) operand.get(“locatorHost”); int locatorPort = … String[] regionNames = … String pdxPackagePath = … return new GeodeSchema(locatorHost, locatorPort, regionNames, pdxPackagePath); } } public class GeodeSchema extends AbstractSchema { private String regionName = .. protected Map<String, Table> getTableMap() { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Table> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Region region = … Get Geode Region by region name … Class valueClass= … Find region’s value type … builder.put(regionName, new GeodeScannableTable(regionName, valueClass, clientCache)); return tableMap; } Retrieves the parameters set in the model.json Create an Adapter Schema instance with the provided parameters. Create GeodeScannableTable instance for each Geode Region
  24. Geode Scannable Table public class GeodeScannableTable extends AbstractTable implements ScannableTable

    { public RelDataType getRowType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) { return new JavaTypeFactoryImpl().createStructType(valueClass); } public Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root) { return new AbstractEnumerable<Object[]>() { public Enumerator<Object[]> enumerator() { return new GeodeEnumerator<Object[]>(clientCache, regionName); } } public class GeodeEnumerator<E> implements Enumerator<E> { private E current; private SelectResults geodeIterator; public GeodeEnumerator(ClientCache clientCache, String regionName) { geodeterator = clientCache.getQueryService().newQuery("select * from /" + regionName).execute().iterator(); } public boolean moveNext() { current = convert(geodeIterator.next()); return true;} public E current() {return current;} public abstract E convert(Object geodeValue) { Convert PDX value into RelDataType row } Defined in the Linq4j sub-project Retrieves the entire Region!! Converts Geode value response into Calcite row data Uses reflection (or pdx-instance) to builds RelDataType from value’s class type Returns an Enumeration over the entire target data store
  25. Geode Demo (Scannable Tables) $ ./sqlline ︎ sqlline> !connect jdbc:calcite:model=target/test-classes/model2.json

    admin admin︎ ︎ jdbc:calcite> !tables ︎ jdbc:calcite> SELECT * FROM "BookMaster”;︎ jdbc:calcite> SELECT "yearPublished", AVG("retailCost") AS “AvgRetailCost” FROM "BookMaster" GROUP BY "yearPublished";︎ jdbc:calcite> SELECT b."totalPrice", c."firstName” FROM "BookOrder" AS b INNER JOIN "Customer" AS c ON b."customerNumber" = c."customerNumber” WHERE b."totalPrice" > 0;︎ ︎ ︎ Without and With Implementation
  26. Non-Relational Tables 26 Scanned without intermediate relational expression. •  ScannableTable

    - can be scanned •  FilterableTable - can be scanned, applying supplied filter expressions •  ProjectableFilterableTable - can be scanned, applying supplied filter expressions and projecting a given list of columns Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root, List<RexNode> filters, int[] projects); Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root, List<RexNode> filters); Enumerable<Object[]> scan(DataContext root);
  27. Calcite Ecosystem 27 Several “semi-independent” projects. JDBC and Avatica Linq4j

    Expression Tree Enumerable Adapter Relational •  Relational Expressions •  Row Expression •  Optimization Rules •  Planner … SQL Parser & AST Port of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) to Java. Local and Remote JDBC driver Converts SQL queries Into AST (SqlNode …) 3rd party Adapters Method for translating executable code into data (LINQ/MSN port) Default (In-memory) Data Store Adapter implementation. Leverages Linq4j Relational Algebra, expression, optimizations … Interpreter Complies Java code generated from linq4j “Expressions”. Part of the physical plan implementer
  28. Calcite SQL Query Execution Flow 28 Enumerable Interpreter Prepare SQL,

    Relational, Planner Geode Adapter Binder JDBC Geode Cluster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 2. Parse SQL, convert to rel. expressions. Validate and Optimize them 3. Start building a physical plan from the relation expressions 4. Implement the Geode relations and encode them as Expression tree 5. Pass the Expression tree to the Interpreter to generate Java code 6. Generate and Compile a Binder instance that on ‘bind()’ call runs Geodes’ query method 1. On new SQL query JDBC delegates to Prepare to prepare the query execution 7. JDBC uses the newly compiled Binder to perform the query on the Geode Cluster Calcite Framework Geode Adapter 2
  29. Linq4j and Expression Tree 29 (Node) Visitor Node + accept(Visitor)

    + evaluate(Node) Expression Statement Block Condition For Goto Label Switch Throw Try While Binary Constant MethodCall Parameter Member … … Queryable Enumberable QueryProvider
  30. Calcite Relational Expressions 31 RelNode Relational expression TableScan Project Filter

    Aggregate Join Intersect Sort RexlNode Row-level expressions Project, Sort fields Filter, Join conditions Input Column Ref Literal Struct field access Function call Window expressions * RelTrait * Physical attribute of a relation
  31. Calcite Relational Expressions (2) 32 RelNode + register(RelOptPlander) + List<RelNode>

    getInputs(); RelOptPlanner +findBestExp():RelNode RexNode RelTrait Convention NONE * * EnumberableConvention RelOptRule + onMatch(call) <<register>> <<create>> MyDBConvention ConverterRule + RelNode convert(RelNode) Converts from one calling convention to another Convertor Indicate that it converts a physical attribute only! <<rules>> * <<inputs>> * <<root>> Query optimizer: Transforms a relational expression according to a given set of rules and a cost model. RelOptCluster Rule transforms an expression into another. It has a list of Operands, which determine whether the rule can be applied to a particular section of the tree. RelOptRuleOperand * <<fire criteria>> Calling convention used to represent a single data source. Inputs to a relational expression must be in the same convention
  32. Calcite Adapter Patterns 33 MyAdapterRel + implement(implContext) MyAdapterConvention Convention.Impl(“MyAdapter”) Common

    interface for all MyAdapter Relation Expressions. Provides implementation callback method called as part of physical plan implementation ImplContext + implParm1 + implParm2 … RelNode MyAdapterTable + toRel(optTable) + asQueryable(provider,…) MyAdapterQueryable + myQuery(params) : Enumetator TranslatableTable <<instance of>> AbstractQueryableTable AbstractTableQueryable <<create>> Can convert queries in Expression myQuery() implements the call to your DB It is called by the auto generated code. It must return an Enumberable instance MyAdapterScan + register(planer) { Registers all MyAdapter Rules } <<create>> MyAdapterToEnumerableConvertorRule operands: (RelNode.class, MyAdapterConvention, EnumerableConvention) ConverterRue TableScan MyAdapterToEnumerableConvertor + implement(EnumerableRelImplementor) { ctx = new MyAdapterRel.ImplContext() getImputs().implement(ctx) return BlockBuild.append( MY_QUERY_REF, Expressions.constant(ctx.implParms1), Expressions.constant(ctx.implParms2) … EnumerableRel ConvertorImpl <<create on match >> MyAdapterProject MyAdapterFilter MyAdapterXXX RelOptRule MyAdapterProjectRu MyAdapterFilterRule MyAdapterXXXRule <<create on match >> Recursively call the implement on each MyAdapter Relation Expression Encode the myQuery(params) call as Expressions MY_QUERY_REF = Types.lookupMethod( MyAdapterQueryable.class, ”myQuery”, String.class String.class); 1 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 Calcite Framework MyAdapter components
  33. Calcite with Geode - Without Implementation 34 SELECT b."totalPrice", c."firstName"

    FROM "BookOrder" as b INNER JOIN "Customer" as c ON b."customerNumber" = c."customerNumber" WHERE b."totalPrice" > 0;
  34. Calcite with Geode - With Implementation 35 SELECT b."totalPrice", c."firstName"

    FROM "BookOrder" as b INNER JOIN "Customer" as c ON b."customerNumber" = c."customerNumber" WHERE b."totalPrice" > 0;
  35. Future work 38 •  Improve nested data structures support • 

    Push down Join for collocated data sets •  Push down the COUNT expression •  Push down the ORDER BY expression (requires adding a DISTINCT aggregate expression to the query) •  Use new Geode OQL aggregation operations (http://bit.ly/2eKApd0) to push down MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG aggregations •  Beyond OQL (e.g. implement Join, aggregations with custom functions) •  Leverage Calcite Streaming with Geode
  36. References 39 •  Apache Geode Adapter for Apache Calcite: https://github.com/tzolov/calcite

    •  Introduction to Apache Calcite (2016) : http://bit.ly/2fB1iBz •  Apache Calcite Overview (2014) : http://bit.ly/2fMJgbS •  Introduction to Apache Geode (2016) : http://bit.ly/1Rfztbd •  Apache Calcite Project (2016) : https://calcite.apache.org •  Apache Geode Project (2016) : http://geode.apache.org •  Geode Object Query Language (OQL) : http://bit.ly/2eKywgp •  Expression Tree Basic: http://bit.ly/2flBiXH