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Content-Commerce - Sulu & Sylius

Content-Commerce - Sulu & Sylius

Content-Commerce is not a new Topic but in the last year with the pandemic it became more important also for smaller actors to promote their products as good as possible to get attention from their customer and outdo the big platform from a valley with a lot of silicon!

Wachter Johannes

April 29, 2021

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  1. Hey, I’m Johannes @wachterjohannes – Studied Computer Science MSc –

    Started to work MASSIVE ART WebServices in 2013 – Sulu Core Developer – PHP / Symfony / JavaScript / React / Elasticsearch / SQL / … – Now working for Sulu GmbH and responsible for Custom Development – Started lecturing at the University of Applied Science Dornbirn in 2020 [email protected] https://github.com/wachterjohannes
  2. Brooklyn Soap Company – Men Healthcare Journal – Each Post

    with matching products – Editorial Content – Less interactions
  3. Nike Run Club – App for individuell training-plans – Tipps

    & Tricks in a Journal – Application combined with editorial Content
  4. Headless eCommerce – Decouple presentation and eCommerce Layer – Add

    flexibility and maintainability – Independent of Selling channel – Use-Case specific systems
  5. Traditional vs. Headless eCommerce Traditional Headless Front-end Development – Design

    constraints – Time to edit the database, code and platform is massive – No design constraint. Just make a simple API call – Need to make front-end presentation from scratch Customization and personalization Pre-defined experience for both users and admin Create your own experience for both users and admin Flexibilität and adaptability Front-end is tightly coupled with back-end - only little room for customization – Endless customization – Changes can be made in the front- end https://www.coredna.com/blogs/headless-commerce
  6. Sulu – Enterprise content management platform – Built full-stack on

    the Symfony framework – Made for businesses – Intuitive UI with great UX – High performance – 100% Open Source
  7. Sylius – eCommerce Platform – Full-Stack Symfony – Extensible and

    customizable – Many Plugins – Adapters for PIMs/ERPs – Multi-Channel
  8. Sylius – Complete Solution – But modular – Short time

    to Market – Allows incremental development process
  9. Compare Sulu Sylius E-Commerce - x E-Commerce Plugins - x

    Adapters PIMs / ERPs - x Shop User API - x
  10. Compare Sulu Sylius Content Management x - (Very basic Plugin)

    Configurable Templates x - Smart Caching (e.g. Varnish) x - Drafting / Versioning / Audience Targeting / Segments x -
  11. Compare Sulu Sylius Multi-Portal / Channel x x Multi-Language x

    x Flexible / Intuitive Admin UI x (for content) x (for eCommerce) Symfony x x
  12. Live Copy/Paste Session – Sulu & Sylius working parallel –

    Synchronized product data – Sulu renders the webpage – Interaction with Sylius over Rest-API
  13. Feinschmecker https://www.feinschmecker.de Developed by Sulu Using – Symfony Messenger +

    Redis Streams – SuluArticleBundle – Various Sylius Plugins – React App talking to Sylius ShopApi Plugin
  14. https://www.glasses24.com Developed by brille24.de Using – Synchronization to ArticleBundle –

    Sulu pipelines Sylius ShopApi Plugin Planned – Akaneo PIM Integration – Cutting of SuluArticleBundle by using Elasticsearch directly Glasses24
  15. Boneco https://www.boneco.us/en-us Developed by MASSIVE ART WebServices Using – Symfony

    Messenger + Redis Stream – Synchronization to custom Entity in Sulu – React App talking to Sylius ShopApi Plugin