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Explorig Kotlin Android - IO Extended '19 Hyder...

Explorig Kotlin Android - IO Extended '19 Hyderabad

The slides for my talk at Google IO Extended 2019 held on 7th July, 2019 in Hyderabad, Pakistan.

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2257554364573613/

Wajahat Karim

July 07, 2019

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  1. I am Wajahat Karim And I work at Contour Software.

    Hello! 2 Coding 8+ Years Experienced Android Developer Writing Authored 2 Worldwide Published Books Passion Open Source Contributor (many Android libraries) Community AndroidPub, FlutterPub, Articles, and Talks
  2. Why Kotlin? 5 Statically Typed This means that the type

    of every variable and expression is known at compile time. Concise Drastically reduces the boilerplate code that you have been writing in other OOP languages like Java. Explicit Means being specific about your design choices and not hiding anything from the consumers of code. Easy to Learn Kotlin has a very low learning curve. The basic syntax looks a lot like Java. Null-Safe Avoids the most dreaded NullPointerExceptions by supporting nullability as part of its type system. Interoperable with Java You can easily access Java code from Kotlin and vice versa.
  3. Kotlin in Android 14 Official Support Google announced Kotlin as

    an official programming language for developing Android application in Google IO 2016.. Android KTX Google is heavily investing in creating open source extensions and APIs in Kotlin to make things easier and convenient for Android developers. Kotlin First Starting this year after Google IO 2019, Android APIs will be Kotlin first and will be architectured from Kotlin perspective.
  4. You Thank you for attending this event. Techno Summit The

    event is organized by them. https://www.technosummit.org Special Thanks 16 Google After all, its Google powered Google IO Extended event. Undraw All the beautiful illustrations in this presentation are from Undraw. http://undraw.co
  5. Any Questions? You can find me at: • https://wajahatkarim.com •

    github.com/wajahatkarim3 • medium.com/@wajahatkarim3 17