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DrupalCamp Ghent 2012

Bernard Grymonpon
May 25, 2012

DrupalCamp Ghent 2012

Performance optimizations for large & small sites

Bernard Grymonpon

May 25, 2012


  1. Setup 7 Vagrant (virtualbox) - 256 MB RAM Debian Squeeze

    Drupal 7 - 5000 nodes & terms (Opscode Chef) Friday 25 May 2012
  2. Results Default: 5 / sec Xcache: 15 / sec (300%)

    Drupal cache: 30 / sec (600%) Drupal- / Memcache + Xcache: 100 / sec (2000%) Boost: 430 / sec (8600%) Varnish: 1400 / sec (28000%) 12 Friday 25 May 2012
  3. Large sites 18 Performance optimizations are part of the development

    Profiling during development Take care of your custom modules! Friday 25 May 2012