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Introduction to new features of Google Play Bil...

Introduction to new features of Google Play Billing

(mixi & CA).aab 〜Google I/O報告会〜 2019/5/21 @ymnd


May 21, 2019

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  1. Recap I/O : What s New with Google Play Billing

    What s New with Google Play Billing Google Play Billing Library release notes Acknowledge 2.0
  2. Today s menu Predictable Release & Support Acknowledge all purchases

    Pending transactions New Purchase surfaces Pause Cancel survey reports on Console Longer Grace Period Faster Purchase Experience Revamped developer payload Improved error codes for easier debugging
  3. Today s menu Predictable Release & Support Acknowledge all purchases

    Pending transactions New Purchase surfaces Pause Cancel survey reports on Console Longer Grace Period Faster Purchase Experience Revamped developer payload Improved error codes for easier debugging
  4. Improved error codes for easier debugging responseCode: (DEVELOPER_ERROR) Activity nished

    with resultCode and billing's responseCode: Couldn't nd purchase lists, trying to nd single data. Received a bad purchase data. Couldn't nd single purchase data as well.
  5. Conclusion Sample App of Billing Library . : Trivial Drive

    Kotlin https://github.com/googlesamples/android-play-billing/tree/master/ TrivialDriveKotlin Codelabs https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/play-billing-scalable-kotlin/ index.html Realase Notes https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/ billing_library_releases_notes#release- _ Billing Library . Overview https://www.slideshare.net/nsface/billing-library- -overview-