Data Engineering Manager of Applications Backend CRuby committer, mainly develop parser generator and parser Lrama LALR (1) parser generator (2023, Ruby 3.3) Love LR parser
Okinawa, Japan The Bison Slayer The parser monster Parser界の黎明卿 The world is now in the great age of parsers. People are setting sail into the vast sea of parsers. - RubyKaigi 2023 LT- Yuichiro Kaneko NEW !!! NEW !!!
Ruby Parser Long term goals Provide platform for LSP and other tools Provide Universal parser Keep both Ruby grammar and parser to be maintainable Solution LR parser and parser generator are the best approach for Ruby
Refactoring Ripper LSP Optimize Node memory management Delete parser level optimization Union to Struct (Node) User friendly node structure parse.y for Under graduate More declarative parser Ef fi cient data structure (Cactuses) Delete operation support Integration to parse.y More accurate recovery Parameterizing rules Replace hand written parser with Racc User de fi ned stack Scanner state update syntax Scannerless parser IELR RBS Error tolerance Parser Generator (Lrama) Parser ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪
Refactoring Ripper LSP Optimize Node memory management Delete parser level optimization Union to Struct (Node) User friendly node structure parse.y for Under graduate More declarative parser Ef fi cient data structure (Cactuses) Delete operation support Integration to parse.y More accurate recovery Parameterizing rules Replace hand written parser with Racc User de fi ned stack Scanner state update syntax Scannerless parser IELR RBS Error tolerance Parser Generator (Lrama) Parser ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪
action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b if condition_b action_b else action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b action_b else action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b action_b else action_c end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b else action_c end 1. elseΛelsif 2. if condition_b Λআ 3. ༨ͳendΛ আ 4.ॏෳ͍ͯ͠Δaction_b Λআ
action_b else action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b if condition_b action_b else action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b action_b else action_c end end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b action_b else action_c end if condition_a action_a elsif condition_b action_b else action_c end 1. elseΛelsif 2. if condition_b Λআ 3. ༨ͳendΛ আ 4.ॏෳ͍ͯ͠Δaction_b Λআ
ff set: 0 NODE_IF o ff set: 30 condition_a o ff set: 3 action_a o ff set: 14 NODE_ELSE o ff set: 25 END o ff set: 86 ELSE o ff set: 25 IF o ff set: 30 condition_b o ff set: 35 action_b o ff set: 46 -> 47 END o ff set: 79 NODE_ELSE o ff set: 59 action_c o ff set: 66 ELSE o ff set: 59 ߋ৽!!