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Simplifying Build Configuration with Amper (Kot...

Simplifying Build Configuration with Amper (KotlinConf 2024)

Márton Braun

May 23, 2024

More Decks by Márton Braun

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Current features Building and testing JVM and KMP projects Tooling

    support in Fleet and IntelliJ IDEA Declarative configuration files Maven dependencies with completion Multi-module projects Compose Multiplatform support Working with Gradle version catalogs* Gradle interoperability* Helpful tooling for new projects and modules *in Gradle-based projects
  2. Future plans 🔮 Extensibility Amper version catalogs Packaging and publication

    Native dependencies (CocoaPods, SPM) Platform-specific test types (e.g. Android instrumented) ... and more! KSP support Build variants Other platforms and product types