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What’s New in Compose Multiplatform - A Live To...

What’s New in Compose Multiplatform - A Live Tour (droidcon London 2024)

What if you could just… do iOS development? Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform make it possible!

Live coding our way through the evergrowing ecosystem built by JetBrains, Google, and the wonderful Kotlin community, we’ll show you how you can pick and choose well-established tools and libraries that you already know from Android and use them to build cross-platform apps.

This includes the addition of new Jetpack libraries such as Navigation, ViewModel, DataStore, and more – and you don’t have to make any compromises when it comes to using platform capabilities, either! Using JetBrains Fleet throughout the demos, you’ll also see the tooling support you get when developing multiplatform applications.

You may not realize it yet, but you probably already know how to build apps with Compose Multiplatform – for Android, iOS, and beyond.

More info: https://zsmb.co/talks/whats-new-compose-multiplatform-live-tour/

Márton Braun

October 31, 2024

More Decks by Márton Braun

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Features • Fully shared Compose UI • Logic separated from

    UI • Navigation between pages • Resources & localization • Data persistence • Dependency injection
  2. Let's extract some logic! • Jetpack ViewModel • KMP-ObservableViewModel •

    Voyager • Orbit MVI • Molecule • … ⚗ 🏅
  3. Let's store some data! • Room • Realm • SQLDelight

    • KStore • DataStore • Multiplatform Settings 💽 🏅
  4. Compose Navigation • Converted to Multiplatform by JetBrains • Popular,

    well-established APIs (you might already know them!) • Minimizing the work for bringing existing Android apps to multiplatform • Keeps evolving!
  5. Join our Roundtable! . 310 PM Chromecast Room .Kotlin by

    JetBrains, present and future . Have a chat with Developer Advocates from JetBrains about anything Kotlin related on your mind. Language evolution, tooling, development practices, Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform... We're here for all of it!