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FRida Unleashed - Scratching beneath the surfac...

September 15, 2022

FRida Unleashed - Scratching beneath the surface of bug bounties

FRida Unleashed - Scratching beneath the surface of bug bounties


September 15, 2022

More Decks by Bharath

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  1. Why this talk? Mobile security testing is nuanced Mobile security

    testing is daunting Mobile security testing has a lot of tribal knowledge It’s fun!
  2. FRida Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.

    Injects V8 JavaScript engine in the process (QuickJS/Duktape). Provides simple to use APIs to build custom tools.
  3. FRida - Modes of Operation 1. Injected 2. Embedded 3.

    Preloaded https://frida.re/docs/modes/
  4. Hurdle 1 - Root/Jailbreak detection An app’s capability to detect

    when they are running on a jailbroken iOS or rooted Android device. This has become a baseline security mechanism for most apps (opinion) Apps use a variety of libraries or methods to implement this such as rootbeer and IOSSecuritySuite
  5. Bypassing Root/Jailbreak detection - Easy way There are tools and

    frameworks available to bypass Root/Jailbreak detection. Objection FRida Hooks Magisk plugins (Not Frida) Xposed Plugins (Not Frida) https://codeshare.frida.re/
  6. Bypassing Root/Jailbreak detection - Tips If using objection - objection

    -g com.attack.appname explore -s "android root disable” https://github.com/sensepost/objection/blob/master/agent/src/android/root.ts objection -g com.attack.ipaname explore -s "ios jailbreak disable” https://github.com/sensepost/t/blob/master/agent/src/ios/jailbreak.ts
  7. What to do when automated scripts or tools fail? Using

    frida we can start experimenting and start hooking into interesting places and syscalls using early instrumentation. /proc/*/ Popen and Fopen getEnv Stat __system_property_find frida --codeshare FrenchYeti/android-arm64-strace -U -f YOUR_BINARY
  8. What to do when automated scripts or tools fail? Using

    frida we can start experimenting and start hooking into interesting places and syscalls using early instrumentation. Early instrumentation on Java Java.deoptimizeEveything(); Java.perform(()={ Java.use(…//InsertLogic) })
  9. What to do when automated scripts or tools fail? Early

    instrumentation on SO var ourlib = "librarycustom.so"; var do_dlopen = null; var call_ctor = null; var ModBase = null; Process.findModuleByName('linker64').enumerateSymbols().forEach(function(sym) { if (sym.name.indexOf('do_dlopen') >= 0) { do_dlopen = sym.address; } else if (sym.name.indexOf('call_constructor') >= 0) { call_ctor = sym.address; } }) Interceptor.attach(do_dlopen, function() { var library = this.context['x0'].readUtf8String(); if (library != null) { if (library.indexOf(ourlib) >= 0) { h( ll f i () {
  10. A quick tale from trenches (case study) This is from

    a Private Bug Bounty Program with Mobile app in scope We had early advantage as we got invited after 1 month of launch We noticed that almost no one reported bugs on the Mobile application We used APKiD to identify the protector which was used in the Android App Bypassed the Root detections using Frida hooking Multiple APIs were vulnerable to trivial issues like SQL injection Reported and Got it Fixed
  11. Hurdle 2 - Certificate Pinning Certificate pinning is mechanism that

    allows accepting only authorized ("pinned") certificates for authentication of client-server connections. This mechainism is devised as a means of thwarting MiTM. This essentially means, we will not be able to use our interception proxies to manipulate API traffic.
  12. Bypassing Certificate Pinning - Tips Frida Scripts which are commonly

    available on codeshare Objection Hash replacement network_security _config.xml (Android) Info.plist (iOS) SSLkillswitch Flutter disable-flutter-tls-verification
  13. What to do when automated scripts or tools fail? Identify

    the ways in which application communicates with server Identify the network stack which the application uses Identify whether the application relies on the OS provided SSL libraries or comes with custom ones. OS Provided - LibSSL.so To Hook - SSL_read and SSL_write Custom ones BoringSSL WolfSSL etc
  14. What to do when automated scripts or tools fail? Bypassing

    SSL Pinning on custom library function CaptureSSLTraffic() { let _sslWrite = libSymbol('libcocos2dcpp.so!SSL_write'); let _sslWriteOld = new NativeFunction(_sslWrite, 'int', ['pointer', 'pointer', 'int']); let counter = 1; // traffic out console.log('raplacing [libcocos2dcpp.so!SSL_write]'); Interceptor.replace(_sslWrite, new NativeCallback((ctx, buffer, length) => { counter++; // remove gzip compress feature let replace = buffer.readUtf8String(length).replace('Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip\r\n', ''); let newBuffer = Memory.allocUtf8String(replace);
  15. Hurdle 3 - Encryption mechanisms Apps can encryt the network

    traffic to ensure attacker don’t get visibility into the traffic. In this case, as attacker you won’t be able to manipulate traffic even after bypassing root detection/SSL Pinning etc.
  16. Common techniques to figure out encryption Logic Frida Scripts which

    are commonly available on codeshare frida --codeshare dzonerzy/aesinfo -f com.app Objection Looking for patterns Java - javax.crypto library ios - CCrypt
  17. What to do when automated tools/scripts fail? frida-trace to rescue

    frida-trace -U -i "encry*" com.appname frida-trace -U -i "ccrypt*" com.appname
  18. Hurdle 4 - FRida Detection Frida detection is, well, mechanisms

    to detect if Frida is being run on a mobile device.
  19. Common ways to bypass Frida detection Objection renames the Frida

    to Freeda binary Bypassing String based Search Bypassing Memory based Search Bypassing port based Detections
  20. Taking it to next level - Brida Brida is a

    Burp Suite Extension that, working as a bridge between Burp Suite and Frida, lets you use and manipulate applications’ own methods while tampering the traffic exchanged between the applications and their back-end services/servers.