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Applying DevOps principles to API security

February 06, 2018

Applying DevOps principles to API security

Ever faster agile development and a wide gap across development and security teams are two of the main reasons you want to entirely automate all aspects of API security: code scans, infra scans, security testing, automated policies configuration and deployment of lightweight, secure enforcement points (PEPs). Let's shift left!


February 06, 2018

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    CTO [email protected] The API Security Platform for the Enterprise
  2. 7 Authentication Integrity (transport & message) Audit Confidentiality (transport &

    message) Availability (Rate Limiting) Access Control Non Repudiation Data Validity (attacks protection)
  3. 8 YES. You need to consider all of this… …

    AND you need to configure all aspects in the right way
  4. “Security experts are going to have to figure out how

    to deliver ‘security as code’. Essentially, they have to translate every security requirement, every coding guideline, every ‘best practice,’ every threat model, and every security architecture into code that can run during the development, build, test, and deployment process. Even in operations, it’s critical that attack detection and response is fully automated.” Jeff Williams OWASP Top 10 project creator, about the (ex) A10 entry in OWASP Top 10. https://sdtimes.com/owasp-adds-unprotected-apis-insufficient-attack-protection-top-ten-2017-release/ 11
  5. LET’S SHIFT SECURITY LEFT! 13 Deployment Testing Development Design Security

    vulnerabilities are bugs. The later you find them, the more costly it is to fix them.
  6. HACK YOURSELF ! Automated Scans ✓ Code Scans ✓ Infrastructure

    Scans Automated Hacking ✓ OWASP ZAP, BURP Chaos Engineering ✓ DDOS Attacks Test Security ✓ Authentication ✓ Authorization Complementary Initiatives ✓ Pen-Testing ✓ Bug Bounty ✓ Secure Code Reviews 14 1 Choose scanning platforms/tools where 
 functionality is exposed as APIs/CLI.
  7. 1. Use Threat Modelling to eval the APIs risk 2.

    Define security profiles by risk level 3. Apply security profiles automatically based on risk. 4. Avoid policies in code and API-specific 16 IMPLEMENT ‘POLICY AS CODE’ 2
  8. 1. Easy to deploy even on developer’s laptops 2. Can

    be deployed hundreds of times 3. Immutable 17 USE A CONTAINERIZED PEP 3 VERIFY IMAGE INTEGRITY !
  9. 1. Constant monitoring at all stages 2. Automated Response when

    possible. 3. Leverage Machine Learning (but be careful of false positives!) 18 MONITOR AND ANALYZE 4
  10. FULL DEV-SEC-OPS CYCLE FOR APIS 19 Develop Assess Secure Test

    Document Deploy API is developed on platform of choice Continuous API testing including security testing Deploy to containerized PEP Configure and apply security policy from assessed risk Assess API description and evaluate risk level Document and annotate API with OpenAPI/Swagger
  11. RESOURCES Chaos Engineering ✓ http:/ /principlesofchaos.org ✓ https:/ /github.com/dastergon/awesome-chaos-engineering OWASP

    ZAP ✓ https:/ /www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project Source Code Analysis ✓ https:/ /www.owasp.org/index.php/Source_Code_Analysis_Tools Code Security reviews ✓ https:/ /www.owasp.org/index.php/Code_Review_Introduction Systems Scans ✓ https:/ /www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Vulnerability_Scanning_Tools 25