Adam Culp In this presentation we will talk about OOP, and discuss the object model progression in PHP from version 4 through the newest 5.3. I apologize in advance, but this will not be in great detail though I hope it is enough to help everyone in some way.
to perform quick tasks. Large adoption brought more users who wanted OOP, so here we are. – Everything went fairly sequential – Took a fair amount of labor within code to change values afterward – Procedural does make sense for simple tasks, such as CRON jobs to perform quick tasks. <?php function vehicle($wheels, $color, $hp) { // build a car using info provided $car = array( ‘wheels’ => $wheels, ‘color’ => $color, ‘hp’ => $hp); return $car; } $car = vehicle(4, ‘red’, 240); // now continue with code that uses $car If ($car[‘color’] == ‘red’) { echo ‘Your car is red’; } ?> Output: Your car is red Possible usage: Here is the car: <?php print_r($car); ?>
oop to PHP. – Application builds an object – Helps with DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) – Simplifies structure, code still can be sequential but is more ‘modular’ – Helps keep code more readable – Object can be manipulated easier prior to use of the object – We instantiate the class by creating a “new” object, then manipulate the object by calling the different “methods” within the class. <?php Interface mobility { function setColor($color); function setHorsepower($hp); } class Vehicle implements mobility { public $color; public $horsepower; function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; } function setHorsepower($hp) { $this->horsepower = $hp; } } Class Car extends Vehicle { public $wheel; function addWheel($n) { $this->wheel += $n; } } $myCar = new Car(); $myCar->setColor(‘red’); $myCar->setHorsepower(250); $myCar->addWheel(3); $myCar->addWheel(1); print_r($myCar); ?> Output: Car Object([wheel]=>4[color]=>red[horsepower]=>250)
OOP presence, and looked something like this -> – Variables need to be defined as ‘var’. – Constructors carried the same name as the Class. • Note: the constructor always runs “automagically” when the class is instantiated – No visibility – No abstraction – Very simple and easy to use, but lacked many features of other OOP languages at the time. <?php class Reference { var $reference; // acted as constructor function Reference() { $this->reference = ‘dictionary’; } function getReference() { return $this->reference; } } $rt = new Reference(); $reference = $rt->getReference; echo ‘reference:’ . $reference; ?> Output: reference: dictionary
5.0 there were many changes. – Protected data with Visibility • Public (default) – accessed and changed globally • Protected – access and changed by direct descendants • Private – access and changed within class only – Type Hinting – notice how we specify that an object of Language is passed to the constructor. This means we must create an object using the Language class first. – Variables no longer need the ‘var’ keyword – Constructor now defined using __construct call – CONSTANT values may now be assigned per-class, cannot be a variable or property or mathematical operation or function call. <?php class Reference { const DEFAULT_LANG = ‘eng’; private $reference; private $lang; public function __construct(Language $lang) { if($lang ) { $this->lang = $lang->esp; } else { $this->lang = DEFAULT_LANG; } $this->reference = ‘dictionary’; } public function getReference() { return $this->reference; } private function setPrivateReference() { $this->reference = ‘my_dictionary’; } } class Language { public $esp = ‘Spanish’; } $lang = new Language(); $rt = new Reference($lang); $reference = $rt->getReference; echo ‘reference:’ . $reference; ?> Output: Reference: Spanish
contains any abstract methods the class must also be abstract. – Abstracted methods must be defined by the child class. – Visibility in the method of the child class must be the same, or less, restricted. – “final” keyword prevents child classes from overriding a method – “clone” creates a copy of an object rather than continuing to use the same object. <?php abstract class Reference { public $reference; abstract public function read(); public function __construct() { $this->reference = ‘dictionary’; } final public function getReference() { return $this->reference; } protected function setProtectedReference($myReference) { $this->reference = $myReference; } } class Letter extends Reference { public function read($personal) { $myDictionary = $personal; parent::setProtectedReference($myDictionary); return $this->reference; } } $rt = new Letter(); $reference = $rt->read(‘my english dictionary’); $rt2 = clone $rt; echo ‘reference:’ . $reference; ?> Output: reference: my english dictionary
a class must implement. – All methods in interface must be public. – Multiple interfaces can be implemented by using comma separation – Interface may contain a CONSTANT, but may not be overridden by implementing class <?php interface rTemplate { public function getReference(); public function setProtectedReference(); } class Reference implements rTemplate { public $reference; public function __construct() { $this->reference = ‘dictionary’; } public function getReference() { return $this->reference; } protected function setProtectedReference($myReference) { $this->reference = $myReference; } } $rt = new Letter(); $reference = $rt->getReference(); echo ‘reference:’ . $reference; ?> Output: reference: dictionary
Exceptions – throwing an exception to gracefully error out, while continuing to execute the rest of the script even after the error. • Notice how we still get ‘Hello World’ even after an exception caused by ‘Division by zero’. – Exceptions can then be caught for logging, etc. <?php function inverse($x) { if (!$x) { throw new Exception(‘Division by zero.’); } else { return 1/$x; } } try { echo inverse(5) . “\n”; echo inverse(0) . “\n”; // trigger exception } catch (Exception $e) { echo ‘Caught exception: ‘, $e->getMessage(), “\n”; } // continue execution echo ‘Hello World’; ?> Output: 0.2 Caught exception: Division by zero. Hello World
– Namespaces – Late Static Bindings – Jump labels (goto) – Closures – __callStatic() and __invoke() – Class Constants – Nowdoc syntax supported – Use Heredocs to initialize static variables and class properties – Heredocs with double quotes – Ternary operator shortcut – HTTP status 200 to 399 = success – Dynamic access to static methods – Exception nesting – mail() logging of sent email
code encapsulation. • Keep properties from colliding between areas of your code • Only classes, interfaces, functions and constants are affected – Anything that does not have a namespace is considered in the Global namespace (namespace = “”) – Namespace must be declared first (except ‘declare’ statement) – Can define multiple namespaces in the same file. <?php declare (encoding=‘UTF-8’); namespace automobile; class Automobile { function setType($type) { echo __NAMESPACE__ . “\n”; } } namespace automobile\car; class Car { function toyota() { echo “test drive\n”; } } $car = new Car $car->toyota(); // OR you can use the namespace $auto = new \automobile\car\Car; $auto->toyota(); ?> Output: test drive test drive
define that something be used in the “Global” namespace by enclosing a non-labeled namespace in {} brackets. (Note: if you have multiple namespaces in the same file they must all use this notation.) – Use namespaces from within other namespaces, along with aliasing <?php namespace automobile; class Automobile { function setType($type) { echo __NAMESPACE__ . “\n”; } } namespace automobile\car; use automobile as auto; class Car { function toyota() { echo “test drive\n”; } } namespace { //global code, for this to work the examples above would also need to use bracketed syntax } $automobile = new auto\Automobile; $automobile->setType(‘none’); ?> Output: automobile
class name of the last “non-forwarded call”. <?php class Automobile { private function type() { echo “Success!\n”; } public function test() { $this->type(); static::type(); } } class Car extends Automobile { // empty } Class Truck extends Automobile { private function type() { // empty } } $car = new Car; $car->test(); $truck = new Truck; $truck->test(); //fails because there is no test() in Truck ?> Output: Success! Success! Success! Fatal error: Call to private method Truck::type() from context ‘Automobile’ in {file} on line n
jump to another section in the program. – Target is specified by a label followed by a colon. – Target must be within the same file and context. • Cannot jump out of a function or method, and cannot jump into one. – Cannot jump into any sort of loop or switch structure, but may jump out. <?php // some code here goto a; echo ‘Foo’; // more code here a: echo ‘Bar’; ?> Output: Bar
creation of functions which have no specific name. – Most useful as the value of callback parameters. – Can be used as the value of a variable. – Can inherit variables from the parent scope. (Not the same as using global variables) <?php class Cart { protected $products = array(); const PRICE_SHIRT = 20.00; const PRICE_SCARF = 4.00; public function order() { $this->products[‘shirt’] = 2; $this->products[‘scarf’] = 3; } public function getTotal($tax) { $total = 0.00; $callback = function ($quantity, $product) use ($tax, &$total) { $pricePerItem = constant(__CLASS__ . “::PRICE_” . strtoupper($product)); $total += ($pricePerItem * $quantity) * ($tax +1.0); }; array_walk($this->products, $callback); return round($total, 2); } } ?> Output: 55.64
a “try” can also have another “try” nested within, thus causing two levels of failure to caught for further logging. <?php class MyException extends Exception {} class Test { public function testing() { try { try { throw new MyException(‘foo!’); } catch (MyException $e) { throw $e; } } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } } } $foo = new Test; $foo->testing(); ?> Output: String(4) “foo!”
warning to enforce public visibility and non-static declaration. • Triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in a static context. • __invoke() – Called when a script tries to call an object as a function No code to go with this… yet. Experiment on your own.
no parsing is done inside a nowdoc. • Ideal for code snippets or large blocks of text without the need for escaping. • Best used with static content. – Uses the same <<< sequence, but the following identifier is encosed in single quotes. <?php echo <<<‘EOT’ My name is “$name”. I am printing some $foo->foo. Now, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}. This should not print a capital ‘A’: /x41 EOT; ?> Output: My name is “$name”. I am printing some $foo->foo. Now, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}. This should not print a capital ‘A’: /x41
variables and class properties/constants. – Can now be declared (optional) using double quotes, complementing the nowdoc syntax which uses single quotes. <?php // Static variables function foo() { static $bar = <<<“LABEL” Nothing in here… LABEL; } // Class properties/constants Class foo { const BAR = <<<FOOBAR Constant example FOOBAR; public $baz = <<<FOOBAR Property example FOOBAR } ?>
be declared outside a class using the ‘const’ keyword instead of ‘declare’. <?php const TEST = ‘bar’; Function foo() { echo ‘foo’; } foo(); echo TEST; ?>
use ternary for simpler returns of evaluation. – Instead of defining the ‘middle’ part of the operation we simply get a ‘1’ if the first expression is true. Otherwise we receive what is in the third part, as we used to. <?php $test = true; // old way $todo = ($test ? ‘Go’ : ‘Stop’); echo $todo; // added shortcut // if $test = true then we get a true flag, otherwise we get the second expression as a result $tada = ($test ?: ‘whatever’); echo $tada; ?> Output (true): Go1 Output (false): Stopwhatever