own company from my home-based office consulting with many larger companies. Zend PHP 5.3 Certified Engineer Created ReqHarbor.com, OutsourceHarbor.com, more harbors coming. Projects coming github.com/adamculp Looking forward to php|tek '12 in a couple weeks Ultra-runner (still trying to finish a 100 miler), scuba diver, judo player (black belt), husband, father (of 3), grand-dad (7 times, kids need a hobby) Organizer of South Florida PHP Users Group for the past 2 years
development environment to create, edit, and run Selenium scripts. Runs as a Firefox plugin but can be used as Remote Control for any browser. (We will only cover the Firefox plugin for time constraint.) Written in Javascript, considered another Firefox window. Handy way to test web forms and other elements in a web page/application. Great helper when troubleshooting.
site is a bit behind) http://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/selenium-ide http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-ide/1.8.0/selenium-ide-1.8.0.xpi Execute Tools->Selenium IDE Record new test, or open a saved test
form gracefully errors out and presents a nicely formatted message the page actually succeeded. There is no failure for Selenium to catch if you are simply recording mouse and keyboard actions. In Selenium you would need to set additional assertions to look for certain elements or text that would indicate a failure.
open you can still select individual test cases within the suite and execute just that single test case. Changing in individual test case does not affect the suite. The suite is a list of pointers to the cases. (Change a case, save the case. Add a case, save the case and suite.)
Selenium to stop in the middle of a test case so you can perform an action, or be alerted of progress, insert a break. This is handy to give you time to perform a needed action before the rest of the test suite runs. (ex. - a new user needs to add a password or if a password reset link is sent in email for the user to manually perform an action.)
would like to insert a point where Selenium should stop during a specific run, but not every time, you can set a breakpoint. This will not be saved to the test case, but will affect the current run. You can also set/clear start points if you want a case to run from a certain point. You can also tell Selenium to run a specific line of a case.
to test a form/page repeatedly to view outputs. Automate Google searches and continue cycling through results until you find your site. (SEO) Pre-record actions for presentations