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Instant Loading: Making the web competitive on ...

Instant Loading: Making the web competitive on mobile

Tech Talk at PayPal, Oct 10th, 2017.

Addy Osmani

October 10, 2017

More Decks by Addy Osmani

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  1. 1. JavaScript Frameworks 2. Large JavaScript Bundles 3. PRPL Pattern

    4. <link rel=dns-prefetch> 5. <link rel=preload> 6. Reduction in HTTP Requests 7. Service Workers 8. Image Compression TOPICS
  2. loading is a user journey with many disparate expectations you’ve

  3. Time to Interactive <5s on an average mobile device over

    3G *2s on repeat-load a:er Service Worker registered GOAL
  4. 19s 16s 420KB JavaScript Startup Performance, Double-Click Mobile Speed Matters

    report & the HTTP Archive The average web page on mobile in 2017 UNTIL INTERACTIVE FULLY LOADED JAVASCRIPT
  5. Ideally, test on real (average) mobile hardware. CPU, GPU, cores,

    network packet loss can all introduce variance.
  6. 11 seconds in idle time (time when the browser is

    waiting on the CPU or GPU to do some processing)
  7. By default, React includes many helpful warnings. These warnings are

    very useful in development. However, they make React larger and slower so you should make sure to use the production version when you deploy the app.
  8. Use babel-preset-env to only transpile code for browsers that need

    it { "presets": [ ["env", { "targets": { "browsers": ["last 2 versions"] } }] ] } Only transpile what you need with
  9. Code-splitting // Defines a “split-point” for a separate bundle require.ensure([],

    () => { const profile = require('./UserProfile', cb); }); import('./UserProfile') .then(loadRoute(cb)) .catch(errorLoading) Webpack 2+ Webpack 1 Also see Splittable, Closure Compiler or Browserify
  10. Minify _everything_ Babelified ES5 w/Uglify ES2015+ with Babili css-loader +

    minimize:true Code-splitting Dynamic import() Route-based chunking Tree-shaking Webpack 2+ with Uglify RollUp DCE w/ Closure Compiler Optimize “Vendor” libs NODE_ENV=production CommonsChunk + HashedModuleIdsPlugin() Transpile less code babel-preset-env + modules:false Browserlist useBuiltIns: true Scope Hoisting: Webpack 3 RollUp Strip unused Lodash modules lodash-webpack-plugin babel-plugin-lodash Fewer Moment.js locales ContextReplacementPlugin()
  11. Brotli Display Ads from Google now served using Brotli compression!

    40% Data-savings up to 15% in aggregate over gzip https://developers.googleblog.com/
  12. Brotli Improved load time by 7% in India & 4%

    U.S bit.ly/linkedin-brotli Decreased the size of static assets by 20% bit.ly/dropbox-brotli 17% improvement for largest JS bundles bit.ly/certsimple-brotli 1.5 petabytes (million gigs) saved a day bit.ly/playstore-brotli
  13. WebP bit.ly/webp-format Serving over 43B image requests a day 25-30%

    savings for WebP on average (26% lossless) Data Saver + Web Store
  14. WebP Conversion XNConvert Windows/Mac/Linux Can convert in batch Supports most

    formats Alternatively: imagemin Pixelmator ImageMagick GIMP Leptonica
  15. WebP Serving <picture> <!-- Chrome: WebP --> <source srcset="photo.webp" type="image/webp">

    <!-- Edge: JPEG-XR --> <source srcset="photo.jxr" type="image/vnd.ms-photo"> <!-- Safari: JPEG 2000 --> <source srcset="photo.jp2" type="image/jp2"> <!-- Firefox: Fallback --> <img srcset="photo.jpg"> </picture> Or use the Accept header + .htaccess to serve WebP if a browser supports it and it exists on disk.
  16. HTTP Caching Checklist Use consistent URLs and minimize resource churn

    Provide a validation token (ETag) to avoid transferring unchanged bytes Identify resources that can be cached by intermediaries (like CDNs) Determine the optimal cache lifetime of resources (max-age) Consider a Service Worker for more control over your repeat visit caching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. bit.ly/caching-checklist
  17. Original Everything is high priority JS + CSS is high

    priority CSS + fonts are high prio
  18. <head> <link rel="preload" as="script" href="1.js"> <link rel="preload" as="script" href="2.js"> <link

    rel="preload" as="script" href="3.js"> .. Link: 1.js; rel="preload"; as="script" <link rel=“preload”>
  19. Express + HTTP/2 Push Headers const express = require('express'), let

    app = express(); app .use('/js', express.static('js')) .get('/', function (req, res) { res.set('Link', ` </style.css>; rel=preload; as='style', </js/vendor.bundle.js>; rel=preload; as='script', </js/app.bundle.js>; rel=preload; as='script'`)
  20. Alternatively: Track cache content using cookies if (supports_http2() && !http_cached('/app.js'))

    { header('link:</app.js>; rel=preload; as=script’); setcookie('/app.js', 'is-cached', 0, '/'); }
  21. Alternatively: Track cache content using cookies function http_cached($filename) { if

    ('is-cached' === $_COOKIE[$filename]) { return true; } else { return false; } } Try CASPer
  22. Next: Differential Serving based on browser compatibility? HTTP/1 works better

    when resources are concatenated (bundled) HTTP/2 works better when resources are more granular (unbundled) Serve an unbundled build for server/browser combinations supporting HTTP/2. Trigger delivery with <link rel="preload"> or HTTP/2 Push Serve a bundled build to minimize round-trips to get the app running on server/browser combinations that don't support HTTP/2 Push
  23. HTTP/2 Server Push Rules Of Thumb Push just enough resources

    to fill idle network time, and no more. Push resources in evaluation-dependence order. Consider using strategies to track the client-side cache. Use the right cookies when pushing resources. Use server push to fill the initial cwnd. Consider preload links to reveal remaining critical resources. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. bit.ly/h2push PUSH
  24. HTML Streaming reduced TTFB by 30% (200ms), increasing time user’s

    spent in the app. Nicolas Gallagher, Technical lead for Twitter Lite
  25. 4x improvement to render perf by using requestIdleCallback() to defer

    JS loading of images. Nicolas Gallagher, Technical lead for Twitter Lite
  26. Adapt intelligently H E I G H T Size appropriately

    WIDTH IMAGE DECODE Compress carefully Take care with tools Prioritize critical images HIGH LOW Lazy-load the rest Choose the right format Image Optimisation
  27. Data Saver Mode introduced up to 70% savings for Twitter

    Lite Do this with the browser using the Save-Data client hint
  28. This is a headline Followed by a subhead This is

    body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Application Shell A skeleton representing the user interface that can be offline cached & instantly rendered on repeat visits.
  29. webpack-web.config.js const plugins = [ // extract vendor and webpack's

    module manifest new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ names: [ 'vendor', 'manifest' ], minChunks: Infinity }), // extract common modules from all the chunks (requires no 'name' property) new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ async: true, children: true, minChunks: 4 }) ];
  30. Control font performance with font-display auto: uses whatever font display

    strategy the user-agent uses block: draws "invisible" text at first if the font is not loaded, but swaps the font face in as soon as it loads swap: draws text immediately with a fallback if the font face isn’t loaded, but swaps the font face in as soon as it loads fallback: font face is rendered with a fallback at first if it’s not loaded, but the font is swapped as soon as it loads optional: if the font face can’t be loaded quickly, just use the fallback Chrome 60
  31. /* Small subset, normal weight */ @font-face { font-family: whatever;

    src: url('reg-subset.woff') format('woff'); unicode-range: U+0-A0; font-weight: normal; } The browser can also handle subsetting! https://jakearchibald.com/2014/minimising-font-downloads/ /* Large subset, normal weight */ @font-face { font-family: whatever; src: url('reg-extended.woff') format('woff'); unicode-range: U+A0-FFFF; font-weight: normal; } Chrome 36 Firefox 44
  32. CSS Font Loading API https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/webfont-optimization const font = new FontFace("Awesome

    Font", "url(/fonts/awesome.woff2)", { style: 'normal', unicodeRange: 'U+000-5FF', weight: '400' }); // don't wait for the render tree, initiate an immediate fetch! font.load().then(function() { // apply the font (which may re-render text and cause a page reflow) // after the font has finished downloading document.fonts.add(font); document.body.style.fontFamily = "Awesome Font, serif"; // OR... apply your own render strategy here... }); Chrome 35 Firefox 41
  33. Use System Fonts when you can The fastest font is

    one that doesn’t need to load. Try font-display: optional; If a Web Font can’t load fast, load a fallback instead. If the Web Font is cached, it’ll get used the next time the user loads the page. Try <link rel=preload as=font> to request Web Fonts with a higher priority If Web Fonts are a critical to your UX, preload them to minimize FOIT. Try subsetting to limit the range of Web Font characters needed Subsetting removes characters & Open-Type features from fonts, reducing file size. Google Fonts, TypeKit & Font Squirrel support it. Be careful with use. Try the CSS Font Loading API if you need more control Track font download progress & apply once fetched, manipulate font faces and override default lazy load behavior. S Have a Web Font Loading Strategy @addyosmani
  34. <link> in body bit.ly/progressive-css Progressive Loading: CSS <body> <!-- HTTP/2

    push this resource, or inline it, whichever's faster --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/site-header.css"> <header>…</header> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/article.css"> <main>…</main> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/comment.css"> <section class="comments">…</section> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/about-me.css"> <section class="about-me">…</section> </body>