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CAS2016 Community of Need & Community of Soluti...

CAS2016 Community of Need & Community of Solutions (December 1st 2016)

Slides of Talk "Comunidades de Necesidad vs Comunidades de Soluciones: Un vistazo diferente al Crossing the Chasm"
Performed in CAS 2016, Vitoria, Spain
December 1st 2016

Abstract (ESP)
Chris Matts presentó en la keynote de la ALE2015 un modelo de cultura de comunidades que las dividía en dos grupos principales: Las que quieren resolver una necesidad y las que buscan aplicar soluciones y buenas prácticas. Lo hizo con una aproximación al ?clásico ?Crossing the Chasm?, ? vitami?nándolo con otros modelos como el Cynevin, Meme Lifecycle o Real Options.
Fue realmente ?revelador ver de esta manera ?que existen dos tipos de problemas a resolver y que se corresponden con?? dos tipos de inquietudes.
¿Por qué algunas personas se conforman con una solución suficientemente buena y otras buscan continuamente la mejor posible? ¿Por qué las buenas prácticas pueden ser no tan buenas? ¿Por qué se quiere reinventar continuamente la rueda? ¿Qué motivaciones existen en unas y otras? ¿Se pueden alinear ante un objetivo común?
¿Dónde te ves tú?

Antonio de la Torre Fernández

December 01, 2016

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  1. Comunidades de Necesidad & Comunidades de Soluciones Communities of Need

    & Community of Solutions Antonio de la Torre @adelatorrefoss A different approach to Crossing the Chasm CAS 2016 Vitoria, 1 de Noviembre de 2016
  2. This presentation is strong based in these works by Chris

    Matts thanks! Communities of Need & Community of Solutions https://theitriskmanager.wordpress.com/2015/04/19/communities-of-need-community-of-solutions/ Agile – The Broken Learning Machine https://theitriskmanager.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/agile-the-broken-learning-machine/ Agile - The Broken Learning Machine - ALE 2015 keynote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCtMh4tMCRE Those posts by Chris Matts are licensed under CC BY 4.0
  3. "How to Change the World" by Jurgen Appelo is licensed

    under CC BY 4.0 "Adoption Curve Model by Rogers" by Jurgen Appelo is licensed under CC BY 4.0
  4. Meme A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem) is "an idea, behavior, or

    style that spreads from person to person within a culture". A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, [...]. Proponents theorize that memes are a viral phenomenon that may evolve by natural selection in a manner analogous to that of biological evolution. Memes do this through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance, each of which influences a meme's reproductive success. Richard Dawkins coined the word meme in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. Meme.(2016, 23 de noviembre). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre
  5. Cynefin Framework Cynefin / ˈ k ʌ n ᵻ v

    ɪ n/ The framework provides a typology of contexts that guides what sort of explanations or solutions might apply. Cynefin framework. (2016, November 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
  6. Real Options is about "deferring decisions to the last responsible

    moment," which is an explicit principle in the Lean Software approach. By avoiding early commitments, you gain flexibility in the choices you have later. Chris Matts and Olav Maassen (2007) https://www.infoq.com/articles/real-options-enhance-agility
  7. Gatherings of the Communities of Need • An un-famous Keynote

    • Practical experience • Experience Reports dominate • Heavy open space element • The participants are often as knowledgeable as the speakers/facilitators • Every member of a “Community of Need” is a leader. AND need them
  8. Conferences of the Communities of Solutions • The keynote is

    famous. • More often than not talking about a subject they have no practical experience in. • workshops added onto the conference on subjects near the chasm. • Consists of talks, workshops and “taster” sessions where the attendees learn from the speakers.
  9. Agile incongruent “Agile problems is in the Complex Area, but

    we sell it like Practices” “There just aren’t enough practitioners around to create a decent corridor conference.” “No voy a la CAS, solo al AOS”
  10. Agile crossing the chasm 1. Some Agile Practices have crossed

    the Chasm. 2. Agile has not crossed the Chasm. 3. Scaled Agile certainly has not crossed the Chasm. Training? Coaching? Mentoring?
  11. State-of-the-art in Agile conferences • People were not joining the

    Agile community. They were reading books and turning up to just listen. They were not engaging. • Conferences were seen as a corporate jolly rather than a community “Gathering of the Tribes”. Attendees stuck together rather than meet new people. • Consultants were keen to prevent their clients from meeting other rival consultants.
  12. Agile learning process • We had no way of capturing

    the fails. Those attempts that resulted in failure. • People are doing it wrong became a trope. • Some thought leaders started to get angry at the mention of community. These are solutions to sell.
  13. Technology This model fits perfectly to nonconformist and bleeding-edge people,

    and to inmovilists. And also to later-decisioners and pragmatics. We don’t know what kind of problem we are facing.
  14. Questions Why do some stop with a good enough solution

    and others seek the best one? Why are not good practices so good? Why continually reinvent the wheel? What motivations exist behind? Where do you see yourself?
  15. Balance Gracias This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

    Attribution 4.0 International License Antonio de la Torre @adelatorrefoss