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How to Properly Blame Things for Causing Latenc...

How to Properly Blame Things for Causing Latency - JJUG 2018

This is an (ideally) simpler variant of the Zipkin talk with thanks to folks at Infostellar and LINE who subjected themselves to trial runs!

Adrian Cole

May 26, 2018

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  1. How to Properly Blame Things for Causing Latency An introduction

    to Distributed Tracing and Zipkin @adrianfcole works at Pivotal works on Zipkin
  2. What is Distributed Tracing? Distributed tracing tracks production requests as

    they touch different parts of your architecture. Requests have a unique trace ID, which you can use to lookup a trace diagram, or log entries related to it. Causal diagrams are easier to understand than scrolling through logs.
  3. Why do I care? - Reduce time in triage by

    contextualizing errors and delays - Visualize latency like time in my service vs waiting for other services - Understand complex applications like async code or microservices - See your architecture with live dependency diagrams built from traces
  4. Example Service Diagram A tracing system can draw your service

    dependencies! It might resemble your favorite noodle dish!
  5. Distributed Tracing Vocabulary A Span is primarily the duration of

    an operation. A Trace links all spans in a request together by cause. Span Trace
  6. wombats: A Span is an individual operation Server Received a

    Request POST /things Server Sent a Response Events Tags Operation remote.ipv4 http.request-id abcd-ffe http.request.size 15 MiB http.url …&features=HD-uploads
  7. Trace shows each operation the request caused Wire Send Store

    Async Store Wire Send POST /things POST /things
  8. Tracers record time, duration and host Wire Send Store Async

    Store Wire Send POST /things POST /things Tracers don’t decide what to record, instrumentation does.. we’ll get to that
  9. Tracers send trace data out of process Tracers propagate IDs

    in-band, to tell the receiver there’s a trace in progress Completed spans are reported out-of-band, to reduce overhead and allow for batching
  10. Tracer vs Instrumentation A tracer is a utility library similar

    to metrics or logging libraries. Instrumentation is framework code that uses a tracer to collect details such as the http url and request timing.
  11. Instrumentation decides what to record Instrumentation decides how to propagate

    state Instrumentation is usually invisible to users
  12. Zipkin lives in GitHub Zipkin was created by Twitter in

    2012 based on the Google Dapper paper. In 2015, OpenZipkin became the primary fork. OpenZipkin is an org on GitHub. It contains tracers, OpenApi spec, service components and docker images. https://github.com/openzipkin
  13. Zipkin Architecture Amazon Azure Docker Google Kubernetes Mesos Spark Tracers

    report spans HTTP or Kafka. Servers collect spans, storing them in MySQL, Cassandra, or Elasticsearch. Users query for traces via Zipkin’s Web UI or Api.
  14. Zipkin has starter architecture Tracing is new for a lot

    of folks. For many, the MySQL option is a good start, as it is familiar. services: storage: image: openzipkin/zipkin-mysql container_name: mysql ports: - 3306:3306 server: image: openzipkin/zipkin environment: - STORAGE_TYPE=mysql - MYSQL_HOST=mysql ports: - 9411:9411 depends_on: - storage
  15. Zipkin can be as simple as a single file $

    curl -SL 'https://search.maven.org/remote_content?g=io.zipkin.java&a=zipkin-server&v=LATEST&c=exec' > zipkin.jar $ SELF_TRACING_ENABLED=true java -jar zipkin.jar ******** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** **** **** **** **** ****** **** *** **************************************************************************** ******* **** *** **** **** ** ** ***** ** ***** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * *** ** **** ** ** ** ***** **** ** ** *** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** :: Powered by Spring Boot :: (v1.5.4.RELEASE) 2016-08-01 18:50:07.098 INFO 8526 --- [ main] zipkin.server.ZipkinServer : Starting ZipkinServer on acole with PID 8526 (/Users/acole/oss/sleuth-webmvc- example/zipkin.jar started by acole in /Users/acole/oss/sleuth-webmvc-example) —snip— $ curl -s localhost:9411/api/v2/services|jq . [ "gateway" ]
  16. Brave: the most popular Zipkin Java tracer • Brave -

    OpenZipkin’s java library and instrumentation • Layers under projects like Armeria, Dropwizard, Play • Spring Cloud Sleuth - automatic tracing for Spring Boot • Includes many common spring integrations • Starting in version 2, Sleuth is a layer over Brave! c, c#, erlang, javascript, go, php, python, ruby, too
  17. Some notable open source tracing libraries • OpenCensus - Observability

    SDK (metrics, tracing, tags) • Most notably, gRPC’s tracing library • Includes exporters in Zipkin format and B3 propagation format • OpenTracing - trace instrumentation library api definitions • Bridge to Zipkin tracers available in Java, Go and PHP • SkyWalking - APM with a java agent developed in China • Work in progress to send trace data to zipkin • Kamon - AkKa Monitoring: trace and metrics specializing in scala • Uses B3 propagation and has a Zipkin export plugin
  18. Wrapping up Start by sending traces directly to a zipkin

    server. Grow into fanciness as you need it: sampling, streaming, etc Remember you are not alone! @adrianfcole #zipkin @zipkinproject gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin