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Droidcon NYC: What does Recomposition mean to y...

Aida Issayeva
September 02, 2022

Droidcon NYC: What does Recomposition mean to your app?

Includes practical tips 6 and 7

Droidcon New York 2022


What does Recomposition mean to your app?


September 2, 2022

13:20 > 40 min

You’ve heard a lot that Jetpack Compose is a declarative UI toolkit and it recomposes only the components that changed. But what does it exactly mean? How does it apply not only in the scale of one composable function but the entire app? Well, it turns out there is more than meets the eye when it comes to recomposition, and in this talk, we will deep dive into its benefits, costs, and gotchas. You’ll learn some practical tips to efficiently build functions in Jetpack Compose.

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Aida Issayeva

September 02, 2022

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  1. What does Recomposition mean to your app? Aida Issayeva Senior

    Software Engineer Android GDE @aida_isay
  2. TODAY’S AGENDA 02 What is Recomposition? 03 Smart Recomposition 04

    Tools to detect & debug 05 Practical tips 01 Deep into the foundation 06 Jetpack Compose Paradigm
  3. Jetpack Compose paradigm UI widgets are functions They are stateless

    Different arguments, passed to the functions, trigger updates
  4. Compose Phases 1 Composition Calls composable functions and creates a

    description of the UI 2 Layout Measures the layout elements and their children and places them on the screen 3 Drawing Draws the UI elements to the screen
  5. From Android OS: • Context • Configuration • Lifecycle •

    Keyboard state • SavedStateInstance • etc CompositionLocals Entrance to Jetpack Compose class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { ... setContent { Card() } } }
  6. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list
  7. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list
  8. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list WindowRecomposer: LifecycleAware recomposer
  9. Android Lifecycle & Compose viewTreeLifecycleOwner .lifecycle.addObserver( object : LifecycleEventObserver {

    override fun onStateChanged (lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner , event: Lifecycle .Event) { val self = this when (event) { Lifecycle.Event.ON_CREATE -> runRecomposeScope .launch(start = CoroutineStart .UNDISPATCHED) { try { recomposer.runRecomposeAndApplyChanges() } finally { lifecycleOwner .lifecycle.removeObserver( self) } } Lifecycle .Event.ON_START -> pausableClock ?.resume() Lifecycle .Event.ON_STOP -> pausableClock ?.pause() Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY -> { recomposer.cancel() } Lifecycle .Event.ON_PAUSE -> { // Nothing } Lifecycle .Event.ON_RESUME -> { // Nothing } Lifecycle .Event.ON_ANY -> { // Nothing } } } } ) Android OS State Snapshot System
  10. State<String>(“Android”) State Snapshot System @Composable fun StateSnapshotSystem() { val name

    = remember { mutableStateOf(Android) } val isImportant = remember { mutableStateOf(false) } Column { Checkbox(checked = isImportant.value, onCheckedChange = { isImportant.value = !isImportant.value }) Text(text = name.value, modifier = Modifier.clickable { name.value = swapName(name.value) } ) } } State<Boolean>(false) State<String>(“Android”) State<Boolean>(true) State<Boolean>(false)
  11. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list
  12. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } }
  13. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } …..
  14. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. C A R D
  15. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. Group(456) C A R D C O L U M N
  16. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. Group(456) “Compose” C A R D C O L U M N
  17. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. Group(456) “Compose” Group(789) C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N
  18. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. Group(456) “Compose” Group(789) C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... }
  19. Composer & SlotTable @Composable fun Card() { Column { Text(

    text = "Compose", fontSize = 24.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold ) Button(onClick = { }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(123) ….. Group(456) “Compose” Group(789) “Click me” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... }
  20. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list
  21. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list UiApplier: Applier implementation WindowRecomposer: LifecycleAware recomposer
  22. Layout phase steps Column LayoutNode Button LayoutNode Text LayoutNode Text

    LayoutNode Root Node 1. Add child nodes bottom-up to the root node
  23. Layout phase steps Column LayoutNode Button LayoutNode Text LayoutNode Text

    LayoutNode Root Node 1. Add child nodes bottom-up to the root node 2. Measure the child nodes C O N S T R A I N T S
  24. Layout phase steps Column LayoutNode Button LayoutNode Text LayoutNode Text

    LayoutNode Root Node 1. Add child nodes bottom-up to the root node 2. Measure the child nodes 3. Define the size of a parent node C O N S T R A I N T S M E A S U R E D S I Z E
  25. Layout phase steps Column LayoutNode Button LayoutNode Text LayoutNode Text

    LayoutNode Root Node 1. Add child nodes bottom-up to the root node 2. Measure the child nodes 3. Define the size of a parent node 4. Place the child nodes on screen C O N S T R A I N T S M E A S U R E D S I Z E
  26. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list UiApplier: Applier implementation WindowRecomposer: LifecycleAware recomposer
  27. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list UiApplier: Applier implementation WindowRecomposer: LifecycleAware recomposer
  28. Recomposition in SlotTable: example 1 @Composable fun Card() { val

    counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column { Text(text = "Compose") Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) { Text(text = "Click me $counter") } } } Group(456) ….. Group(789) “Compose” Group(101) “Click me 0” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... } Group(123) State(0) R E M E M B E R
  29. Recomposition in SlotTable: example 1 @Composable fun Card() { val

    counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column { Text(text = "Compose") Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) { Text(text = "Click me $counter") } } } Group(456) ….. Group(789) “Compose” Group(101) “Click me 0” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... } Group(123) State(0) R E M E M B E R
  30. Recomposition in SlotTable: example 1 @Composable fun Card() { val

    counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column { Text(text = "Compose") Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) { Text(text = "Click me $counter") } } } Group(456) ….. Group(789) “Compose” Group(101) “Click me 1” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... } Group(123) State(1) R E M E M B E R
  31. Recomposition in SlotTable: example 2 @Composable fun Card() { val

    counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column { Text(text = "Compose $counter") Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(456) ….. Group(789) “Compose 0” Group(101) “Click me” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... } Group(123) State(0) R E M E M B E R
  32. Recomposition in SlotTable: example 2 @Composable fun Card() { val

    counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Column { Text(text = "Compose $counter") Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) { Text(text = "Click me") } } } Group(456) ….. Group(789) “Compose 1” Group(101) “Click me” C A R D C O L U M N B U T T O N { ... } Group(123) State(1) R E M E M B E R
  33. Compose Phases 1 Composition Calls composable functions and creates a

    description of the UI 2 Layout Measures the layout elements and their children and places them on the screen 3 Drawing Draws the UI elements to the screen
  34. Inputs are stable Smart recomposition is an intelligent way to

    skip the recomposition of composable functions when their
  35. UI Compiler Runtime 1 Composition 2 Layout 3 Drawing Composition:

    1. SlotTable 2. Composer 3. Changes List Applier: UI materializer Recomposer: 1. State Snapshot System 2. Compositions - list UiApplier: Applier implementation WindowRecomposer: LifecycleAware recomposer
  36. Stable type contract rules The result of `equals()` function is

    the same All public properties are stable Public property is changed - composition is notified Rule 1 Rule 3 Rule 2
  37. Inferring Class stability 1 Visit each eligible class 2 Annotate

    with @StabilityInferred 3 Help Compiler to determine
  38. 1. Compose Compiler Metrics { "skippableComposables" : 64, "restartableComposables" :

    76, "readonlyComposables" : 0, "totalComposables" : 76 } Full analysis ✅ Release build ❗ Skippable fun ✅
  39. № of compositions ✅ № of skips ✅ No manual

    add ✅ Canary build ❗ JC v1.2.0-alpha03+ ❗ 4. Recomposition counter in Android Studio EE
  40. 1. Break down composable functions /** * 👍 : only

    associated column with changes gets recomposed. */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip1() { Column { Greeting("Android", 1, Gray200) Greeting("Compose", 2, Brown200) } } @Composable fun Greeting(name: String, columnNumber: Int, background: Color) { Column { . . . } }
  41. 2. Use the key composable /** * 👍 : the

    key is set, and when item in the middle is removed, only LazyColumn gets recomposed * and not its children */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip2(fruits: List<String>) { LazyColumn( modifier = Modifier .recompositionCounter("lazyColumn") ) { items( items = fruits, key = { it.name } ) { fruit -> Item(fruit) } } }
  42. 3. Read the state value at the lowest composable function

    /** * 👍 : only inner column and its children get recomposed, because the read happens * in one of the children. */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip3(cardInfo: () -> CardInfo) { Column { UpperRow() GoodRow(cardInfo = cardInfo) } } @Composable private fun GoodRow(cardInfo: () -> CardInfo) { Row { GoodInnerColumn(cardInfo = cardInfo) } }
  43. 4. Use modifier lambdas /** * 👍: With the receiver

    lambda function (Modifier.offset{}) in place, this composable function doesn't get recomposed. */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip4(yAxis: () -> Int) { Row( modifier = Modifier .offset { IntOffset(y = yAxis(), x = 0) }, verticalAlignment = Alignment.Bottom ) { . . . } }
  44. 5. Utilize `derivedStateOf()` /** * 👍 : Only BottomBar gets

    recomposed whenever hideBottomBar's calculated state changes */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip5(list: List<FruitRow>) { val listState = rememberLazyListState() val hideBottomBar = remember { derivedStateOf { listState.isScrollInProgress } } Scaffold(bottomBar = { AnimatedVisibility(visible = !hideBottomBar.value) { BottomAppBar(content = { BottomNavigationItems ()}) } }, content = { LazyColumn(state = listState) { . . . } })
  45. 6. Declare properties as read-only /** * 👍: `name` property

    inside Fruit is declared as read-only. When Checkbox is toggled, the recomposition of Text UI widget is skipped */ data class Fruit(val name: String) @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip6(fruit: Fruit) { var isChecked by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } Column { Text(text = fruit.name) Checkbox(checked = isChecked, onCheckedChange = { isChecked = !isChecked }) } }
  46. 7. Leverage KotlinX immutable collections /** * 👍: When it

    comes to reg collections, Compiler can't determine their stability, because they're interfaces and underlying implementation can be mutable, therefore it marks them unstable.When using kotlinX immutable collections, it's guaranteed they'll be immutable, meaning they will be inferred by the Compiler. */ @Composable fun GoodGreetingsTip7() { fruits: ImmutableList<FruitRow> = persistentListOf() Column { fruits.forEach { fruit -> Text(text = fruit.name) } } } in alpha
  47. 7. Tips worth repeating: Logic out of composables Execution in

    any order & parallel Side-effect free ViewModels Callbacks Optimization
  48. Recap UI widgets are composable functions 3 Compose Phases UI

    widgets go through are Composition, Layout, Draw Recomposition is an expected process 3 Compose Layers Jetpack Compose uses to create composable functions: Compiler, Runtime, UI Practical tips should be used to avoid common recomposition pitfalls Smart recomposition should be leveraged as much as possible to teach Compiler
  49. Resources 1. Jetpack Compose Internals 2. Jetpack Compose source code

    3. Understanding Jetpack Compose — part 1 of 2 4. Understanding Jetpack Compose — part 2 of 2 5. Recomposition made easy 6. RecomposeHighlighter code snippet 7. Compose Compiler Metrics 8. A historical introduction to the Compose reactive state model 9. What is “donut-hole” skipping in Jetpack Compose? 10. Compose performance 11. Composable Metrics 12. Thinking in Compose 13. Jetpack Compose Phases 14. Jetpack Compose Lifecycle 15. Jetpack Compose Stability Explained 16. Compose Tooling Recomposition tips code samples