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Managing Machine Learning Models in Production ...

Managing Machine Learning Models in Production - Strata Singapore 2017

Slides of talk "Managing Machine Learning Models in Production" presented at Strata Data Conference in Singapore.

Anand Chitipothu

December 06, 2017

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  1. Who is Speaking? Anand Chitipothu @anandology Co-founder and platform architect

    of @rorodata Worked at Internet Archive & Strand Life Sciences Advanced programming courses at @pipalacademy 2
  2. Machine Learning [Machine learning is the] field of study that

    gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. — Arthur Samuel 3
  3. Challenges: Build — Compute: switch between different compute needs seamlessly

    — Setup: installing require software dependencies — Automation: re-train models periodically 9
  4. Challenges: Deploy — Designing: Designing and documenting APIs — Wiring:

    Running the service and configuring URL endpoints — Scaling: Scale to meet the usage 10
  5. Challenges: Manage — Model versions: Keep track of multiple versions

    of models — Model metadata: What went into building each model? — Collaboration: Sharing models in and across the teams 11
  6. Challenges: Monitor — Performance: Request rate & Latency — Logging:

    Record requested data and predicted values — Effectiveness: Model accuracy in production 12
  7. The pace of innovation of a data-driven business is limited

    by the bottlenecks in their data science workflows 13
  8. How to Solve it? — Duct tape approach — Build

    a data platform — Using a managed platform-as-a-service 14
  9. The rorodata Platform Cloud platform to address the challenges in

    managing machine learning in production. 15
  10. rorodata: Build — Elastic Compute $ roro run -size M2

    python train.py Created new job b42c12a0 $ roro run:notebook --gpu Jupyter notebook is available at: https://a098cd79.rorocloud.io/ 16
  11. rorodata: Build — Elastic Compute — Seamless Setup # roro.yml

    runtime: python3-keras # requirements.txt hyperopt>=0.1 17
  12. rorodata: Build — Elastic Compute — Seamless Setup — Flexible

    Scheduling # roro.yml runtime: python3-keras tasks: - name: retrain command: python train.py when: "every day at 10:00 AM" 18
  13. rorodata: Deploy — Python functions as API # roro.yml services:

    - name: api function: predict.predict - name: rating function: credit_grade.get_credit_grade 19
  14. rorodata: Deploy — Python functions as API — Automatic endpoint

    management $ roro deploy Deploying credit-risk... Building docker image... done. Updating scheduled jobs... done. Restarting services... api: https://credit-risk--api.rorocloud.io/ rating: https://credit-risk--rating.rorocloud.io/ Deployed v4 of credit-risk project. 20
  15. rorodata: Deploy — Python functions as API — Automatic endpoint

    management — Simple Scaling # roro.yml services: - name: api function: predict.predict size: M2 21
  16. rorodata: Manage — Model Metadata Model-ID: c54e00eb Model-Name: iris Model-Version:

    3 Date: 2017-08-02T10:20:30Z ... Input-Source: s3://iris-sample-data Dataset-Features: Sepal-Length,Sepal-Width,Petal-... Training-Algorithm: SVM Training-Parameters: C=10; alpha=0.4; kernel=rbf Training-Accuracy: 0.85 22
  17. rorodata: Manage — Model Metadata — Model Versioning +---------------------------------------+ |

    Model Repository A | | | | ModelImage - v1 ModelImage - v2 | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | Model v1 | | Model v2 | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | | Metadata v1 | | Metadata v2 | | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | +---------------------------------------+ 23
  18. rorodata: Manage — Model Metadata — Model Versioning - Python

    API project = roro.get_current_project() repo = project.get_model_repository("iris") model_image = repo.new_image(model) model_image["Dataset-Features"] = "Sepal-Length,Sepal-Width,Petal-..." model_image["Training-Accuracy"] = 0.85 model_image.save(comment="Built a new model using SVM") 24
  19. rorodata: Manage — Model Metadata — Model Versioning — Collaboration

    Add other people as collaborators to your project. 25
  20. rorodata: Monitor — Performance Metrics — Data Logging # Data

    Logger to record key-value pairs. roro.record("credit-risk-api", model_name="credit-risk", request_id=request_id, user_id=user_id, input=input_data, predicted=predicted_value) 27
  21. rorodata: Monitor — Performance Metrics — Data Logging — Feedback

    Loop API endpoint to record the user action to close the feedback loop. This allows computing the effectiveness of the live model. 28
  22. Solving Machine Learning in Production — Start early — Take

    a platform approach — Learn from others 30
  23. Our Open Source Components Firefly Function as service. https://github.com/rorodata/firefly rorolite

    Lite version of the platform to deploy ML apps on your server. https://github.com/rorodata/rorolite 31