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Cutting-edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Can...

Cutting-edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spinnaker - CI:CD Meetup Amsterdam 2019

In our quest to get to production faster, we've organised ourselves in cross-functional DevOps teams, embraced microservice architectures, and deployed to the various clouds out there. Along the way we've learned some best practices about how to deploy software at velocity — things like automated releases, immutable infrastructure, gradual rollouts and fast rollbacks.

One of the most sophisticated techniques of ensuring safety while going fast is called automated canary analysis. While canary deployments are becoming a commodity, having an autonomous judge at your disposal analysing metrics of both baseline and canary deployments, makes all the difference.

Enter Spinnaker, an open-source multi-cloud continuous delivery platform which embodies these core principles of safe, frequent and reliable releases with contributions from Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Pivotal.

Andreas Evers

March 13, 2019

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  1. © Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Cutting-edge

    Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spinnaker Fast, Safe, Repeatable Multi-Cloud Deployments
  2. Cover w/ Image Who’s this guy? ▪ Andreas Evers -

    Senior Solutions Architect at Pivotal ▪ Active in Application Transformation (AppTx) EMEA ▪ Used to work for JWorks at Ordina Belgium ▪ @andreasevers on Twitter
  3. vSphere Openstack AWS Google Cloud Azure & Azure Stack Shared

    Services Shared Security Shared Networking Logging & Metrics / Services Brokers / API Management Credhub / UAA / Single Sign On VMware NSX Embedded Operating System (Windows / Linux) Application Code & Frameworks Buildpacks / Spring Boot / Spring Cloud / Steeltoe PAS Pivotal Application Service PKS Pivotal Container Service PFS Pivotal Function Service Pivotal Services Marketplace Pivotal and Partner Products Any App Every Cloud One Platform Concourse PCF 2.0 — for everything that matters
  4. Change Change Change Change SVC 1 SVC 2 SVC 3

    Provider A Zone X Provider B Zone Y Provider C Zone Z Cloud Deployments are Complex
  5. Immutable Infrastructure •We want the process of building, testing, deploying

    and validating to be as deterministic as possible •We want repeatability and predictability across environments •Through baking images or building containers
  6. More Safety Features ▪ Cluster locking ▪ Traffic guards ▪

    Manual judgements ▪ Conditional pipeline & stage execution ▪ Notifications
  7. Halyard ▪ Configuration & deployment lifecycle management tool ▪ Install,

    upgrade, configure, validate your Spinnaker installation ▪ Works with Bill of Materials (BOM)
  8. Coming up ▪ Spinnaker CLI for pipelines as code ▪

    Declarative CD ▪ More Cloud platforms ▪ Support for “Artifacts” ▪ Comprehensive provisioning support for canary stages ▪ Continue to grow and mature community
  9. © Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Slides:

    https://speakerdeck.com/andreasevers Twitter: twitter.com/andreasevers spinnakerteam.slack.com SO tag:spinnaker spinnaker.io Cutting-edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spinnaker
  10. Difference with Terraform / CloudFormation Spinnaker strengths lie in its

    ability to orchestrate deployment workflows using infrastructure. Terraform [& CloudFormation] shine at the management of cloud primitives. -- Brandon Leach, Lookout