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apidays Paris 2022 - The journey of Generali, A...

January 08, 2023

apidays Paris 2022 - The journey of Generali, Alexandre Chretien, Astrakhan

apidays Paris 2022 - APIs the next 10 years: Software, Society, Sovereignty, Sustainability
December 14, 15 & 16, 2022

Why the Corporate & Sustainable Responsibility strategy should become THE strategy of any organization: the journey of Generali.
Alexandre Chretien, Managing Director at Astrakhan & Co-founder of the Climat Entreprise Convention

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January 08, 2023

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  1. 2023 SERIES OF EVENT New York May 16&17 Australia October

    11&12 Singapore April 12&13 Helsinki & North June 5&6 Paris SEPTEMBER London November 15&16 June 28-30 SILICON VALLEY March 14&15 Dubai & Middle East February 22&23
  2. 2 2 Sustainable Digital Challenge 2022 Generali Team’s Objectives Company

    Culture Raise awareness among Generali’s staff about the challenges of digital sobriety Digital Show how IT can help achieve sustainable objectives through practical use cases OBJECTIVES Business Help our clients select sustainable investment funds for eco-responsible investments
  3. 3 3 Sustainable Digital Challenge 2022 Sobriety pillars Web Pages

    Optimization Backend Optimization Infrastructure Optimization Web pages, Savings reached engine architecture and physical infrastructure Identified Areas The number of calculations performed by the savings engine decreased by 63%: from 900M to 330M/year Power Consumption Remarkable improvements on all web pages of the arbitration journey Eco-Index Scores POC containerization resulted in abandoning several Virtual Machines (VM). Infrastructure Rationalisation Arbitration Transform the arbitration activity into an eco- responsible process. Performed 66 732 times/year by our clients Expected gains 30% reduction in carbon footprint resulting from the arbitration activity.
  4. 4 4 Sustainable Digital Challenge 2022 Sobriety opportunities: results and

    1-year projection 1,54g CO2 X 66 732 events/year = 102* Kg CO2 Web Pages At least 570M calculations/year = 106,8** kW = 18,5 Kg CO2 Backend Use of 21 GB of RAM out of 96 GB available => Resource Pooling Infrastructure * Eco-Index metrics ** Scaphandre metrics 56% CO2 56% CO2
  5. 5 5 Scope 3 Generali is continuously working to direct

    capital flows towards sustainable investments in order to finance sustainable and inclusive growth Simulator Create an environmental impact simulator that allows clients to evaluate the energy and financial performance of their investments. ESG Scores Display environmental scores per fund via APIs on users’ selection screens on the same model as risk scales Funds identification A new fund selector tool allows to narrow down the research for information on funds and to direct users’ choices based on the selected critea (ESG Criteria). Disclosure Share pre-contractual information with clients in order to provide them with more transparency regarding the integration of sustainability risks Sustainable Digital Challenge 2022 r Investment Management 100% Green product Create a 100% green product promoting a responsable investment. The product will be made of funds chosen according to their full compliance with strong ESG criteria In production Upcoming
  6. 6 6 Sustainable Digital Challenge 2022 Next Steps SQL requests

    buffering 60% less consumption API Rationalization Reduction in the number of calls made by partners Arm Processors 60% energy saving Scalability Setting up K8s clusters Dev Containers Abandoning dev VMs