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apidays New York 2023 - API Discovery in Health...

apidays New York 2023 - API Discovery in Healthcare, Anubha Gaur, Quest Diagnostics / CVS

apidays New York 2023
APIs for Embedded Business Models: Finance, Healthcare, Retail, and Media
May 16 & 17, 2023

API Discovery in Healthcare- why this is important
Anubha Gaur, Executive Director Engineering, Quest Diagnostics / CVS

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  1. API Discovery in HealthCare: Why does this matter? Anubha Gaur

    Executive Director, Platform Engineering DevSecOps/SRE & API Mgmt
  2. Intro • Executive Director of Platform Engineering @ Quest Diagnostics

    DevSecOps/SRE & API Lifecycle Mgmt • API Evangelist - Passionate about API and Microservices • Loves to travel and Biking (If time permits) • Twitter and Medium: @anubhagaur • LinkedIn: anubha-gaur
  3. $9.9B 2022 REVENUES Quest is the leader in diagnostic testing

    insights and services ~208M requisitions in 2022 Serves 50% of US hospitals and physicians Serves 1/3 of the US adult population annually and 50% within 3 years >60B patient data points ~13,600 phlebotomists across ~7,300 access points ~4,900 Med Techs ~ 600 MDs and PhDs ~9,400 health and wellness professionals ~ 4,000 couriers and 20 aircraft 26 regional and esoteric labs
  4. Agenda How APIs are Transforming Healthcare API Value Chain What

    is API Discovery and Why this Matters Implementation Steps Key Takeaways Q & A
  5. Michael, a Quest Employee, Collects Specimens for Lab Testing Nurse

    collects blood and prepares the samples for testing. APIs are Transforming Healthcare Maria A mother of two kids; Very focused on family’s health; Looks online to support family’s well being Maria is testing her 10-year old daughter for allergies and schedules an appointment Maria wants to monitor her daughter test results; takes actions based on results Maria receives her daughter’s test results with details through email/SMS Testing done in Quest Lab Maria checks-in Quest Lab for her daughter’s testing Behind the scenes, all interactions are performed using APIs. An API does this by 'exposing' business functions through Interfaces. Thus facilitating an improved customer experience.
  6. Challenges in building Healthcare Integrated Experience 1.How to quickly deliver

    the business values. 2.How to build seamless integration with partners. 3.How to manage and support APIs at large scale.
  7. API Value Chain Discover APIs Business Service e.g. Lab Testing

    Appointment Scheduler Design API so target audiences can use. Customer Partner 3rd Party Provider • API Value Chain starts with customer pain points, identify business assets; data source, something that a business wants to allow others to use to solve customer problem. • API is the interface to value proposition. • Customer centric mindset leads to outside-in thinking – that leads to integrated customer experience. • And that’s how API can drive new business growth. • Internal Developer • External Developer • Partner Developer
  8. • APIs are a way to connect business units together

    to expose business capability to drive growth. • Focus should be on API consumer. • APIs are the interface for enabling API Value Chain • They must be designed in such a way that they are easy to discover. • API Governance is the process of managing decision making and decision implementation API Drives Business Growth • Identify business services/assets. • Understand customer/partners needs. • Start with API as a Product mindset instead of individual APIs; o This will help to deliver business outcome faster. • Build easy to discover, easy to consume, reusable, secure API Products o Optimize the build cost. • Establish API Governance to bring consistency in API Lifecycle management.
  9. Private APIs APIs Types Partner APIs FIHR APIs FHIR Source:

    https://www.hl7.org/fhir/ https://cloud.google.com/healthcare-api/docs/concepts/fhir Erik Wilde - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH_P699T1S4 • FHIR APIs define the layer on top of an EHR (Electronic Health Record), that allow other applications to interact with its data. • FHIR is an information network that lets you link data across systems and a communication network that lets you exchange data between systems. • FHIR includes an HTTP-based RESTful protocol • Data representation uses JSON Format — Private APIs are for in-house application development, for an organization and it's employees. The need is private to an organization. – These APIs could internal or external – Improves system connectivity — Partner APIs are only available to partners after contractual agreements. Restrictions apply – This are external APIs for partners usage – Improves partner relationship Public APIs — APIs are publicly available. These are easy to use for App developers/API consumers – These APIs are external – Brings new business model
  10. What is API Discovery? API Discovery is the ability of

    quickly finding APIs. A way to break API Silo to improve API Adoption and API Security. Discovers what kinds of sensitive health data the APIs can access. Find the “right API product” for developers and ensure it’s maintained and secure. API Discovery is an element of API Lifecycle management and API governance.
  11. Lack of API Visibility Inconsistencies In API Design Higher Build

    and Maintenance Cost Increase Complexity In Decision Making Conway’s Law: Any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure Scaling is the challenge – API Duplication
  12. Implementation Steps: 1 2 3 4 API Governance API Documentation

    Build Single Source of Truth API Catalog — API Governance helps your teams to make better API decisions — Helps to bring outside- in thinking — Improves API Developer experience — Increase API Adoption — Improve API Insights — API documentation is the first interface for app developers to learn about API — For Health API - FHIR standard — API Developer Portal – where developers can find APIs — Easy to onboard and train consumers to use API the “right way” — Ensure API documentation is up-to- date. — Easy to follow and easy to use API products than individual APIs — Helps to identify API security issue — Improves API Consumptions model — Improves customer feedback loop Source: https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/principles-of-web/9780137355754/
  13. Key Takeaways: 1.APIs are transforming HealthCare customer experience. They are

    the connecting tissue of digital value chain. 2.For successful API Adoption, its important to quickly discover APIs. So, focus should be on API Consumer. 3.API Discovery is an element of API Lifecycle management and API Governance. 4.API Governance is the heart of API Management. It's all about continuously observing decisions and making improvements.