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INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - Refining Your API: ...

INTERFACE by apidays 2023 - Refining Your API: The Last Mile of API Design, James Higginbotham, LaunchAny

INTERFACE by apidays 2023
APIs for a “Smart” economy. Embedding AI to deliver Smart APIs and turn into an exponential organization
June 28 & 29, 2023

Refining Your API: The Last Mile of API Design
James Higginbotham, Executive API Consultant at LaunchAny


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  1. Refining Your API: The Last Mile of API Design James

    Higginbotham @launchany Photo by Francisco Fernandes on Unsplash bit.ly/refining-your-api
  2. 2 @launchany Introduction •Consultant: API Strategy and Program Execution •Speaker,

    Trainer, Author based in Colorado Springs, CO •Author, “Principles of Web API Design: Delivering Value with APIs and Microservices”
  3. 5 @launchany Framing the API’s purpose 1. Treat APIs like

    a conversation Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash
  4. 6 @launchany APIs are a Conversation: Machine-to-Machine GET /projects Accept:

    application/json POST /projects { "projectName":"My Project", … } GET /projects/12345 Accept: application/json 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "projectId":"12344", … }, … ] 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Location: /projects/12345 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { "projectId":"12345", … }, … ]
  5. 9 @launchany APIs are a Conversation: Human-to-Human Homeowner: “Can you

    tell me where we stand with my home remodeling project?” Project Manager: “Sure, here are the tasks completed and items remaining, along with budget details”
  6. 10 @launchany APIs are a Conversation: Human-to-Human Policy Holder: “I’m

    trying to list the recently submitted claim so that I can track the status as I get back to whole” Adjuster: “Sure, I can provide you with that information”
  7. 13 @launchany Make Your APIs Intentional 2. Identify the situation

    or triggering event 3. Find the job to be done that delivers on the desired outcome 1. Identify the desired outcome
  8. 14 @launchany Make Your APIs Intentional 2. Identify the situation

    or triggering event 3. Find the job to be done that delivers on the desired outcome 1. Identify the desired outcome Confirm the date that my order will arrive I am uncertain of when my order will arrive View the status of an order
  9. 15 @launchany Align to the Needs of the Consumer Job

    Story: View Order Status WHEN I am uncertain of when my order will arrive I WANT TO View the status of my order SO I CAN Confirm the date that my order will arrive
  10. 16 @launchany Job Stories Drive Acceptance Testing Example: View Order

    Status Job Story Given a user named ‘Donna’ with login ‘[email protected]’ And an order created by user ‘Donna’ with the details ‘…’ And a login session for user ‘Donna’ When the user ‘Donna’ wants to know the status of an order And user ‘Donna’ views the status of an order Then ‘Donna’ should confirms the status of ‘Shipped’ with a shipment date of ‘2023-06-27’ Desired outcome Job to be done Situation
  11. 17 @launchany Does my API deliver on the desired outcomes…

    …or does it focus only on the implementation details?
  12. 19 @launchany Maps Business Processes, Not Raw Data •Using the

    outcomes as a guide, find the business processes necessary to deliver upon the outcome •Diagram out the process, or capture as a text-based narrative of each step
  13. 25 @launchany Does my API reinforce my domain model through

    a domain- specific language (DSL)? Customer: listBooks() -> Books[] Customer: addBookToCart(bookId) -> Cart Customer: removeBookFromCart(bookId) -> Cart Customer: searchBooks(searchQuery) -> Books[] Customer: addBookToCart(bookId) -> Cart Customer: viewCart() -> Cart
  14. 26 @launchany Listen to your API consumers regarding the API

    design style 5. Design with API consumers in mind
  15. 28 @launchany Uni-Directional and Bi-Directional Webhooks Webhook Dispatcher Workflow Engine

    Messaging App Webhook Receiver Webhook Receiver Webhook Dispatcher HTTP POST /hooks/messages HTTP POST /hooks/workflow { “lastState”: “review”, “newState”: “approved”, “workflowId” : … } { “message”: “Can you please review?”, “link”: “/articles/12345”, “workflowId” : … } Ash: “Can you please review?” Julie: Approved 1 2 1 2
  16. 29 @launchany Server-Sent Events Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events App API Here you

    go! Here you go! Here you go! GET /streams/users Last-Event-ID: message-1234 Here you go! … time elapses …
  17. 30 @launchany Websocket API Consumer Web/Mobile/Server HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol

    Handshake Date: Thu, 10 Sept 2020 14:53:18 GMT Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: WebSocket … GET ws://echo.websocket.org/?encoding=text Origin: http://websocket.org Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 … WebSocket upgrade response Hello, client REST API Server with WebSocket support WebSocket upgrade request <<WebSocket Enabled>> Hello, server.
  18. 32 @launchany gRPC Client and Server Streaming gRPC Client gRPC

    Server service Main { rpc GetLatestOrders(stream OrderQuery) returns (OrderResults) {} } gRPC Async Option 1: Client Streams to Server gRPC Client gRPC Server gRPC Option 2: Server Streams to Client service Main { rpc GetLatestOrders(OrderQuery) returns (stream Order) {} } gRPC Client gRPC Server gRPC Async Option 3: Bi-Directional streaming service Main { rpc GetLatestOrders(stream OrderQuery) returns (stream Order) {} }
  19. 41 @launchany Design the digital capabilities as APIs, events, and

    streams DESIGN Seek stakeholder alignment on desired outcomes ALIGN Improve the design based on early feedback REFINE Agree on digital capabilities required for desired outcomes DEFINE The ADDR Collaborative API Design Process Human-to- Human Human-to- Human Developer-to- Developer Machine-to- Machine