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Grzegorz Witek
November 29, 2016

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Presented at RubySG meetup in November 2016

Grzegorz Witek

November 29, 2016


  1. > < LOGOS TAKEN FROM SEEKLOGO.NET 07 Singaporeans in their

    20s and 30s spend more than 3h a day o n t h e i r m o b i l e phones, most of the time on social media or watching videos[1] YOU HAVE TIME FOR THIS 7 [1] http://www.straitstimes.com/tech/smartphones/millennials-in-singapore-spend-almost-34-hours-a-day-on-their-mobile-phones-study
  2. > < SOME RANDOM TEXT 10 You can use your

    mobile phone to read or listen to books just as easy as you can use it to watch videos on Youtube ANYWHERE, ANYTIME 10
  3. > < BROCCOLI ARE DISGUSTING 13 Additionally to stores with

    books, you can use various bestseller lists or websites that w i l l p ro v i d e y o u suggestions based on the books you enjoy TONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS 13
  4. > < NOTHING TO SEE HERE 16 Just googling for

    “free e - b o o k s ” g i v e s thousands of books on first few websites THOUSANDS OF FREE BOOKS 16