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Getting Traction with Actions (2021)

Getting Traction with Actions (2021)

Brian Douglas

March 30, 2021

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  1. GitHub Actions Implement custom logic without creating an app to

    perform the task you need. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsx4w0i1qp5caqj/Screen%20Shot%202021-03-16%20at%2010.15.37%20AM.png?dl=0
  2. @bdougieYO opensauced.pizza 1. Home for code in the cloud. 2.

    Collaboration at Scale 3. Build on what’s built (Open Source)
  3. Spreading the JAM throughout your CI @bdougieYO Workflow Automation By

    leveraging the GitHub API https://github.com/github-craftwork/start-here
  4. Spreading the JAM throughout your CI @bdougieYO identify repeated tasks

    “We {action} every {period of time}.” https://github.com/github-craftwork/start-here
  5. Continuous Integration Source Control commit changes Build Run build +

    tests Staging Deploy to test environment Production Deploy to production environment
  6. github.com/bdougie Deploy to any cloud, create tickets in Jira, publish

    a package to npm, and more. Use the millions of open source libraries available on GitHub to create your own actions. Automate any workflow