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Tools for maintaining an open source Python pro...

Tools for maintaining an open source Python project

Talk given at EuroPython 2020 online

Ben Nuttall

July 23, 2020

More Decks by Ben Nuttall

Other Decks in Programming


  1. @ben_nuttall Ben Nuttall • Software engineer at BBC News Labs

    • Formerly at Raspberry Pi Foundation • Creator of gpiozero, piwheels and pyjokes • Opensource.com correspondent • twitter.com/ben_nuttall • github.com/bennuttall
  2. @ben_nuttall Ben Nuttall • Software engineer at BBC News Labs

    • Formerly at Raspberry Pi Foundation • Creator of gpiozero, piwheels and pyjokes • Opensource.com correspondent • twitter.com/ben_nuttall • github.com/bennuttall
  3. @ben_nuttall What this talk covers  Organising a Python module

     Distributing software  Using git/GitHub  Virtual environments  Testing & automated testing  Documentation  Licensing software
  4. @ben_nuttall What this talk is not • A thorough follow-along

    tutorial on how to use each of the ~50 tools mentioned • Me telling you which tools to use • Me telling you that you need to know all of these tools inside-out in order to be considered a proper Python programmer
  5. @ben_nuttall gpiozero • Python library providing simple API for physical

    computing with Raspberry Pi • Eases the learning curve for young people, beginners and educators • Nice Pythonic API with advanced tooling for experienced programmers • gpiozero.readthedocs.io • github.com/gpiozero/gpiozero
  6. @ben_nuttall piwheels • Tooling for automating building wheels of everything

    on PyPI • piwheels.org – pip-compatible repository hosting Arm wheels • Natively compiled Arm wheels built on Pi 3 hardware • Repository hosted on 1 × Pi serves 1 million downloads per month • piwheels.org • github.com/piwheels/piwheels
  7. @ben_nuttall Dave Jones • Professional programmer, amateur dentist • Responsible

    for implementing my crazy ideas • I write the first 90%, he writes the next 90% • Co-author of gpiozero and piwheels (also author of picamera, colorzero, picraft, sense- emu, lars, structa, compoundpi, pisense, pibootctl, ...) • Introduced me to most of the tools in this talk
  8. @ben_nuttall Distributing software – how? Package managers: • Linux –

    apt, rpm, yum • Language package managers – pip, npm, gem • Linux portable – snap, flatpak, AppImage • Mac – homebrew Download from sites: • GitHub, GitLab, Sourceforge • Personal websites • curl
  9. @ben_nuttall Distributing software – why? • Ease of access •

    Expectations • Trust and confidence • Stability
  10. @ben_nuttall Licensing • It’s important to choose a licence for

    a project • Think about what would annoy you • It’s important to specify which licence • It’s important to include the licence with the source code and distributions • Refer to choosealicense.com
  11. @ben_nuttall Packaging a Python module . ├── project │ ├──

    __init__.py │ └── project.py ├── README.rst └── setup.py
  12. @ben_nuttall Packaging a Python module – setup.py import os from

    setuptools import setup, find_packages def read(fname): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() setup( name="project", version="0.1.0", author="Ben Nuttall", description="Really cool project", license="MIT", keywords=["sample", "project"], url="https://github.com/bennuttall/project", packages=find_packages(), long_description=read('README.rst'), )
  13. @ben_nuttall Publishing a Python module on PyPI • Register an

    account on pypi.org • Put your account details in ~/.pypirc: ben@magicman:~ $ cat .pypirc [pypi] username: bennuttall password: correcthorsebatterystaple • Install Twine: • pip install twine
  14. @ben_nuttall __init__.py choices: gpiozero User: from gpiozero import LED __init__.py:

    from .input_devices import LED, ... setup.py __version__ = '1.5.1' setup( version=__version__ ... )
  15. @ben_nuttall __init__.py choices: piwheels User: from piwheels.master.pypi import PiWheelsTransport __init__.py:

    __version__ = '0.17' setup.py import piwheels as app setup( version=app.__version__, ... )
  16. @ben_nuttall Entry points setup.py: entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'project

    = project.cli:main', ], } setup( ... entry_points=entry_points, ... )
  17. @ben_nuttall Virtual environments • Virtual environment for a Python project

    • You create the environment, pip install into it • Isolated from your system Python and system packages • Build your project inside it, with changes "installed" in real time mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 project pip install -e . pip install ipython deactivate workon project
  18. @ben_nuttall Makefiles all: @echo "make install - Install on local

    system" @echo "make develop - Install symlinks for development" install: pip install . develop: pip install -e .
  19. @ben_nuttall Testing • Write tests to validate what your code

    is supposed to do • Keep your old tests to make sure nothing breaks in future • For maximum effect, write tests before you write code! • Testing can be performed quickly locally • Testing can be automated – e.g. Travis after push • Be pragmatic! Test edge cases, don’t be exhaustive
  20. @ben_nuttall Testing - layout . ├── Makefile ├── project │

    ├── __init__.py │ └── project.py ├── setup.py └── tests └── test_add.py
  21. @ben_nuttall Testing - pytest from project import add import pytest

    assert add(2, 2) == 4 with pytest.raises(TypeError): add("foo", "bar")
  22. @ben_nuttall Testing – mock >>> from unittest.mock import Mock >>>

    m = Mock(msg=Mock(return_value="hello")) >>> m <Mock id='140656083514272'> >>> m.msg() 'hello'
  23. @ben_nuttall Testing – mock patch def test_timeofday_value(mock_factory): with TimeOfDay(time(7), time(8),

    utc=False) as tod: assert repr(tod).startswith('<gpiozero.TimeOfDay object') assert tod.start_time == time(7) assert tod.end_time == time(8) assert not tod.utc with patch('gpiozero.internal_devices.datetime') as dt: dt.now.return_value = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 6, 59, 0) assert not tod.is_active dt.now.return_value = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 7, 0, 0) assert tod.is_active dt.now.return_value = datetime(2018, 1, 2, 8, 0, 0) assert tod.is_active dt.now.return_value = datetime(2018, 1, 2, 8, 1, 0) assert not tod.is_active
  24. @ben_nuttall Tox • Run tests in multiple Python versions simultaneously

    • Ubuntu users – look for "Deadsnakes PPA" • tox.ini: [tox] envlist = {py27,py35,py36,py37,py38}
  25. @ben_nuttall Coverage.py • Measuring code coverage of Python programs •

    Monitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed • Analyses the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not • Typically used to gauge the effectiveness of tests • Shows which parts of your code are being touched by your tests, and which are not
  26. @ben_nuttall Makefiles all: @echo "make install - Install on local

    system" @echo "make develop - Install symlinks for development" @echo "make test - Run tests" install: pip install . develop: pip install -e . test: coverage run --rcfile coverage.cfg -m pytest -v tests coverage report --rcfile coverage.cfg
  27. @ben_nuttall Documentation - mkdocs • Markdown-based documentation builder • Exports

    to static HTML • Easy to write, easy to deploy • Can host anywhere – e.g. GitHub pages or self-hosted
  28. @ben_nuttall Documentation – ReST (ReStructured Text) ===== Title ===== Some

    text Header 2 ======== * List item * :doc:`api_input`
  29. @ben_nuttall Documentation - sphinx • ReST • Extracts docs from

    docstrings • Can embed additional bespoke docs • Multiple outputs: • HTML • PDF • Epub • Language docs linking (e.g. gpiozero can link to Python docs using ReST) • Cross-project linking (e.g. gpiozero can link to picamera using ReST)
  30. @ben_nuttall Documentation - sphinx Regular Classes =============== The following classes

    are intended for general use with the devices they represent. All classes in this section are concrete (not abstract). LED --- .. autoclass:: LED(pin, \*, active_high=True, initial_value=False, pin_factory=None) :members: on, off, toggle, blink, pin, is_lit, value PWMLED ------ .. autoclass:: PWMLED(pin, \*, active_high=True, initial_value=0, frequency=100, pin_factory=None) :members: on, off, toggle, blink, pulse, pin, is_lit, value
  31. @ben_nuttall Documentation - ReadTheDocs • Multiple versions (v1.0, v1.1, v1.2...)

    • Branches • Multi-user management • Easy to integrate with GitHub to automate building
  32. @ben_nuttall Documentation - Graphviz digraph { graph [rankdir=RL]; node [shape=rect,

    style=filled, color="#2980b9", fontname=Sans, fontcolor="#ffffff", fontsize=10]; edge [arrowhead=normal, style=solid]; Button -> LED; }
  33. @ben_nuttall Documentation - Graphviz digraph { graph [rankdir=RL]; edge [arrowhead=normal,

    style=solid]; /* Devices */ node [shape=rect, style=filled, color="#2980b9", fontname=Sans, fontcolor="#ffffff", fontsize=10]; led [label="Garden light"] light [label="Light sensor"] motion [label="Motion sensor"] /* functions */ node [shape=oval, style=filled, color="#9ec6e0", fontcolor="#ffffff"]; booleanized all_values all_values -> led; booleanized -> all_values; motion -> all_values; light -> booleanized; }
  34. @ben_nuttall Project structure . ├── coverage.cfg ├── docs/ ├── .github/

    ├── .gitignore ├── LICENSE ├── Makefile ├── project/ ├── setup.py ├── tests/ ├── tox.ini └── .travis.yml
  35. @ben_nuttall What this talk covered  Organising a Python module

    – module structure, setup.py, Makefiles  Distributing software – PyPI, pip  Using git/GitHub – repositories, users & orgs, collaborators, issues, PRs, project boards, integrations  Virtual environments – virtualenvwrapper  Testing & automated testing – assert, pytest, mock, coverage, tox, Travis CI  Documentation – markdown, ReST, mkdocs, sphinx, graphviz  Licensing software – choosealicense.org
  36. @ben_nuttall Tooling Tuesday • My tooling blog: https:/ /tooling.bennuttall.com/ •

    Inspired by Les Pounder: https:/ /bigl.es/ • New posts every Tuesday • New posts every other Tuesday • New posts every now and then, sometimes on a Tuesday