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Debugging and profiling jvm applications

Bhuvan Rawal
September 13, 2017

Debugging and profiling jvm applications

Bhuvan Rawal

September 13, 2017

Other Decks in Technology


  1. What we’ll learn? JVM Heap Structure - Memory management Allocation

    difference - Java vs C/C++ Analysing workload - Heap differentiation Tools to understand what’s going on under the hood Demo - Sample applications
  2. Types of GC collectors Serial Collector Parallel Garbage Collector CMS

    Garbage Collector G1 Garbage Collector - New guy on the block
  3. Command line tools ps -eLo pid,lwp,nlwp,ruser,pcpu,stime,etime,args | grep {pid} htop

    Sar - historical system statistics iperf - network load testing tool
  4. Sjk Plus - Java swiss knife jps - more detailed

    process information than default hh - print heap histogram ssa - super dense heap dump stcap - analyse dense heap dump (print vs histo)
  5. Demo Normal new gen demo Normal new+oldgen demo OOM demo

    Sample with locking Demo of deadlock