is strictly prohibited Copyright Elasticsearch 2013. Copying, publishing and/or distributing without written permission is strictly prohibited elasticsearch and time based data Staying Ahead of Time Boaz Leskes @bleskes
is strictly prohibited A document { "created_at": "Fri Jan 24 11:15:24 +0000 2014", "id": 426674590560305150, "text": "Prepping up for my #elasticsearch talk this afternoon at the UvA :", "user": { "name": “Boaz Leskes", "screen_name": "bleskes", } }
is strictly prohibited A type { "created_at": "Fri Jan 24 11:15:24 +0000 2014", "id": 426674590560305150, "text": "Prepping up for my #elasticsearch talk this afternoon at the UvA :", "user": { "name": “Boaz Leskes", "screen_name": "bleskes", } } = docs with similar data/structure { "created_at": "Thu Jan 23 18:27:23 +0000 2014", "id": 426420915698544640, "text": "Elasticsearch es una maravilla !!!!", "user": { "name": "Abel Coronado", "screen_name": "abxda", } }
is strictly prohibited easy to get, easy to index # curl -XPUT localhost:9200/tweets/tweet/426674590560305150 -d '{ "created_at": "Fri Jan 24 11:15:24 +0000 2014", "id": 426674590560305150, "text": "Prepping up for my #elasticsearch talk this afternoon at the UvA :", "user": { "name": “Boaz Leskes", "screen_name": "bleskes", } }'
is strictly prohibited one little tweak… # curl -XPUT localhost:9200/tweets_201310/tweet/426674590560305150 -d '{ "created_at": "Fri Jan 24 11:15:24 +0000 2014", "id": 426674590560305150, "text": "Prepping up for my #elasticsearch talk this afternoon at the UvA :", "user": { "name": “Boaz Leskes", "screen_name": "bleskes", } }'