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Emacs で LSP を使ってみたよ

Taiju Aoki
January 23, 2019

Emacs で LSP を使ってみたよ

Slide for M3 TechTalk

Taiju Aoki

January 23, 2019

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  1. Who Am I ‣ VTuber ͱ Emacs ޷͖ͷ׽ ‣ ࣾձਓ

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  3. LSPͱ͸ʁ Language Server Protocol (JSON-RPC) Notification: textDocument/didChange; Params: {documentURI, changes}

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  4. LSPͱ͸ʁ Language Server Protocol (JSON-RPC) Development Tool Notification: textDocument/didChange; Params:

    {documentURI, changes} Notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics; Params: Diagnostic[] Request: textDocument/definition; Params: {documentURI, position} Notification: textDocument/didOpen; Params: document Open document Edit document Goto definition Publish Publish Response: textDocument/definition; Result: Location https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/overview Language Server ιʔείʔυͷղੳΛͯ͘͠ΕΔαʔό ʢϩʔΧϧʹཱͯΒΕΔʣ
  5. LSPͱ͸ʁ Development Tool Notification: textDocument/didChange; Params: {documentURI, changes} Notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics;

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  6. LSPͱ͸ʁ Language Server Protocol (JSON-RPC) Development Tool Notification: textDocument/didChange; Params:

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  7. LSPͱ͸ʁ Language Server Protocol (LSP) ͱ͸..... ݴޠͷղੳͳͲΛߦ͏ Language Server ͱ֤πʔϧʢClientʣ͕

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  9. Emacs Ͱ LSP Λ׆༻ͯ͠ΈΔ Developer Tool Language Server Language Server

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  10. ઃఆ Language Server : solargraph Client Package : eglot EmacsͰLSPΛ׆༻ͯ͠ΈΔ

    (https://qiita.com/blue0513/items/acc962738c7f4da26656) https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot https://github.com/castwide/solargraph Step1. Install Language Server Step2. Edit init.el $ gem install solargraph (add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
  11. ͓·͚ ~ Rails ͷิ׬ ~ $ yard gems $ solargraph

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    Problematic Point ‣ ಋೖ͕ͱͯ΋खܰ ‣ େن໛ϓϩδΣΫτͩͱগ͠ಈ࡞͕ॏ͍ ‣ খن໛ϓϩδΣΫτͳΒߴ଎ಈ࡞ ‣ Language Server & Client ͕܈༤ׂڌ
  13. ࠷ޙʹ ‣ LSP ͸ੌ͍ ‣ Emacs ͸ੌ͍ ‣ Ruby Project

    Ͱ΋ิ׬΍ఆٛࢀরΛ࣮ߦ ‣ εϐʔυײ͋;ΕΔ։ൃʢΫϥΠΞϯταΠυ΋܈༤ׂڌʣ ‣ LSP ͷ **ྗ** ΛआΓͯ V̋Cőe ʹ΋ෛ͚ͳ͍ิ׬ೳྗ ‣ 3rd party ੡ͷ࿈ܞϥΠϒϥϦΛಠࣗ։ൃͰ͖Δ LSP ͱ Emacs ͸͍͍ͧ