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Dropping Rails for Dropwizard? (from Abril Pro ...

Dropping Rails for Dropwizard? (from Abril Pro Ruby 2014)

Due to the success of Rails, many successful organizations find themselves with a Rails application that needs partitioning. Many organizations have chosen to largely abandon Ruby during this transition, yet the reasoning is often reactionary. This talk explores the approach Yammer has taken, comparing Rails and the Java-based Dropwizard framework. Both have the mantra of getting decision-making and repetition out of the way so you can get things done. Dropwizard takes a slightly different approach by putting emphasis on "production-ready out-of-the-box." In this talk, attendees will gain insights into the options Rubyists have for replicating Dropwizard's ops-focus in Rails. Attendees will also come away with an understanding of why Dropwizard's focus on operations and metrics makes it appealing to organizations tearing apart their monolithic Rails application. By assembling similar toolsets for Ruby and Java services, we'll be better positioned to choose between them on the merits of the stack and language.

Brian Morton

April 26, 2014

More Decks by Brian Morton

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  1. Look at how another framework solves problems Choose the right

    stack to build on Apply the good parts back to our Ruby/Rails apps
  2. Look at how another framework solves problems Choose the right

    stack to build on Apply the good parts back to our Ruby/Rails apps
  3. $  java  -­‐jar  target/dropwizard-­‐demo.jar  server  sample.yml   INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐25

     15:11:30,057]  io.dropwizard.server.ServerFactory:  Starting   SampleService                                                                            .__      ____  ___    ________        _____  ______  |    |      ____   _/  __  \\    \/    /\__    \    /          \\____  \|    |  _/  __  \   \    ___/  >        <    /  __  \|    Y  Y    \    |_>  >    |_\    ___/    \___    >__/\_  \(____    /__|_|    /      __/|____/\___    >            \/            \/          \/            \/|__|                          \/     WARN    [2014-­‐04-­‐25  15:11:30,520]  io.dropwizard.setup.AdminEnvironment:   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   !        THIS  APPLICATION  HAS  NO  HEALTHCHECKS.  THIS  MEANS  YOU  WILL  NEVER  KNOW            !   !          IF  IT  DIES  IN  PRODUCTION,  WHICH  MEANS  YOU  WILL  NEVER  KNOW  IF  YOU'RE            !   !        LETTING  YOUR  USERS  DOWN.  YOU  SHOULD  ADD  A  HEALTHCHECK  FOR  EACH  OF  YOUR        !   !                  APPLICATION'S  DEPENDENCIES  WHICH  FULLY  (BUT  LIGHTLY)  TESTS  IT.              !   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
  4. Configuration class Application class Representation classes Resource classes Health check

    classes Rails.application.config Application class Views + Jbuilder/gem Controllers + Routes Gem/addon
  5. $  mvn  clean  package   $  java  -­‐jar  target/helloworld.jar  server

     server.yml     INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐15  06:18:35,695]  io.dropwizard.server.ServerFactory:  Starting   SampleService   INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐15  06:18:35,947]  io.dropwizard.jersey.DropwizardResourceConfig:  The   following  paths  were  found  for  the  configured  resources:            GET          /hello-­‐world/{name}  (com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource)     INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐15  06:18:36,166]  io.dropwizard.setup.AdminEnvironment:  tasks  =            POST        /tasks/gc  (io.dropwizard.servlets.tasks.GarbageCollectionTask)     INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐15  06:18:36,175]  org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector:  Started   application@29a19259{HTTP/1.1}{}   INFO    [2014-­‐04-­‐15  06:18:36,176]  org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector:  Started   admin@2e8f2669{HTTP/1.1}{}  
  6. $  curl­‐world/mundo  -­‐I     HTTP/1.1  200  OK  

    Date:  Tue,  15  Apr  2014  05:02:25  GMT   Cache-­‐Control:  no-­‐transform,  max-­‐age=86400   Content-­‐Type:  text/plain   Vary:  Accept-­‐Encoding   Transfer-­‐Encoding:  chunked     Hello,  mundo!  
  7. $  curl  -­‐I     HTTP/1.1  500  Server  Error

      Date:  Tue,  15  Apr  2014  04:53:33  GMT   Content-­‐Type:  application/json   Cache-­‐Control:  must-­‐revalidate,no-­‐cache,no-­‐store   Content-­‐Length:  172     {      "deadlocks"  :  {          "healthy"  :  true      },      "random"  :  {          "healthy"  :  false,          "message"  :  "Not  one,  how  can  I  possibly  serve  traffic?"      }   }  
  8. $  curl  -­‐I     HTTP/1.1  200  OK  

    Date:  Tue,  15  Apr  2014  04:54:32  GMT   Content-­‐Type:  application/json   Cache-­‐Control:  must-­‐revalidate,no-­‐cache,no-­‐store   Content-­‐Length:  87     {      "deadlocks"  :  {          "healthy"  :  true      },      "random"  :  {          "healthy"  :  true      }   }  
  9. Look at how another framework solves problems Choose the right

    stack to build on Apply the good parts back to our Ruby/Rails apps
  10. Run statsd on each instance Calculate percentiles: p75, p90, p95,

    and p99 Report somewhere to make dashboards and pretty graphs
  11. Query the database? Pull from the cache? Talk to an

    external service? Log an event? Queue a message? Send an email?
  12. Look at how another framework solves problems Choose the right

    stack to build on Apply the good parts back to our Ruby/Rails apps
  13. Runbook Health check Easily deployable Circuit breakers PagerDuty alerts Metrics

    Logging & rotation Exception tracking Configuration repo HA configuration Backups Disaster recovery Process control CI build Code coverage
  14. Fast or frequent development iterations To aggregate sequential sources or

    a single source Expressiveness for business rules or through a DSL To perform tasks asynchronously
  15. To be in the critical performance path True parallelization of

    tasks or gathering of data Support for lots of concurrent connections Large heaps to keep things in memory
  16. Stable API Parallelization Critical performance Fast/frequent dev All data in

    payload Performs tasks async Convention/DSL based Concurrent connections
  17. For many things we’ve done, Rails has proven more beneficial

    than other Ruby alternatives We’re not satisfied with that as an answer, its just the state of the world today Last year we pretty much had 1-‐2 Rails apps, today we have 5-‐6 and more underway