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Advanced Azure Functions @ Global Azure Bootcam...

Advanced Azure Functions @ Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 - Frankfurt

Boris Wilhelms

April 27, 2019

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  1. Boris Wilhelms Who am I? Advanced Azure Functions • Consultant

    and Architect at Thinktecture AG • Focus on • Cloud-native & serverless architectures • Security & Identity • .NET Core • Email: [email protected] • Twitter: @boriswilhelms
  2. • Hosting options • Securing HTTP functions / Easy Auth

    • Custom Bindings • Custom Trigger Advanced Azure Functions Topics
  3. • Consumption Plan • Azure App Service plan • Premium

    Plan (currently in preview) • Docker Advanced Azure Functions Hosting options
  4. Consumption plan • Pay per use • Free quota •

    Auto Scaling • Limitations • Maximum function execution duration limited to 10 min (5 min by default) • Function App may scale down to 0 instances and need a cold start • Limited to 1,5 GB RAM and 1 CPU Core per Function App Advanced Azure Functions Hosting options
  5. Azure App Service plan • No function execution duration limited

    (configurable, defaults to 30 min) • No cold starts / always warm • App Service plan limits the RAM and CPU Core • Fixed price / paying for idle time • Manual scaling Advanced Azure Functions Hosting options
  6. Premium Plan (currently in preview) • No function execution duration

    limited (configurable, defaults to 30 min) • No cold starts / always prewarmed instances available • VNet integration • Three sizes with different limits for RAM and CPU Core • Rapid Scaling • Minimum fixed pay + pay per use Advanced Azure Functions Hosting options
  7. Docker • Supports only Linux • Works only with Functions

    V2 • No limits • On Premise hosting possible • Most flexible hosting option • But also most serverless-less hosting • Dockerfile can be created with Azure Function Core Tools Advanced Azure Functions Hosting options
  8. Function Keys • Must be passed to function by •

    Query string (code) • or HTTP Header (x-functions-key) • Can be generated on function level • within the Azure Portal • Or the Key Management API (HTTP) • Master key to access all functions • Static keys without information about the caller • Not meant for humans, but machine to machine interaction Advanced Azure Functions Securing HTTP functions
  9. Easy Auth • Configurable in the portal • Uses federated

    identity • Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Login, Facebook, Google or Twitter • Token must be passed to function by HTTP Authorization Header (Bearer) • Machine to Machine interaction • Human interaction • Contains information about the caller. Advanced Azure Functions Securing HTTP functions
  10. • Custom Input and Output bindings can be created •

    Available with Functions V2 • Must be implemented in C# / .NET • Can be used in other languages • Consists of three parts • Attribute • One or more converters • Configuration Advanced Azure Functions Custom Bindings
  11. • Gray Area: Not supported, but possible • May not

    work in consumption plan • May not scale in consumption plan • May not work in any Azure Function plan • They work in Docker! Advanced Azure Functions Custom Trigger