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Tech Talk @ Red Hat

Camila Maia
October 29, 2020

Tech Talk @ Red Hat

Camila Maia

October 29, 2020

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  1. @cmaiacd ScanAPI Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your

    API Tech Talk @ Red Hat - October 2020 Camila Maia
  2. @cmaiacd Who am I? - Brazilian Backend Developer - Bachelor

    of Computer Information System - Coding since 2010 - Python and Ruby - Events: Pyjamas, EuroPython, Python Brasil...
  3. @cmaiacd Motivation Integration Errors - Client sending fields different than

    what’s expected - Frontend receiving fields different than what’s expected
  4. @cmaiacd Proposal - Open Source Framework - Command Line Interface

    (CLI) - Written in Python 1. Provide a Live Documentation 2. Tool to implement Integration Tests
  5. @cmaiacd # scanapi.yaml endpoints: - name: pokeapi path: https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ endpoints:

    - name: pokemon path: pokemon requests: - name: list_all method: get path: / How does it work? Example: PokéAPI path: https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ pokemon / name: pokeapi :: pokemon :: list_all
  6. @cmaiacd ... requests: - name: list_all method: get tests: -

    name: status_code_is_200 assert: ${{ response.status_code == 200 }} - name: response_time_is_under_half_second assert: ${{ response.elapsed.total_seconds() < 0.5 }} - name: results_length_is_20 assert: ${{ len(response.json()["results"]) == 20 }} - name: count_is_gte_1050 assert: ${{ response.json()["count"] >= 1050 }} How does it work? https://requests.readthedocs.io Integration tests ✅
  7. @cmaiacd How does it work? Chaining Requests ⛓ - Get

    details of a Pokémon - In this case, the data is “static”, but it might not be. https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/bulbasaur
  8. @cmaiacd How does it work? ... endpoints: - name: pokemon

    path: pokemon requests: - name: list_all method: get vars: pokemon_name: ${{ response.json()["results"][0]["name"] }} tests: ... - name: details method: get path: ${pokemon_name} pokemon/${pokemon_name}
  9. @cmaiacd How does it work? And there is more -

    Language-independent - It also accepts API spec in JSON - Environment variables - Hide sensitive info in the report - Multiple files API specification - Delay between requests - Custom templates - VS Code Plugin
  10. @cmaiacd # my_project/.circleci/config.yml ... scanapi: docker: - image: camilamaia/scanapi:2.1.0 steps:

    - checkout - run: name: Run ScanAPI command: | scanapi run scanapi/scanapi.yaml -c scanapi/scanapi.conf -o scanapi/report.html - store_artifacts: path: scanapi/report.html workflows: version: 2 main: jobs: - scanapi: filters: branches: only: - master - build-push: name: build-push-staging env: staging requires: - scanapi filters: branches: only: - master
  11. @cmaiacd # my_project/.github/workflows/scanapi.yml on: push: branches: [master] name: Run ScanAPI

    jobs: scanapi: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run automated API tests uses: scanapi/github-action@v1 with: scanapi_version: "==2.1.0" arguments: "run ./pokeapi/scanapi.yaml" - name: Upload scanapi-report.html uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: ScanAPI Report path: scanapi-report.html
  12. @cmaiacd Next Steps What about the future? - Missing HTTP

    methods (current: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) - Improve Documentation - Create a Tutorial - Improve Contributing Documentation And what if we could…. - Export to: OpenAPI, Postman Collection, Insomnia… - Call python modules
  13. @cmaiacd - GitHub Issues (per project) - Dashboards. Ex: Hacktoberfest

    - Spectrum (events, sprints...) Communication Let’s get in touch!