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Facilities Planning and Games

October 16, 2014

Facilities Planning and Games

A talk I gave long back on how Video Games merge together with Facilities Planning and optimizations in Operation Management


October 16, 2014


  1. Examples - Beer Distribution Game (Supply Chain Mgt.) - Monopoly

    - CashFlow - Democracy - Capitalism - Minecraft
  2. Every turn = 1 week 1. receive incoming orders 2.

    receive incoming deliveries 3. update play sheets (outstanding deliveries and inventory) 4. send out deliveries, and finally 5. decide on the amount to be ordered Costs 1. Order cost = 0.5 2. Holding cost = 1
  3. Facilities Planning - Capacity Planning - Location Planning - Layout

    Design - Layout Evaluation - Line Balancing
  4. Tasks available - Hunting (+FOOD) - Farming (+FOOD, -WOOD) -

    Lumbering (+WOOD) - Stone Mining (+STONE) - Gold Mining (+GOLD) - Create a building (-WOOD) - Create a villager (-FOOD) Implicit time constraint Not considering walking distances, research and many other factors
  5. Build Order Optimization Problem Z = Time to 30 villager

    units (minimize) Constraints: 1. Gameplay constraints 2. Real time delay 3. Clicking efficiency 4. Micro management Variables: - X i = Time at which ith villager is created - Process schedules (time at which task is assigned)
  6. Genetic Algorithms - Input = current build order - Output

    = Mutation & Recombination 1. Test and verify each new build order 2. Choose the best build orders 3. Iterate
  7. References - Riemer, Kai. The Beer Game, The University of

    Sydney. http://www.beergame.org/the-game - Lomilar . Zerg Build Order optimizer, Team Liquid. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/starcraft-2/160231-zerg-build-order-opt imizer - Lomilar. Evolution Chamber, Google Code. https://code.google.com/p/evolutionchamber/ - kotekzot. What is the perfect base layout?, Arcade Stack Exchange. http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/89098/what-is-the-perfect-ba se-layout - Darling, Tim. How to Win at Monopoly?, http://amnesta.net.http://amnesta.net/other/monopoly/ - Blow, Jonathan. Truth in Game Design, GDC Vault. http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1014982/Truth-in-Game