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Distributed deterministic dataflow programming ...

Distributed deterministic dataflow programming for Erlang

Erlang User Conference, 2014

Christopher Meiklejohn

June 09, 2014

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  1. Distributed deterministic dataflow programming for Erlang Manuel Bravo 1 Zhongmiao

    Li 1 Peter Van Roy 1 Christopher Meiklejohn 2 1Université catholique de Louvain 2Basho Technologies, Inc. Erlang User Conference Stockholm, Sweden, 2014 June 9, 2014 Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 1 / 37
  2. Overview 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Semantics 4 Implementation 5

    Examples 6 Caveats and future work 7 References Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 2 / 37
  3. SyncFree Funded by the European Union Focusing on Conflict-free Replicated

    Data Types (CRDTs) Basho, Rovio, Trifork INRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Université Catholique de Louvain, Koç Üniversitesi, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 3 / 37
  4. SyncFree Build a programming model for conflict-free replicated data types

    (CRDTs). [12] Deterministic, distributed, parallel programming in Erlang. Similar work to LVars [10] and Bloom. [5] Key focus on distributed computation, high scalability, and fault-tolerance. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 4 / 37
  5. Conflict-free replicated data types Comes in two main flavors: state-based

    and operations-based. State-based CRDTs: Data structure which ensures convergence under concurrent operations. Based on bounded join-semilattices. Data structure which grows state monotonically. Imagine a vector clock. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 5 / 37
  6. Motivation Erlang implements a message-passing execution model in which concurrent

    processes send each other asynchronous messages. This model is inherently non-deterministic, in that a process can receive messages sent by any process which knows its process identifier. Concurrent programs in non-deterministic languages, are notoriously hard to prove correct. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 6 / 37
  7. Correctness Treat every message received by a process as a

    ‘choice’. A series of these ‘choices’ define one execution of a program. Prove each execution is correct; or terminates. Further complicated by distributed Erlang and its semantics. [13] OTP is essentially "programming patterns" to reduce this burden. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 7 / 37
  8. Contributions An "alternative" approach to this non-determinism. Deterministic data flow

    programming model for Erlang, implemented as a library. Concurrent programs, which regardless of execution, produce the same result. Fault-tolerance and distribution of computations provided by riak _ core . [3] Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 8 / 37
  9. Deterministic dataflow programming Historically: 1974: First proposed as Kahn networks.

    [7] 1977: Lazy version of this same model was proposed by Kahn and David MacQueen [9]. More recently: CTM/CP: Oz [14] Akka [1, 15] Ozma [6] Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 9 / 37
  10. Single-assignment store Relies on a single assignment store: = {

    x1 , . . . , xn} Example: = { x1 = x2 , x2 = ?, x3 = 5, x4 = [ a , b , c ], . . . , xn = 9} Where: xi = ?: Variable xi is unbound. xi = xm : Variable xi is partially bound; therefore, it is assigned to another dataflow variable ( xm ). This also implies that xm is unbound. xi = vi : Variable xi is bound to a term ( vi ). Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 10 / 37
  11. Metadata xi = { value, waiting_processes, bound_variables } Where: value

    : empty, or dataflow value. waiting _ processes : processes waiting for xi to be bound. bound _ variables : dataflow variables which are partially bound. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 11 / 37
  12. Basic Primitives I declare () creates a new dataflow variable.

    Before: = { x1, . . . , xn } xn+1 = declare () create a unique dataflow variable xn+ 1 store xn+ 1 into After: = { x1, . . . , xn+1 = ?} bind(xi , vi ) binds the dataflow variable xi to the value vi . Before: = { x1, . . . , xi = ?, . . . , xn } bind ( xi , vi ) 8 p 2 xi . waiting_proccesses , notify p 8 x 2 xi . bound_variables , bind ( x , vi ) xi . value = vi After: = { x1, . . . , xi = vi , . . . , xn } Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 12 / 37
  13. Basic Primitives II read(xi ) returns the term bound to

    xi . Before: = { x1, . . . , xi , . . . , xn } vi = read ( xi ) if xi . value == ( xm _ ? ) xi . waiting_processes [ { self ()} wait vi = xi . value After: = { x1, . . . , xi = vi , . . . , xn } thread(function, args) runs function(args) in a different process. Implemented using the Erlang spawn primitive. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 13 / 37
  14. Streams I Streams of dataflow variables: si = x1 |

    . . . | xn 1 | xn, xn = ? Extend metadata to store pointer to next position: xi = { value, waiting_processes, bound_variables, next } produce(xn, vn) extends the stream by binding the tail xn to vn and creating a new tail xn+ 1 . Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 14 / 37
  15. Stream Primitives I produce(xn, vn) extends the stream by binding

    the tail xn to vn and creating a new tail xn+ 1 . Before: = { x1, . . . , xn = ?} xn+1 = produce ( xn, vn ) bind ( xn, vn ) xn+ 1 = declare () xn. next = xn+ 1 After: = { x1, . . . , xn = vn, xn+1 = ?} Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 15 / 37
  16. Stream Primitives II consume(xi ) reads the element of the

    stream represented by xi . Before: = { x1, . . . , xi = vi _ xm _ ?, xi+1, . . . , xn } { vi , xi+1} = consume ( xi ) vi = read ( xi ) xi+ 1 = xi . next After: = { x1, . . . , xi = vi , xi+1, . . . , xn } Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 16 / 37
  17. Laziness Provide non-strict evaluation primitive. Extend metadata: xi = {

    value, waiting_processes, bound_variables, next, lazy } wait _ needed ( x ) suspends until the caller until x is needed. Before: = { x1, . . . , xi = ?, . . . , xn } wait _ needed ( xi ) if xi . waiting_processes == ; xi . lazy [ self () wait until a read ( xi ) is issued After: = { x1, . . . , xi , . . . , xn } Modify read operation to notify, if lazy. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 17 / 37
  18. Non-determinism Provide a primitive which supports non-deterministic execution. Introduces non-determinism

    because it allows a choice to be taken on whether the variable is bound or not. is _ det ( x ) determines whether a variable is bound yet. Before: = { x1, . . . , xi , . . . , xn } bool = is _ det ( xi ) bool = xi . value == vi After: = { x1, . . . , xi , . . . , xn } Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 18 / 37
  19. Failure handling Failures introduce non-determinism. One approach: wait forever until

    the variables are available. Does not ensure progress, for example: Process p0 is supposed to bind a dataflow variable, however fails before completing its task. Processes p1 . . . pn are waiting on p0 to bind. Processes p1 . . . pn wait forever, resulting in non-termination. Two classes of errors: Computing process failures. Dataflow variable failure. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 19 / 37
  20. Computing process failures Consider the following: Process p0 reads a

    dataflow variable, x1. Process p0 performs a computation based on the value of x1, and binds the result of computation to x2. Two possible failure conditions can occur: If the output variable never binds, process p0 can be restarted and will allow the program to continue executing deterministically. If the output variable binds, restarting process p0 has no effect, given the single-assignment nature of variables. Handled via Erlang primitives. Supervisor trees; restart the processes. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 20 / 37
  21. Dataflow variable failures Consider the following: Process p0 attempts to

    compute value for dataflow variable x1 and fails. Process p1 blocks on x1 to be bound by p0, which will not complete successfully. Re-execution results in the same failure. Explore extending the model with a non-usable value. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 21 / 37
  22. Deterministic dataflow API {id, Id::term()} = declare() : Creates a

    new unbound dataflow variable in the single-assignment store. It returns the id of the newly created variable. {id, NextId::term()} = bind(Id, Value) : Binds the dataflow variable Id to Value . Value can either be an Erlang term or any other dataflow variable. {id, NextId::term()} = bind(Id, Mod, Fun, Args) : Binds the dataflow variable Id to the result of evaluating Mod:Fun(Args) . Value::term() = read(Id) : Returns the value bound to the dataflow variable Id . If the variable represented by Id is not bound, the caller blocks until it is bound. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 22 / 37
  23. Streams {id, NextId::term()} = produce(Id, Value) : Binds the variable

    Id to Value . {id, NextId::term()} = produce(Id, Mod, Fun, Args) : Binds the variable Id to the result of evaluating Mod:Fun(Args) . {Value::term(), NextId::term()} = consume(Id) : Returns the value bound to the dataflow variable Id and the id of the next element in the stream. If the variable represented by Id is not bound, the caller blocks until it is bound. {id, NextId::term()} = extend(Id) : Declares the variable that follows the variable Id in the stream. It returns the id of the next element of the stream. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 23 / 37
  24. Laziness ok = wait_needed(Id) : Used for adding laziness to

    the execution. The caller blocks until the variable represented by Id is needed when attempting to read the value. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 24 / 37
  25. Non-determinism Value::boolean() = is_det(Id) : Returns true if the dataflow

    variable Id is bound, false otherwise. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 25 / 37
  26. Partition strategies Each variable has a home process, which coordinates

    notifying all processes which should be told of changes in binding. Each process knows information about all processes which should be notified. Partitioning of the single assignment store, where processes communicate to the local process. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 26 / 37
  27. Design considerations mnesia Problems during network partitions. [8] Allows independent

    progress with no way to reconcile changes. Replication not scalable enough or provide fine-grained enough control. riak _ core Minimizes reshuffling of data through consistent hashing and hash-space partitioning. Facilities for causality tracking. [11] Anti-entropy and hinted handoff. Dynamic membership. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 27 / 37
  28. Riak Core DHT with fixed partition size/count. Partitions claimed on

    membership change. Replication over ring-adjacent partitions. (preference lists) Sloppy quorums (fallback replicas) for added durability. Figure : Ring with 32 partitions and 3 nodes Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 28 / 37
  29. Implementation on riak _ core Partition the single-assignment store across

    the cluster. Writes are performed against a strict quorum of the replica set. As variables become bound: Notify all waiting processes using a strict quorum. In the event of node failures, anti-entropy mechanism is used to update replicas which missed the update during handoff. Under network partitions, we do not make progress. In the event of a failure, we can restart the computation at any point. Redundant re-computation doesn’t cause problems. Dynamic membership. Transfer the portion of the single-assignment store held locally to the target replica. Duplicate notifications are not problematic. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 29 / 37
  30. Concurrent map example Concurrent map example concurrent_map(S1, M, F, S2)

    -> case derflow:consume(S1) of {nil, _} -> derflow:bind(S2, nil); {Value, Next} -> {id, NextOutput} = derflow:extend(S2), spawn(derflow, bind, [S2, M, F, Value]), concurrent_map(Next, F, NextOutput) end. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 30 / 37
  31. Caveats with non-determinism Given the following processes: = { x1

    , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 } Process p0 binds x1 Process p1 reads x1 and binds x2. Process p2 reads x2, does some non-deterministic operation. Using is_det on x6, which may or may not be bound based on scheduling. Process p3 reads x3 and binds x4. Process p4 reads x4 and binds x5. Possible failures: If execution fails in p0 or p1, we can restart. If execution fails in p3 or p4, we can restart p3 and p4, and continue on without worrying about non-determinism. If execution fails in p2, what do we do? Local vs. global side-effects? Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 31 / 37
  32. Future work Generalize variables to join semi-lattices. Currently a semi-lattice

    with two states: bound and unbound. Use the diverse set of CRDTs available in Erlang. [4] Provide eventually consistent computations, which deterministic values regardless of the execution model. Provide an analysis tool to determine where you are introducing non-determinism. Similar to the Deadalus work. [2] Possible use for Dialyzer here? Explore alternative syntax. Parse transformation. Some other type of grammar. Make the library a bit more idiomatic. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 32 / 37
  33. References I Akka: Building powerful concurrent and distributed applications more

    easily, 2014. P. Alvaro, W. Marczak, N. Conway, J. M. Hellerstein, D. Maier, and R. C. Sears. Dedalus: Datalog in time and space. Technical Report UCB/EECS-2009-173, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Dec 2009. Basho Technologies Inc. Riak core source code repository. http://github.com/basho/riak_core . Basho Technologies Inc. Riak dt source code repository. http://github.com/basho/riak_dt . Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 33 / 37
  34. References II N. Conway, W. Marczak, P. Alvaro, J. M.

    Hellerstein, and D. Maier. Logic and lattices for distributed programming. Technical Report UCB/EECS-2012-167, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Jun 2012. S. Doeraene and P. Van Roy. A new concurrency model for scala based on a declarative dataflow core. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scala, SCALA ’13, pages 4:1–4:10, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM. K. Gilles. The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming. In In Information Processing’74: Proceedings of the IFIP Congress, volume 74, pages 471–475, 1974. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 34 / 37
  35. References III Joel Reymont. [erlang-questions] is there an elephant in

    the room? mnesia network partition. http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2008-November/ 039537.html . G. Kahn and D. MacQueen. Coroutines and networks of parallel processes. In Proc. of the IFIP Congress, volume 77, pages 994–998, 1977. L. Kuper and R. R. Newton. Lvars: Lattice-based data structures for deterministic parallelism. In Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-performance Computing, FHPC ’13, pages 71–84, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 35 / 37
  36. References IV N. M. Preguiça, C. Baquero, P. S. Almeida,

    V. Fonte, and R. Gonçalves. Dotted version vectors: Logical clocks for optimistic replication. CoRR, abs/1011.5808, 2010. M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, and M. Zawirski. Conflict-free replicated data types. In X. Défago, F. Petit, and V. Villain, editors, Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, volume 6976 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 386–400. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. H. Svensson and L.-A. Fredlund. Programming distributed erlang applications: Pitfalls and recipes. In Proceedings of the 2007 SIGPLAN Workshop on ERLANG Workshop, ERLANG ’07, pages 37–42, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 36 / 37
  37. References V P. Van Roy and S. Haridi. Concepts, techniques,

    and models of computer programming. MIT press, 2004. D. Wyatt. Akka concurrency: Building reliable software in a multi-core world. Artima, 2013. Bravo et al (Louvain; Basho) Distributed deterministic dataflow EUC ’14 37 / 37