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Sensitive Texter Storyboard

Sensitive Texter Storyboard

A story about a villian texting his enemy, wondering if he will respond (This is my portion of the boards I've done for my team in the Creator Jam 2024)

Caroline Tagulao

April 13, 2024

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  1. Scene 3 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Maurice: Sir Sensitive Texter Page 5/73
  2. Scene 3 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Maurice: the target is located Sensitive Texter Page 6/73
  3. Scene 4 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Excellent Sensitive Texter Page 7/73
  4. Scene 4 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Time to send a little message to Mr. Blonde. Sensitive Texter Page 8/73
  5. Scene 4 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Maurice, initiate text! Sensitive Texter Page 9/73
  6. Scene 7 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Maurice: Texting program initiated Sensitive Texter Page 15/73
  7. Scene 8 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Text: "Greetings, Mr. Blonde. Hardogo's back. Ba-boom" Hardogo: Za, Zi, Send Text Sensitive Texter Page 16/73
  8. Scene 12 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Why hasn't he responded yet? Sensitive Texter Page 23/73
  9. Scene 1 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Maurice: You just sent it 2 seconds ago Sensitive Texter Page 25/73
  10. Scene 3 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Maurice: I mean, maybe his phone is off, sir. Sensitive Texter Page 27/73
  11. Scene 4 Duration 13:00 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: It says it was delivered Sensitive Texter Page 28/73
  12. Scene 4 Duration 13:00 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: "Greetings, Mr. Blonde. Hardogo's back. Ba-boom." Hmmm... Sensitive Texter Page 29/73
  13. Scene 4 Duration 13:00 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Sensitive Texter Page 31/73
  14. Scene 4 Duration 13:00 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Hardogo: New text! "I've escaped the penitentiary and am in charge of the Russian terrorist group F47. Again!" Send! Sensitive Texter Page 32/73
  15. Scene 8 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Maurice: Maybe he's fighting someone or he's sleeping Sensitive Texter Page 39/73
  16. Scene 9 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Hardogo: At 4pm on a Tuesday? What is he, in a band? Sensitive Texter Page 40/73
  17. Scene 9 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Check his insta! Sensitive Texter Page 41/73
  18. Scene 3 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 05:00

    Dialog Profile: "HARDOGO - PROGRAMMER/TERRORIST/GAMER Likes fun in the sun Sensitive Texter Page 51/73
  19. Scene 4 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: What was Blonde's last post? Sensitive Texter Page 52/73
  20. Scene 5 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Hardogo: "I always bet on..." Posted 3 minutes ago! I sent my first text 4 minutes ago! Sensitive Texter Page 54/73
  21. Scene 5_B Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Maurice: Maybe he's typing and thinking of something clever to say Sensitive Texter Page 56/73
  22. Scene 5_C Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: I'd see it in the dot thingies! Sensitive Texter Page 57/73
  23. Scene 5_D Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Hardogo: I thought I was his nemesis. He told me so Sensitive Texter Page 58/73
  24. Scene 5_E Duration 09:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Oh my god, do you think he got a new nemesis? Sensitive Texter Page 59/73
  25. Scene 5_E Duration 09:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Oh my god! Sensitive Texter Page 60/73
  26. Scene 5_E Duration 09:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: WHY?! Sensitive Texter Page 61/73
  27. Scene 5_F Duration 08:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Maurice: Sir, people don't go from 'you're my nemesis' to you're not in a week Sensitive Texter Page 62/73
  28. Scene 5_F Duration 08:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 04:00

    Dialog Maurice: If he never said anything to the contrary, you're still his nemesis Sensitive Texter Page 63/73
  29. Scene 5_G Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Initiate another text Sensitive Texter Page 64/73
  30. Scene 5_H Duration 06:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Maurice: Sir, you already sent two messages Sensitive Texter Page 65/73
  31. Scene 5_H Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Maurice: Let it sit. Don't write him another message until he replies Sensitive Texter Page 66/73
  32. Scene 5_I Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Wait, I know. Sensitive Texter Page 67/73
  33. Scene 5_I Duration 04:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: I'll shoot him an emoji! Sensitive Texter Page 68/73
  34. Scene 5_J Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 02:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Launch code 82! Sensitive Texter Page 69/73
  35. Scene 5_L Duration 06:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Zi: Radiation at 40. Radiation at 100 Sensitive Texter Page 71/73
  36. Scene 5_L Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Za: Radio beam synchronized Sensitive Texter Page 72/73
  37. Scene 5_M Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 03:00

    Dialog Hardogo: Press the emoji key. Sensitive Texter Page 73/73