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How brands can E-E-A-T better in 2024

How brands can E-E-A-T better in 2024

In order for our Organic strategy to thrive in 2024, we need to identify what exactly Google is looking for after its string of Core algorithm updates that were implemented during the second half of the year.

Between our Head of Organic, Carmen Dominguez, and Digital PR Lead, Tom Bestwick, they’ll provide an overview of the Organic landscape, what SEO strategies need to be implemented, but also how Digital PR should feed into that in order to grow brand authority and awareness at a crucial point in Google’s focus on E-E-A-T.

And, yes, they’ll answer where AI content fits into the equation.

Carmen Dominguez

December 11, 2023

More Decks by Carmen Dominguez

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. E-E-A-T is part of Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines 1.

    Google Quality Raters are Google’s workers who manually check content ranking 2. E-E-A-T is not a ranking factor, it informs them 3. E-E-A-T can’t be measured 4. Algorithm updates are ALWAYS linked to E-E-A-T (helpful content, product review update…)
  2. E-E-A-T matter most for YMYL pages 5 Google splits topic

    types into two categories, YMYL and non-YMYL. E-E-A-T’s importance will vary depending on the level of YMYL a site is
  3. What can be considered YMYL site? • Finance. Sites that

    offer financial advice (like fintech companies) • Shopping. sites providing information about shopping research • News and public information. Misinformation about politics, current events, etc • Medical and safety. Sites that offer guidance regarding physical and mental health (that includes fitness sites) • Government and law. If a page informs readers about the law, local politics, voting, and the like, it must provide up-to-date and accurate information. • Associations. Pages making claims about people based on qualities such as ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, age, disability, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, or veteran status get closely monitored to protect users. 6
  4. Experience Quality content often demonstrates the creator’s first-hand experience with

    the subject matter. This helps prove that suggestions are tried and tested. And that insights are authentic. The author talks about their personal experiences and opinions. And provides unique product photos to prove they’ve played the game. Written in first person and providing examples of your past experience helps. 9
  5. Expertise 1. Set up a bio for you or your

    client where your expertise can be constantly shown 2. Refer to that expertise when writing the content 3. Link to potential case studies, awards, certification, studies your client might have about the topic while writing 4. Write unique content that is not there already 10
  6. Authority 1. Engage in forums about the topic 2. Showcase

    in social media your expertise and authority 3. Get coverage from authoritative pages that are important in the industry/niche by giving commentary 4. Do guest posts or get authoritative people in the field to write content in your blog too 11
  7. Trustworthiness 1. Be transparent with your content - do not

    copy and paste content from other sources and if you do 2. Rephrase the content and cite the origin of it 3. Research your topic, explain the process followed, write content that is new 4. Source other’s experts content, or opinion too 5. Be helpful & empathetic - do not try to sell your product or brand, try to help the user 12
  8. 62% of shoppers search for a brand online they are

    not familiar with before committing to a purchase Online reputation was highlighted as the number one way to improve trust with customers According to Trustpilot
  9. Digital PR is the act of creating external credibility, using

    a brand’s expertise and experience to create trustworthy PR stories that position brands as voices of authority within their sector
  10. Let’s break this down further Expertise Interviews, guest posts, thought

    leadership articles and more across relevant websites and titles Authority Brand mentions and backlinks from respected media titles is an extremely effective tool for building your brand and website authority Trust Links from reputable third party sources acts as a clear signpost to Google that your website is trustworthy. Experience Your catalogue of onsite and offsite content that showcases your content creators’ first-hand experience in the sector. Reviews are also this. 18
  11. Here are three ways how… Business updates Share company, product,

    service, employee, and social good news to your local titles and industry niche publications Industry or topic thoughts What are the challenges facing your industry and what solutions can you provide? Reactive insights The news is a 24/7 rolling cycle and journalists always need an expert to add weight to their story 25
  12. 4 But let’s talk about how you can become more

    efficient by creating collaborative SEO & Digital PR strategies… all in the name of E-E-A-T
  13. There are three phases we need to go through Audit

    and research Strategy collaboration Content gathering 28
  14. Solid content strategies begin the same way - with an

    audit, research, and data: ❏ Audit of current content on-site (landing pages and all) ❏ Updated keyword research ❏ Link and Competitor Gap analysis ❏ Identify internal and external experts ❏ Content roadmapping ❏ Search and trends analysis ❏ Social ❏ Answer The Public 29 Discover the opportunities
  15. Planning for the future + recommendations E-E-A-T is here to

    stay so make sure: 1. Your content is unique and fresh 2. You have experts writing for you 3. You share the content in social media 4. You follow the trends 5. You analyse and look after reviews 33