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Feature Flags: The Key to Iterative Development...

Feature Flags: The Key to Iterative Development in Frontends

Have you ever wondered how big web apps roll out new features smoothly and seamlessly? The answer lies in Feature Flags, or "activation keys". In this talk, we'll explore how Feature Flags can help you evolve the way you develop new features!

Danilo Assis

May 10, 2024

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  1. Overview • What are feature flags? • Problems • How

    to solve? • Backend and frontend example • Backend and frontend example with materialization • How Woovi solved it • Woovi backend example • Hook Frontend Woovi Example • Woovi Frontend Component Example • References
  2. What are feature flags Feature Flags - In a simple

    way: it is a bunch of "IF" - Smart and resilient solutions - Functionality control - Deployment flexibility - Release management - Risk Reduction - Experimentation and Personalization
  3. Problems - Risky Deployments - Difficulty in Testing New Features

    - Late User Feedback - Difficulty in Carrying Out Tests - Difficulty in Performing Functional Rollback - Code Conflicts - Increased Risks Feature Flags
  4. Como resolver Feature Flags - String array - Materialize in

    the tenant of your application or the required feature - Hooks - Helpers - How Woovi solves with Rest/GraphQL/Relay