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Full AWS Serverless

September 12, 2017

Full AWS Serverless


How an entirely serverless architecture can be achieved using a collection of AWS services, show a case study of an application using S3, Cognito, Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, SES, IAM and other AWS services working together. Share decisions were made to build a scalable platform with the ability to add features within days.


September 12, 2017

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  10. .co.il www. app.post('/', sqsHandler); app.post('/cron', cronHandler); export async function sqsHandler(req,

    res) { const queueName = req.get('X-Aws-Sqsd-Queue'); try { switch (queueName) { case process.env.AGGREGATOR_QUEUE_NAME: await new Aggregator(req.body).start(); break; case process.env.CLOUD_TRAIL_INGEST_QUEUE_NAME: await new CloudTrailIngest(req.body).start(); break; default: throw new Error(`no worker found with X-Aws-Sqsd-Queue: ${queueName}`); } } catch (error) { log.error(error); res.status(500).send({}); } res.status(200).send({}); }
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    const queueUrl = process.env.AGGREGATOR_QUEUE_URL; const message = await sqsCheck(queueUrl); await new Aggregator(message).start(); await sqsDeleteMessage(queueUrl, message); } } export async function handler(event, context, callback) { try { await Handler.start(); callback(); } catch (error) { callback(error); } }
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