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Battle of the Circuit Breakers: Resilience4J vs...

Battle of the Circuit Breakers: Resilience4J vs Istio - Nicolas Fränkel

When are we done as a team? When it's developed and unit tested? When it's ready for release? Or when the desired impact is achieved? And last but least, when will we be done with the DevOps transformation? This is a story about DevOps journeys, knowing where you are and continuous improvement.

DevOpsDays Zurich

May 15, 2019

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  1. @nicolas_frankel Me, myself and I • Developer Advocate ◦ Developer

    until ~6 months ago • DevOps and Cloud curious
  2. @nicolas_frankel Agenda • Some introduction • The problem • The

    circuit-breaker pattern • Istio implementation • Hystrix implementation • Demo
  3. @nicolas_frankel µservice: a tentative definition • Componentization via Services •

    Smart endpoints and dumb pipes • Decentralized Governance • Decentralized Data Management • Infrastructure Automation • Design for failure • Evolutionary Design • Organized around Business Capabilities • Products not Projects https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
  4. @nicolas_frankel µservice: a tentative definition • Componentization via Services •

    Smart endpoints and dumb pipes • Decentralized Governance • Decentralized Data Management • Infrastructure Automation • Design for failure • Evolutionary Design • Organized around Business Capabilities • Products not Projects https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
  5. @nicolas_frankel Word of warning • Microservices are an organizational solution

    to an organizational problem • They are ill-adapted to most orgs https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MicroservicePrerequisites.html
  6. @nicolas_frankel Conway’s Law "organizations which design systems ... are constrained

    to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations."
  7. @nicolas_frankel Rant of the day “I see you have a

    poorly structured monolith. Would you like me to convert it into a poorly structured set of microservices?” https://twitter.com/architectclippy/status/570025079825764352
  8. @nicolas_frankel • “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”

    • Apply that to webservices architecture Reminder: Murphys’s law
  9. @nicolas_frankel • The network is reliable • Latency is zero

    • Bandwidth is infinite • The network is secure • Topology doesn't change • There is one administrator • Transport cost is zero • The network is homogeneous Reminder: Fallacies of distributed computing https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/
  10. @nicolas_frankel • The network is reliable • Latency is zero

    • Bandwidth is infinite • The network is secure • Topology doesn't change • There is one administrator • Transport cost is zero • The network is homogeneous Reminder: Fallacies of distributed computing https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/
  11. @nicolas_frankel Enter the Circuit Breaker pattern “A service client should

    invoke a remote service via a proxy that functions in a similar fashion to an electrical circuit breaker.” https://microservices.io/patterns/reliability/circuit-breaker.html
  12. @nicolas_frankel Configuration options • Number of failed calls • Elapsed

    time strategy: ◦ Fixed ◦ Doubling ◦ Something else • Number of successful calls
  13. @nicolas_frankel Use-case: e-commerce webshop 1. Recommendation webservice ◦ “People also

    bought xyz” 2. Pricing webservice 3. Payment webservice 4. Logging webservice
  14. @nicolas_frankel Recommendation • Synchronous req/response • Optional • Fallback options

    ◦ Display no recommendations ◦ Static recommendations set
  15. @nicolas_frankel Pricing • Synchronous req/response • Required ◦ But better

    sell at a slightly outdated price! • Fallback options ◦ Accept outdated data from another source ◦ In-memory cache
  16. @nicolas_frankel Available strategies Strategy Implementations Fits Black Box • Proxies

    • Service meshes Fail fast White Box Libraries • Hystrix • Resilience4J Fallbacks relying on business logic
  17. @nicolas_frankel Service mesh “A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure

    layer for a microservices application. It makes communication between service instances flexible, reliable, and fast. The mesh provides service discovery, load balancing, encryption, authentication and authorization, support for the circuit breaker pattern, and other capabilities.” https://www.nginx.com/blog/what-is-a-service-mesh/
  18. @nicolas_frankel Istio • Open Source service mesh • Leverages Kubernetes

    • Implements the sidecar pattern • Uses the Envoy proxy under the hood
  19. @nicolas_frankel Circuit-breaker configuration in Istio apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: DestinationRule metadata:

    name: foo spec: host: foo trafficPolicy: outlierDetection: consecutiveErrors: 3 interval: 10s baseEjectionTime: 1m maxEjectionPercent: 80 Number of consecutive errors that open the circuit breaker Interval between two checks Duration of opening Percentage of evicted instances
  20. @nicolas_frankel Hystrix “Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library

    designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.”
  21. @nicolas_frankel Hystrix • Provided by Netflix • Currently in maintenance

    mode ⚠ • Superseded by Resilience4J ◦ But not equivalent
  22. @nicolas_frankel Hystrix features • Wraps calls into “commands” • Run

    commands asynchronously from a thread pool • Measure success/failures • Circuit-breaker implementation • Fallback logic
  23. @nicolas_frankel Spring Cloud Netflix • Easy Hystrix integration • Also:

    ◦ Service discovery: Eureka ◦ Declarative REST client: Feign ◦ Client-side LB: Ribbon ◦ etc.