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The Phoenix Project - A DevOps business simulat...

The Phoenix Project - A DevOps business simulation - Jochen Reinholdt

Audiences interested in learning about the „Three Ways" and the application of the C.A.L.M.S principles to the way they work together can explore basic DevOps concepts in the business simulation „The Phoenix Project“ created by GamingWorks BV. It is loosely based on the story of the eponymous novel by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr an George Spafford. Like the characters in the book, participants work together to meet a big, hairy and audacious goal: Successfully finish the troubled „Phoenix Project“ and turn around the bad financial situation of the fictional company „Parts Unlimited“ within only 90 days.

Simulation participants assume different business and IT roles and are given assignments of increasing complexity. They have to identify and solve problems which are realistic and reflect typical problems that exist in our real work. So, while the topics adressed are absolutely serious and solving the assignments in a limited timeframe is demanding, one main goal is to have a lot of fun together while exploring important DevOps concepts in a safe and relaxed environment. These include: Understanding of the value stream, the value of visualization, improvement of the flow, feedback and continuous learning and experimentation.

DevOpsDays Zurich

May 15, 2019

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  1. sy:de consulting The Phoenix Project A DevOps Business Simulation DevOps

    Meetup Zürich, May 15th 2019 Jochen Reinholdt [email protected] www.syde-consulting.ch
  2. sy:de consulting Agenda 15:00 Introduction: Objectives, Materials and Rules 00:30

    15:30 Prepare Round 1 00:15 15:45 Plan Round 1 00:10 15:55 Do Round 1 00:05 16:00 Break/Score 00:15 16:15 Retrospective R1 00:15 16:30 Prepare Round 2 00:10 16:40 Plan Round 2 00:10 16:50 Do Round 2 00:10 17:00 Score Round 2 00:10 17:10 Retrospective Round 2 00:20 17:30 End
  3. sy:de consulting A book and a game • Loosely based

    on the novel „The Phoenix Project“ by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford • Adapted by GamingWorks BV to a business simulation (or „serious game“) wit the same name • The simulation is sold and conducted via a network of certified partners like sy:de consulting GmbH
  4. sy:de consulting Goals • Introduce many important ideas around DevOps

    to audiences who are either: • New to DevOps • Already familiar with the concepts, but struggling with implementation • Looking for places to start their own DevOps journey • Provide a „safe“ environment to experiment with cultural and organizational changes as well as supporting methods and tools • Not your conventional training - Learning must be fun!
  5. sy:de consulting The Challenge • The company „Parts Unlimited“ is

    in financial doldrums • To achieve a turnaround, the troubled „Phoenix Project“ must be finished in a short timeframe • You, the team must sucessfully complete a number of business and IT projects in 2 simulation rounds (2:30 hours) A full simulation run takes a whole day Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission
  6. sy:de consulting IT and Business Metrics Translate to Business Value:

    Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission
  7. sy:de consulting Materials and Rules A quick overview of the

    game materials and rules Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission
  8. sy:de consulting Tasks and WIP Limits Points indicated for tasks

    must fit into WIP limit for the role Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission You have to find the right tasks for each project
  9. sy:de consulting More Events … • … may be introduced

    at any time during both „PLAN“ and „DO“ phases: • New feature requests • Issues that must be solved immediately (otherwise a penalty results) • Emails • Ad-hoc meetings demanded by the CEO Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission
  10. sy:de consulting Round Structure Team: Understands objectives, finds tasks Decides

    on approach and Tools (and on any improvements after round 1) Prepare PLAN DO Score Retro Team: Prioritizes and selects Tasks calculates Workload vs. WIP Limits Game Leader: Introduce additional Events Team: Execute Plan Game Leader: Introduce additional Events Team: Takes break Game Leader: Scores and shows Results Team + Game Leader: Reflect on what has happened, what was achieved (or not), identify hardships, blocks. Propose improvements Each simulation round has the following phases
  11. sy:de consulting The Tasks in PLAN and DO Phases PLAN

    DO Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission
  12. sy:de consulting Sucessful/Unsuccessful Deployment APP + Change A IT Actions

    + Config Items S B Business Prep Successful Deployment, score A Not done Not done Unsuccessful Deployment, no score A S Not done A B Cases 1-4: 1. All Tasks are completed, System Configuration up to spec, Business Preparation done 2. Only Application is built, no score, but no need to build it again in the next round 3. App. + Change + IT Actions + Config Tasks done. Business Prep missing. No score, Business Prep. Task must be re-planned for next round. 4. IT Actions + Config Tasks are missing. No score, Business Prep is wasted, must be re-planned For ISSUES, all Items will be scores, missing items lead to penalties and extra work in next round. Illustrations: ©GamingWorks BV, used by permission Unsuccessful Deployment, no score Unsuccessful Deployment, no score Not done
  13. sy:de consulting Agenda 15:00 Introduction: Objectives, Materials and Rules 00:30

    15:30 Prepare Round 1 00:15 15:45 Plan Round 1 00:10 15:55 Do Round 1 00:05 16:00 Break/Score 00:15 16:15 Retrospective Round 1 00:15 16:30 Prepare Round 2 00:10 16:40 Plan Round 2 00:10 16:50 Do Round 2 00:10 17:00 Score Round 2 00:10 17:10 Retrospective Round 2 00:20 17:30 End
  14. sy:de consulting Agenda 15:00 Introduction: Objectives, Materials and Rules 00:30

    15:30 Prepare Round 1 00:15 15:45 Plan Round 1 00:10 15:55 Do Round 1 00:05 16:00 Break/Score 00:15 16:15 Retrospective Round 1 00:15 16:30 Prepare Round 2 00:10 16:40 Plan Round 2 00:10 16:50 Do Round 2 00:10 17:00 Score Round 2 00:10 17:10 Retrospective Round 2 00:20 17:30 End
  15. sy:de consulting Agenda 15:00 Introduction: Objectives, Materials and Rules 00:30

    15:30 Prepare Round 1 00:15 15:45 Plan Round 1 00:10 15:55 Do Round 1 00:05 16:00 Break/Score 00:15 16:15 Retrospective Round 1 00:15 16:30 Prepare Round 2 00:10 16:40 Plan Round 2 00:10 16:50 Do Round 2 00:10 17:00 Score Round 2 00:10 17:10 Retrospective Round 2 00:20 17:30 End
  16. sy:de consulting Retrospective Round 1 Your Observations? Potential Improvements? •

    Was it clear on which projects you the team should work? • Who was the OWNER of any given project? • Did you have a clear picture of the VALUE STREAM? • How good was the FLOW of work from left to right? • Did you encounter CONSTRAINTS? • Was it VISIBLE to you what other people are working on? Illustrations from: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Jon Willis, Patrick Debois
  17. sy:de consulting Agenda 15:00 Introduction: Objectives, Materials and Rules 00:30

    15:30 Prepare Round 1 00:15 15:45 Plan Round 1 00:10 15:55 Do Round 1 00:05 16:00 Break/Score 00:15 16:15 Retrospective R1 00:15 16:30 Prepare Round 2 00:10 16:40 Plan Round 2 00:10 16:50 Do Round 2 00:10 17:00 Score Round 2 00:10 17:10 Retrospective Round 2 00:20 17:30 End
  18. sy:de consulting Retrospective after Round 2 Your Observations? Potential Improvements?

    • How was the FLOW (again)? • Did you benefit from VISUALIZATION? • Did you establish FEEBACK LOOPS ? Have you used testing early in the value stream? -> Push quality upstream, • Was there clear PRODUCT OWNERSHIP (again) • How good was the general Communication and Collaboration? • Could you benefit from having MULTIFUNCTIONAL TEAMS? Illustrations from: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Jon Willis, Patrick Debois
  19. sy:de consulting Beyond Round 2 Some More DevOps Concepts •

    More Feedback Loops Customer -> Team • Benefits From Investing in Automation • Continuous Learning and Experimentation Illustrations from: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Jon Willis, Patrick Debois
  20. sy:de consulting Example One Day Agenda Duration (Minutes) Introduction 20

    Explanation of the game materials and rules 30 Round 1 (Prepare, PLAN + DO) 35 Scoring and Break 15 Round 1 Retrospective 30 Round 2 (Prepare, PLAN + DO) 45 Scoring and (Lunch) Break 60 Round 2 Retrospective 30 Round 3 (Prepare, PLAN + DO) 45 Scoring and Break 15 Round 3 Retrospective 30 Round 4 (Prepare, PLAN + DO) 35 Scoring, final Retrospective and lessons learned 60
  21. sy:de consulting Part 1: Formal DevOps Introduction Motivation ("The Chronic

    Conflict") 20 Learning from other industries: Lean, Kanban 40 Agile Software Development, CI, CD 40 Break 15 DevOps Basic Ideas 20 The Three Ways 10 Improve Flow 20 Amplify Feeback 20 Continual Experimentation and Learning 20 Part 2: Simulation Round 1 + 2 Explanation of the game materials and rules 40 Round 1 40 Scoring and Break 15 Round 1 Retrospective 40 Round 2 Preparation 20 Round 2 PLAN + DO 40 Scoring and Break 15 Round 2 Retrospective 40 Example 2-Day Agenda Day 1
  22. sy:de consulting Example 2-Day Agenda Day 2 Part 3: Simulation

    Round 3 + 4 Round 3 Preparation 20 Round 3 PLAN + DO 40 Scoring and Break 15 Round 3 Retrospective 40 Round 4 Preparation 15 Round 4 PLAN + DO 30 Scoring, Retrospective of Round 4 60 Part 4: Find Opportunities in Your Own Organization* Small Group Work 60 Presenting Opportunities 60 Break 15 Discussion, Priorization 60 Appoint tasks for Follow-Up* 60 *In Part 4, opportunities for implementing DevOps Practices in the organization are identified, discussed and priorizized. Participants continue to work on appointed tasks and meet again (with or without facilitator) after 10-14 days to present plans for implementation
  23. sy:de consulting Aspects adressed C A L M S Culture

    Automation Lean Measurement Sharing … a little bit …