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Let your designer tweak and deploy your app to ...

Let your designer tweak and deploy your app to his/hers heart content! 16x9

Building apps is fun, but tweaking the UI can be cumbersome. Designers love to tweak but wouldn't it be nice if they could make changes to the UI and distribute a version of the app for testing? With hosted SCM, build and distribution tools like Github, Carthage/Cocoapods, Fastlane, Crashlytics and hosted Continuous integration server Bitrise it is now possible to let them design and tweak to their hearts content. In this talk I'll explain how to setup fully automated continuous delivery for your app and how not-so-technical people can make changes and deliver the app to Crashlytics, Appetize.io, Testflight and even the Appstore.

By Robert van Loghem Original slides: http://www.slideshare.net/RobertVanLoghem/letting-your-designer-tweak-your-ios-app

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do{iOS} conference

November 09, 2015

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