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Building Web APIs with Hapi.js and MongoDB (Mon...

Building Web APIs with Hapi.js and MongoDB (Mongoose)

Donn Felker

April 02, 2014

More Decks by Donn Felker

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for

    easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. -nodejs.org
  2. var  Hapi  =  require('hapi'); var  server  =  new  Hapi.Server('localhost',  8000);

    var  handler  =  function(request,  reply)  {   reply({  message:  "Hello  from  Hapi.js!"}); };
  3. var  Hapi  =  require('hapi'); var  server  =  new  Hapi.Server('localhost',  8000);

    var  handler  =  function(request,  reply)  {   reply({  name:  "Ian"}); }; server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   handler:  handler });
  4. var  Hapi  =  require('hapi'); var  server  =  new  Hapi.Server('localhost',  8000);

    var  handler  =  function(request,  reply)  {   reply({  name:  "Ian"}); }; server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   handler:  handler }); server.start(function  ()  {        console.log('Server  started  at:  '  +  server.info.uri); });
  5. var  Hapi  =  require('hapi'); var  server  =  new  Hapi.Server('localhost',  8000);

    var  handler  =  function(request,  reply)  {   reply({  name:  "Ian"}); }; server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   handler:  handler }); server.start(function  ()  {        console.log('Server  started  at:  '  +  server.info.uri); });
  6. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,     cache:  {       expiresIn:  5  *  60  *  1000,     }   } });
  7. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,     cache:  {       expiresIn:  5  *  60  *  1000, staleIn:  4  *  60  *  1000, staleTimeout:  200     }   } });
  8. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,  validate:  {      query:  {          id:  Joi.number()  }  }   } });
  9. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,  validate:  {      query:  {          id:  Joi.number().min(100).required()  }  }   } });
  10. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,  validate:  {      query:  {          id:  Joi.number().min(100).required(),          username:  Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(20)  }  }   } });
  11. server.route({   method:  'GET',   path:  '/user',   config:  {

        handler:  rootHandler,  validate:  {      query:  {          id:  Joi.number().min(100).required().xor(‘username’),          username:  Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(20)  }  }   } });
  12. records are stored known as ‘documents’ and resemble json {

      "source"  :  "",   "action"  :  "testAction",   "category"  :  "testCategory",   "_id"  :  ObjectId("532deb3d1d4b597d8bfbd270"),   "dateCreated"  :  ISODate("2014-­‐03-­‐22T19:57:49.062Z"), }
  13. var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var db = mongoose.createConnection('localhost', 'felkerlytics'); var

    schema = mongoose.Schema({ action: 'string', category: 'string' }); // ... etc var AnalyticEvent = db.model('analytic_event', schema); var analyticEvent = new AnalyticEvent({ action: 'linkClick' }); analyticEvent.save(function (err) { if (err) // ... reply(Boom.wrap(err)); }); mongoose mongoosejs.com
  14. the analytic event model var  Mongoose      =  require('mongoose');

    var  Schema          =  Mongoose.Schema; //  The  data  schema  for  an  event  that  we're  tracking  in  our  analytics  engine var  analyticEventSchema  =  new  Schema({    category            :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    action                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    label                  :  {  type:  String,  trim:  true  },    source                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,trim:  true    },              dateCreated      :  {  type:  Date,      required:  true,  default:  Date.now  } }); var  analyticEvent  =  Mongoose.model('analytic_event',  analyticEventSchema); module.exports  =  {    AnalyticEvent:  analyticEvent }; /models/analyticEvent.js
  15. the analytic event model var  Mongoose      =  require('mongoose');

    var  Schema          =  Mongoose.Schema; //  The  data  schema  for  an  event  that  we're  tracking  in  our  analytics  engine var  analyticEventSchema  =  new  Schema({    category            :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    action                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    label                  :  {  type:  String,  trim:  true  },    source                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,trim:  true    },    dateCreated      :  {  type:  Date,      required:  true,  default:  Date.now  } }); var  analyticEvent  =  Mongoose.model('analytic_event',  analyticEventSchema); module.exports  =  {    AnalyticEvent:  analyticEvent }; /models/analyticEvent.js
  16. the analytic event model var  Mongoose      =  require('mongoose');

    var  Schema          =  Mongoose.Schema; //  The  data  schema  for  an  event  that  we're  tracking  in  our  analytics  engine var  analyticEventSchema  =  new  Schema({    category            :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    action                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    label                  :  {  type:  String,  trim:  true  },    source                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,trim:  true    },                  dateCreated      :  {  type:  Date,      required:  true,  default:  Date.now  } }); var  analyticEvent  =  Mongoose.model('analytic_event',  analyticEventSchema); module.exports  =  {    AnalyticEvent:  analyticEvent }; /models/analyticEvent.js
  17. the analytic event model var  Mongoose      =  require('mongoose');

    var  Schema          =  Mongoose.Schema; //  The  data  schema  for  an  event  that  we're  tracking  in  our  analytics  engine var  analyticEventSchema  =  new  Schema({    category            :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    action                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,  trim:  true  },    label                  :  {  type:  String,  trim:  true  },    source                :  {  type:  String,  required:  true,trim:  true    },\    dateCreated      :  {  type:  Date,      required:  true,  default:  Date.now  } }); var  analyticEvent  =  Mongoose.model('analytic_event',  analyticEventSchema); module.exports  =  {    AnalyticEvent:  analyticEvent }; /models/analyticEvent.js
  18. new hapi project mkdir felkerlytics; cd felkerlytics { "name": "analytics-engine",

    "version": "0.0.1", "description": "An example hapi and mongo db app", "main": "server.js", "dependencies": { "hapi": "3.0.1", "mongoose": "~3.8.7", "boom": "^2.2.2", "lodash": "^2.4.1", "joi": "^2.8.0" } } create a package.json file with these contents create a folder for the app $ npm install install dependencies and install express