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Yoshiyuki Nakano
July 10, 2024


Yoshiyuki Nakano

July 10, 2024


  1. コードを貼り付ける npm i open-graph-scraper 使い方の例 const ogs = require("open-graph-scraper"); const

    options = { url: "http://ogp.me/" }; const data = await ogs(options); const { error, html, result, response } = data; console.log("error:", error); // This returns true or false. True if there was an error. The error itself is inside the result console.log("html:", html); // This contains the HTML of page console.log("result:", result); // This contains all of the Open Graph results console.log("response:", response); // This contains response from the Fetch API 8
  2. Mermaidによる作図 ResourceServer AuthServer ClientApp User ResourceServer AuthServer ClientApp User Request

    access to resource Redirect to authorization endpoint Show login and consent form Submit login and consent Redirect to client with authorization code Exchange authorization code for access token Send access token Request resource with access token Send resource Display resource 9
  3. 11